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Yeah, frame advance rocks! I can't help, but slow-motion sucks, imo. Btw, MUGG, ebbenfalls SSBM-Freak? :)
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Chamale wrote:
Another note: When rerecording, some people go frame 1, frame 2, frame 3, etc. until they find the frame, say, 7. I go frame 1, frame 10, frame 5, frame 7. It's more efficient in terms of rerecords. Good timesaver.
This is something I also do (particularly if there is a higher range where that frame could be). And how do you come along with your actual run, Chamale?
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MikeRS wrote:
I wouldn't write off a run so fast by that account. The current Super Mario Bros. movie was done in only 7 rerecords, and it doesn't make the movie any worse for that fact.
I didn't say that his movie is bad (it looks quite optimal actually) but it is just that I always need much rerecords. In fact i usually don't look at the rerecord count at all. Well, it mainly depends on the game.
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Phil wrote:
Also, I would like a feature that you write desired frame and it goes there instead of scrolling down to search for it.
I actually wonder why this hasn't been made yet. Btw, post #111 :/
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Difficult to explain. In the first part of the movie there is a gap in which you have to jump. I think you could just jump earlier, so you would fall faster down. I am not sure about this, because jumping is slower than running, so maybe it is not a mistake. Do you understand what I mean?
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Location: Germany, Bayern Game Maker is quite a good and pretty easy program to create games. You can use it free, but some of the functions are only unlocked. To get full acces of all functions you have to register for about 15$.
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I have no idea. Well, I don't tas this game, maybe it is no so complex. But what is important is, that is optimal. Btw, I spotted one mistake I think. Although you have to restart the run, you can just use your other run. I mean you can just frame-by-frame copy several parts of the run, you havn't to redo everything again.
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How do you come along with 5.000 rerecords for 18.000 frames? I expected I bit more... which doesn't mean your movie is bad (I actually havn't watched it so far).
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If the intro is the only thing hacked you havn't to redo everything. You can just copy the input, as long as the game itself hasn't been hacked.
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Bisqwit wrote:
By such and that, you mean what?
A brute force bot. The best would be if it would be included directly in the emulator. You could then wright an own program for a special porpuse and the emulator tries the it with the brute force method.
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Couldn't there be such a tool created? Of course it required lots of programming to produce proper results but I generally think it shouldn't be so hard to create something like that. How many restarts/positions does it check per second (on average)?
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I assume you know that a quantum computer can't be build yet?
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Very good idea. I thought of that myself. My problem is, however, that I only have knowledge about Visual Basic, similar things and AutoIt. What I don't understand, though, how can a such a bot be really used? I mean the time the bot needs grows exponentially with the input length. With 100 positions checked per second and only 4 input combinations per frame needs several hours.
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Hm. Positive. In two weeks I should have more time to redo that. Problem is only that I play Dawn of Sorrow at the moment which is stealing my time :) Btw, Catoblepas-Soul and (and another soul from which I don't know the name) allows one to cancel a backdash. That is, you can move faster than usual just like with medusa head. Important! Our backdash run method isn't optimal. I've found out that it is better to backdash for 11 frames instead of 9 frames like we did before. Besides that, we should only open the menu in backdash. Opening menu costs one frame in which we can't move. Edit: I was wrong; our backdash method IS optimal.
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I usually like such Metroid runs but I really really hate all those talks in the navigation rooms. They are definitly too much and they always slow down the speed.
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Continued today... It took me nearly the whole day to find out the fastest way of killing Graham. I somehow even messed up me savestates and had to redo the fight. Anyway. Before the fight I was about 4400 frames ahead of Atma, afterwards it were almost 6900 frames. So the fight saved about 40 seconds. The Final Sword really is incredibly fast. If I continue like this I should easily save more than 2 minutes at the end...
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Coincidially I happened to have the same idea and did a Boss Rush with Soma. It is slower than I hoped, it is done in 1:19:38. It can be improved in various places. Btw, I didn't use Blocking Mail. Pirate, your Boss Rush was very cool. That sound Julius always makes is really funny imo. I really laughed a lot :) The end time is very impressive... and the end of the of Death2 was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen. Edit: Damn, Claim Solais is better against Legion >.> Edit #2: Here a slightly improved version (all parts after Death redone). The run is now sub 1:19.
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Sorry, but I don't like this movie. It is more or less the same as a "normal" run, except it is so much slower. Nothing is added to the entertainment value compared with the original run. And please. We don't need a walkathon for every Jump'n'Run. Voting no.
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Which strategies would you use? A beat-down deck or something should be fast.
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Man, I really love your all-soul-run. It is AWESOME! Hey, I am about to wright a small FAQ or something like that about AoS-luck manipulation. I learned a lot of things about it, so I think it wouldn't be bad to do so. Faster techniques found!
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Very well, i got Ronginus' and now I am about to fight Balore.
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That would truly be a "cyborg run" =D
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Sry, but you got me wrong, it is not about avoiding the explosion animation but about skipping the time to cross the tube. Know what I mean?
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@kwinse, if you immediatly lay a bomb, you can stop and start running, so that 1 frame before you leave the room the bomb explodes. You will have running speed and you save the time which is needed to travel through the tube. Ok, it's just an idea.
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Thx, it works now!
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