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I once programmed a bot for ogame with a friend... was quite funny :) It however didn't work extremely well... lol
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Mario XP is really cool (and hard) but I don't wont to search a download link :P But it is a great game!
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I heard that in that City level you can get the better-running powerup at the beginning.
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Walking is simply pressing and holding Left or Right. Running is B. I could also say dash attack or whatever. At that place I mentioned before you could save 2 frames actually.
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Small hint: you should make better use of sliding (B, next frame Down) to cover short distances, because, unlike simple walking or running, it accelerates immediatly. In the first level of your WIP where turned into ball Wario you entered the door by walking. I didn't test it, but it could be faster by sliding. And you can cancel a slide by pressing A for one frame (you then have a lag of two frames). Your WIP is very good. I tried the first level and was much slower. Has walking the same speed as running?!
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kwinse wrote:
Simplicity is Bliss (or is that the other way around?)
click rofl
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Meh vote, cuz I saw all places thousand times already, and this is not so entertaining. Btw, can't this strange speedglitch be used on the stairs which lead up to the upper part of the castle? Because then we could finish it with 0 stars.
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Man, I loved this already for my gba. It is good that you used many different abilities and the game itself has a variety of different places, so it never gets boring. This is what a TAS should look like! *yes*
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Cutting of 2 seconds is marvellous. Yes vote.
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You just did the same as in your other run, with nearly no changes visible. And sorry, but autofiring through the texts also in the second run is poor. And did taking damage save any time? Doesn't seem so (for me as casual viewer). There are many small places where you could act more precisly. Bad meh-vote.
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klmz wrote:
The problem is, I think, that I'll stick to a fast run no matter if any damages are taken to save time, while you want a fast and damageless one. If we could agree what we both aim for, then just let's start making it. I'll be busy in about two weeks. So we'd better decide what to do now quickly.
Well, I'd have no problems in doing a damage run instead of a non-damage run since there is almost no difference in both.
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Wow, you just owned my movie saving a half of a second. Graz! But I have some criticm: -you're clmbing-up-stairs method is not optimal. Watch my movie to see how it is faster (in the grave keeper's room I myself didn't do it optimal, but see the room after the quezlcoatl) -I think creaking skull can be made faster and more entertaining -in the room with the baselard you can do more moves to make it more entertaining. In my movie I made maybe too many moves, but... Besides that, you did a very good job! I think doing this movie together is the best idea. Two seperated movies are stupid. I'd say that you're movie lacks a little bit of precision, but if we restart it, improve it and use all of our techniques then we could really produce a movie near to optimal.
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Chamale wrote:
Seriously, robbie, stop spamming.
He (and me) is not the only who should stop spamming.
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klmz wrote:
Now I don't need to get Skull Archer Soul since it takes more than 140 frames and then I can go on with the run. Still, there are many problems such as whether to get the "STR+16 Soul" (I forget the name) and/or Longinus(or Ronginus?) and so on.
Get them. Ronginus rocks against Balore.
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Omg, yeah, I love this game! Would be very nice to see a run of it :) I think, you should kill as many enemies as possible (without losing). This would make the movie pretty cool.
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I'm unsure, but wouldn't it be faster if you do three diving kicks (or diving kick, attack, diving kick) against Dracula as diving kicks don't have a lag? If so, this might save a couple of frames. Besides that, yes.
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Lol, I gave the 13th yes-vote ;P You made some really nice glitches and your sequence breaking was excellent. And then you did a really good job in boss fights. This strange glitch which makes the whip hit every (second?) frame was also cool. Good job on luck-manipulating the Floating boots. This run wasn't repetive at all - it was entertaining all the time (ok, the floating up sequence was a bit boring, but not very long). And, yeah some more explaining would be nice. The only thing I have to complain: You just autofired the A-button to slide. I don't know but maybe the autofire presses the button a frame too late, causing a bit delay between the slides. You also kept autofiring after a sequence or so, possibly you waste a frame with that. But I didn't test anything, it is just a thought... Besides that... clear yes.
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Good idea to not make the quad-run. What path do you use? I suggest to make a short movie. You can let Wario sleep in WL 2 to make the 6-level-route and make that glitch in WL 3 to sequence break.
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The WarioLandquadrun is a bad idea because the four games are much too different. I played all of them when I was younger (nice memories come back :). -Wario Land 1 has afaik several power ups similar to the Mario games. The other WL don't have this feature. -In WL 3 Wario doesn't have all abilities. He has to get them. The other WL don't have this feature. -In WL 4 Wario can run. The other WL don't have this feature. -The gameplay in WL 2&3 is very different to the other ones: You're actually invincible and you lose boss fights when you fall down for example. -WL 1 is for GB, WL 2&3 for GBC and WL4 for GBA. The best idea is if you make WL 2&3- Twin-run, they are quite similar. How does this glitch work? The one I found is 30hz-jumping in a level where the camera can smoothly move up and down. Sometimes you can get a screen down with some glitched graphics. is this what you mean? Btw, how is the fastest way to move? I think it is the dash-attack, one frame after it pressing down and then canceling it with a one-frame-jump.
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My highlight: at about frame 180.000 (49:40-50:00). 7 Hit x 50 Yea! Yes vote.
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moozooh wrote:
Apparently, certain souls that cancel Soma's current animation or drive him into [semi-]uncontrollable state (Manticore, for example) can be used to cancel the fall-from-great-height daze. Dragondarch seems to have used that in his NG+ speedrun, just before the first chat with Graham. Zurreco pointed out the lack of the daze so we analyzed the reason and came to this conclusion. More unneeded text here. Also, cocks.
I know this, too, but Manticore just kills too much time, doesn't it? But it can be used in certain rooms to save a hell of time. Lol, has to be tried obviously. Man, the game starts annoying me. With medusa head this lag can also be skipped. Besides that, just equiping flying armor costs more time than a lag.
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Chamale, now know why some submissions are cancelled? Btw, Tombad your sig is awesome :)
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I can't help, also this run was very long and the gameplay always is the same I don't find it repitive or boring. Something which actually surprises me a lot. On the one hand I was happy when the movie was over and thought that it should be shorter, on the other hand I thought that some additional level would be nice. Very strange. It seems to be a good game to tas, at least you tas'ed it well. Yes vote.
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kirbymuncher wrote:
Wavedashing isn't that hard. And can you do a rubik's cube,Yrr?
Yeah, I know, offtopic, but... Not really, but requires some practice. Especially to use it efficiently in fights. I havn't tried it really for some months, but I shouldn't need more than a minute (my record it at about 44 secs.). I can also solve higher cubes (4x4x4, 5x5x5 etc.) but that takes much more time (3-4min, 8-9min).
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It is like this: Every frame (=1/60 sec, so 60 frames=1sec) the game calculates the new state. So you have 60 pictures per seconds. With frame advance the game only goes to the next screen, if you press a button. The advantage of this is, you can press every frame exactly those buttons you need. If you want to do some of the glitches, slowmotion or frame advance is quite helpful, as some moves require frame-exact-timing. I know how this game sucked more time than a tas - especially the homerun contest. And then practicing techniques like wavedash, juggling... >.<
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