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Ah. SSBM (very cool game btw) is a good ability, but I think Hammer is the best. Some bosses die with few up-hits. Just use it in air, and you can kill enemies without losing time. I vote for hammer. But of course you should do some tests.
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Oh, I forgot this. Always you enter the 'main' room, you lose Ufo Kirby. I think Sword or Hammer Kirby would be fast. Hammer's Up attack does massive damage. Four GBAs and SPs? That's crazy ;)
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Hey, cool! I wanted to try this too, when I finished my run. I have it on GBA (but no GBA and my GC with the GameboyPlayer doesn't work anymore >.>) and I think I know some ways. But I never tried to aim for speed. The only thing I know you should, is to get Ufo-Kirby (last world). If you do so you should beat the bosses very fast.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
moozooh, code your external links. I love these game mechanics faqs...
LOL, you too? So, I found it too. Here's the formula: At first you have to calculate a temporary damage value, let's call it t. How it's calculated depends on the attack type:
'Normal attack
t = ATT * Q
Q is a damage quotient with the value: -1 if enemy is neutral towards the element -2 if enemy is weak against the element -0.5 if enemy is resistent against the element -1.25 if enemy is weak against Normal element
'Red soul
t = { [ (STR + 60) * P ] + INT * 5 } / 160
'Blue soul
t = [ ( INT * P ) / 16 ] + P
P is the attack power of the soul. Then you have to find out if you are in Hard Mode and/or poisened. If so then:
'If poisened
t = t * (4/5)²
t = t * 16 / 25 'both are equal

'If hard mode
t = t * (4/5)
t = t * 0.8 'both are equal
When you have the temporary value you can finally calculate damage:
[ t - (DEF / 2) ] * [ ( 256 - DEF ) / 256 ]
{ [ ( 2 * t ) - DEF ] / 2 } * [ ( 256 - DEF ) / 256 ]
(both are equal) or if you want to read it easier:
[t - DEF / 2]*( 256 - DEF ) / 256
Ok, I'll create a program which calculates this stuff. Thanks to moozooh!
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dezbeast wrote:
1.0 should work. Do you have version 19 of VBA-rerecording? Also are you making sure that Left+Right / Up+Down is enabled?
As far as I know it's not necessary to put it on.
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A 0% non-assisted run of fusion? I thought the lowest was 1%.
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It just didn't work the second time. Death's sickle had a bad angle or something. Maybe it's not perfect, but I just didn't get Skula earlier. Maybe a bit luck manipulation would save time. I also had a annoying problem due to a zombie in the castle corridors after teleport room which couldn't be avoid with luck manipulation. But I saved about 600 frames in the Death battle. In total it's more than 3200 frames (if you want to know it correctly, I left Death room with Skula 3212 frames earlier). I also saved some MPs because I calculated the battle and knew how often you have to use Great Armor. My only problem is: How can I calculate damage? I know some things, and I tried several formulas but nothing worked correctly.
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Atma wrote:
Yrr wrote:
If this works it can save time especially due to the Julius battle.
For the first part of the battle julius takes 4 hits before going invincible, you'd be doing minimal damage and wasting time if you did it, at least in the first half.
It can also be used due to other fights. For example those Succubus' after the Graham battle. I'll try to make a video of it. Edit: I'm not sure if it works, but it seems you don't hit with your sword if you used black panther already. I found a new dodge technique for Death's attack throw-sickle attack. Instead of ducking you can backdash under it (when I killed him I'll post the vid again).
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I'm not sure but maybe I found a new attack technique (I didn't made any tests) which can be used with the Black Panther soul. Before you make an attack in air use Black Panther for a frame or so to cause some extra damage. In the next frame you can attack. If this works it can save time especially due to the Julius battle. I've made it to Death and I saved more than 2600 frames.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
hey, I don't know if you've checked this page already, but there you'll find this in the "Data Tables" section.
Wtf is this?! in regards to the random number generator and If I check this, it's far more easy to manipulate luck? If so, really THANK you! Btw, getting Mystletain is faster than Partizan, I think now. I tried it, but I don't get the Lightning Doll soul. I have already 35% complete.
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At the Speeddemosarchive there's a vid which completes it in 1:21 ^^ Strat: -Creaking Skull: Black Panther, 2 hits with Claimh Solais, Red Minotaur -Manitcore: Black Panther, 1 hit with Claimh Solais, RedMinotaur -Great Armor: Black Panther, Blocking Mail, Spoiled Milk, Lubicant, Lightning Doll, Red Minotaur -Big Golem: Potion, Lightning Doll, Red Minotaur -Headhunter: ,Rotten Meat, 3x Red Minotaur -Death 1: 1 hit with Claimh Solais, Red Minotaur -Death 2: Sky Fish, Red Minotaur -Legion: Great Armor, Claimh Solais (many hits), Red Minotaur sometimes -Balore: Ascalon, Red Minotaur, Lightning, whatever -Graham: Red Minotaur, Lightning Doll Not very precise, but...
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Thx! You can cancel the lag of the Partizan. So can't you attack almost as fast as the Mystletain? But you're right, especially with this new attack method it's too slow. Where I save and lose time with the Partizan: -Great Armor (1 attack) -Death 1 (3 attacks) -Death 2 (4 attacks) -all Tritons (1 attack) -Flame Demon (5 attacks) -Getting it saves about 3-4 attacks, and it doesn't cost time. -Getting it doesn't influence the normal backdash run. -An attack of it needs 15 frames and has a worse landing position. -An attack of the Mystletain costs 14 frames. -With the new attack method 2 attacks needs less time. Say we it saves 4.5 seconds but it has a worse landing position after each battle. There are maybe 25 battles in which I lose time because of a bad landing position, and it costs everytime 10 frames: that are 250 frames. Now it becomes difficult... I have to make some tests again. Edit: Yes, it seems it's more than a second faster.
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I have hit another enemies three times (creaking skull?) but it's quite hard. I think I don't get this mind up from the Imp because I've tried it hundred of times and it doesn't give me a mind up. I've made some tests with the lightning doll soul and the partizan because I can get it faster than the mystletain and it's more powerful. But it's inefficient against the flame demon. For further compares I created a list with the damage I cause to some important enemies. Maybe it's faster to get a partizan instead of the mystletain? I also try to find out whether getting the lightning doll soul saves time.
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So, i've made it to the floating garden. (Here) Any mistakes? I'm still working on it today.
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But are there different timings because of different bullet souls? For example using a bomb (bomb armor soul) then equip red minotaur, they can hit at same time (if it's possible). Btw, I now have about 1/5 of my run complete. But compared to my previous run getting the minotaur and great armor soul cost much time (but I got them still earlier than Atma).
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It saves time due to the fights with Balore and the FinalGuard, but it costs much time. Let's say getting Longinus costs 7 seconds... and it saves maybe 35% of all attacks and you cannot hit Balore 4 times a second (his eye is to high). 35% of 45 attacks are 30. You need 1 seconds for two attacks. You save 15 attacks. 15 * 0.5s = 7.5s . Ok, let's say, it saves 5 seconds, I'll get it. Edit: I skip the Laevatain, but I have to kill three Red Minotaurs and one Killer Mantle in this room, and the Iron Golem twice (before Hippogryph) to have enough experience. But it's still faster.
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Then, for my run, I think it would save time getting the Final Sword: -a single attack can hit twice (now we all know why ;) -it's one of the most powerful weapons in the game -allows me to sell Laevatain, so I don't have to get a super-potion, and I can buy a Mana Prism, so I havn't to get it in the Chaotic Realm. Your opinion?
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Yes, but there are two of these invincible peroids, one of the weapon, one of the (shooter) soul. Throwing a spear makes the enemie invincible to all souls (or maybe only to spears?) but you can attack with your knife (or whatever you have). Hey, maybe this can be hacked with the memory viewer ;) Making the red minotaur soul hitting 60 times per second would be cool xD Here's my new run. I put my runs in my sig. Then you can always download the newest one.
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You won't believe it, but I tested this technique on creaking skull and it was 7 frames slower! So, I havn't to redo this part.
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I tested it on Manticore and it was faster (about a half second) and made a demonstration. The last place for rotten meat is before the Graham-talk before Chapel, and the latest spoiled milk place is a the evil butcher in the study (second room).
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moozooh wrote:
Yrr wrote:
Here's my new run
Great, you're already more than 16 seconds ahead of Atma, and I couldn't spot any mistakes this time. Keep it up, and you should be about a minute faster in the end.
Thx, but I want to get the Lubicant soul, and to use it i have to use two rotten meats or a spoiled milk. But getting a spoiled milk from a Evil Butcher seems to be VERY hard, so I think a get two rotten meats instead. I also try this new attack method at Manticore. Or I keep this run =)
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Here's my new run, but I think I'll redo some places. Isn't it faster to -jump -attack (air) -attack (ground) -back dash jump -repeat instead of -jump -attack -repeat?
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A Metal Slug Advance run would be cool. I think you also can try Kirby & the Amazing Mirror.
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Zurreco wrote:
1) Why didn't you get the Skeleton Knight Soul? 2) If you're going to kill those werewolves, why aren't you making them drop Black Belts?
1. I didn't know if it will save time, so didn't get it. 2. I never thought of that. For my next run I'll do it. I have prepared a list with changes which could be made. Please give me your opinion whether I should use them.
    in the room after the white dragon I could use the upper way with skeleton knight instead of the way with zombie soldiers and the axe armor.
    I could get the blocking mail of a dead crusader. With enough luck manipulation it can make me invincible.
    defeating the flame demon twice to get the Laevatain.
    defeat cockatrice to gain experience without losing time.
    get the Balmung
Btw, a map with all souls and enmies.
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When I saw pirate's run I saw he used this technique too. Damn. Ok, I'll change the thread's name. Btw, should one thread be closed?
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