Posts for SoulCal

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Post subject: MegaMan 4 Topic
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I'm fairly certain there is a way to zip past the entire compactor area without the balloon. I've zipped past at least 1/2 of it with Mega Buster equipped, by having a hard hat hit me while sliding between blocks (or something to that degree.) I've done it a couple of times on Anniversary Collection when I attempted some speedruns.
Post subject: Found a TAS on YouTube
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I found this TAS of MPH when searching for a speedrun on youtube. I've watched it and shows off some impressive tricks. This is a great basis on where to start a TAS. It is using the Spanish ROM of the game though.
Post subject: Pocket BomberMan TAS
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I loved this game when I was younger. When I first saw the submission I thought "oh, I bet it is about 20 minutes." lol. Great glitch abuse and a good TAS. YES vote for me.
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There are cubes with orb things in them that are used to power up your party members. Many of them we can get without sacrificing but a few seconds. We only power up a few party members, like Parakarry, Bombette, and Watt.
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Collecting Whacka-bumps doesn't take hardly any time at all. Buying the upgrades takes most of the time because of a cutscene. We must collect coins on the way to the Oasis, so backtracking should not even be considered. If it is even possible Antoids, then we can use Merlee for all battles. During a test run, I coincidentally was able to use Merlee for 1/2 the battles I was in. It is great to get rid of General Guy's tank in 1 turn, or destroy Huff N' Puff without him attacking but once.
Post subject: The Wizard Merlee
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Merlee's appearance is not as simple as you think. It is not like other RPGs where you can manipulate the AI just by delaying your actions by a few frames or by doing things that seem random to adjust her. There appears to be a static formula for her appearance, but we need to figure out what that is.
Post subject: The Wizard Merlee
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I think the biggest improvement we can make to the any% run from SDA is the use of the wizard Merlee from the Dry Dry Outpost. I did a demo run using her to double my attack power for about 1/2 the boss battles. I was able to pay for her upgrades by collecting Whacka-Bumps (25 coins each) in the mountain area on the way to the Outpost. If we can eliminate at least 1 turn per battle in the run, then sacrificing about 2-2.5 minutes to collect the magic upgrades is a must. However, I am not able to predict when Merlee can appear. If anyone could get into the code of the game and find out what makes her appear, so we can manipulate her to double our attack power in battle, then we got ourselves many 1-turn boss fights. I've done some testing to try and find out what makes her appear, but for the most part it seems random: 1.) Let's say I load a save file, and I enter a battle and on the nth turn she appears. If I turn off the console and restart, by entering any other battle, she will also appear on the nth turn of that battle. So resetting the system does not affect her. 2.) The number of coins, experience, or the game timer (as far as I can tell) does not affect her appearances. I can wait 15 minutes, or collect coins, outside of a battle I know she will appear in, and she will still appear regardless of when I decide to start the fight. 3.) The use of items only delays her appearance. Back to what I was saying in 1.) If I am guaranteed that see will appear on the nth turn of a battle, but instead I use an item that turn, she will appear GUARANTEED the next turn, unless another item is used. What are your thoughts?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Active player (334)
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I am really impressed with the individual star TASes I see here, and on youtube. There are dozens of individual star runs online, and it is rather annoying to see people leave up slower TASes, and having to search for the fastest. An organized list of fastest times per star would be great to have, especially for the TASer who wants to "play" the game. Any have or creating such a list?
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