Posts for Zowayix

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If Pokemon Plays Twitch isn't Gruefood Delight, I don't know what is.
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...and Gen III still didn't appear. :( What would be nice to see eventually is an Emerald glitched speedrun with the whole Pomeg glitch -> "throwing Bad Eggs at the Pokemon League to make them forfeit" joke. The audience/chat's reaction to that would be hilarious, and it would bring something unique to a GDQ Pokemon run/event that hasn't been shown before. --- On topic, since this is R/B, are there any plans to submit an actual optimized No Save Corruption category? (The current movie is NSC and no warps.) Or since we have equivalents for Gen II and III already, any plans to submit a No Memory Corruption/"glitchless" category? The current real time record for that is now faster than the ancient TAS record. (While I'm talking, how about a Yellow No Save Corruption category? The route for that is now substantially different.)
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Are there any actual technical blockers that would prevent making the submission movie match what was seen live? (As in actually play back what Twitch chat said, etc.)
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Wow. Looks like with the above, we've finally finally gotten official names for all the 20+ levels that never made it out of Japan:
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Holy crap, just seeing those 38 levels there freely accessible is like a dream come true! Most notably, looks like we'll finally get to see gameplay of the lost "Mad Dash" promo level that isn't either a single replay or an imperfect level editor reconstruction. Now if only I had a Japanese Wii U... :(
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Any renewed interest in this, after it was featured at AGDQ 2016?
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What's making it difficult to slow down the text? During the actual Pokemon Plays Twitch run there were certainly several pauses in between lines as Twitch chat users don't output stuff continuously. How was the text slowed down then? As I'm sure I've said before I've been waiting for this very run to be submitted for ages - awesome to see it's finally here! Clever to use the run's own submission text in lieu of actual Twitch chat. (Sorry I can't remember if this was already mentioned: are the MK64 and SMW-SMB1 runs also being considered for submission?)
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Wow, is SMA4 coming out on VC outside of Japan too? Does that mean us NA/EU/AUS players will finally have legitimate access to all those levels (and possibly other e-card exclusive features) we never got over a decade ago?
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Aww, no chance for RSE to make its GDQ debut? BibleThump ...Hang on, why would there be a change in layout? It's off the GBP, so GB/GBC games would have black bars around the border anyway, along with the GBP's border (the one that says "Z Button: Options"). Edit: A better phrasing might be "either way, you'll have the GBP's border around the outside and the game screen inside, and the GBP's border is the same aspect ratio regardless of whether it's a GB/GBC/GBA game".
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Shenanagans wrote:
We will be limited to gens 1/2 as we need to use the gameboy player for these glitches, and the glitches will need to be preform-able on console as well.
Doesn't the Gameboy Player emulate the GBA, so Gen III would be possible as well? EDIT: @Pokota: Thanks, that's very interesting to know.
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Very interesting; all this makes Platinum the second case where a "third version" game any% run features a completely different route than the primary paired versions. Might we see a Platinum TAS WIP in the pipeline?
Post subject: Re: Brain Age, Total Control, Speed TAS, and Scribblenauts in!
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dwangoAC wrote:
for the Pokemon Plays Twitch run we used the first bit of two bytes to signal whether what followed was 3 5-bit bytes or 2 7-bit bytes with an extra flag left over for signaling things RED said. I can dig up the details but long story short it gave us one extra character to play with, which was very helpful.
Things like this are why I was so disappointed that the AGDQ 2015 TASBot runs never became actual submissions here - details like this are what I'm really interested in. Even for the SMB in SMW run it looked like Masterjun used some glitches that have never been seen before in any other SMW submission. For example it doesn't look like Yoshi eats anything in the last frame before the ACE begins - what triggers everything then?
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Nice sneaky appearance of the fish at the end of Phase 10.
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HappyLee wrote:
Zowayix wrote:
Quick question: In the 4-2 warp zone, how does falling to get the 2 coins at the bottom help save a bump? And is saving time its only purpose, or does the slowdown in fact get a higher coin/time ratio?
It saves time since we have to manipulate screen X position as well as getting those 2 coins anyway. You can see Mario has slightly moved to the right, as the fall is not like a regular fall. Mario touches the right side of the platform, which is equal to a bump, saving about 4 frames and getting 1 extra pixel of screen X position at the same time.
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Quick question: In the 4-2 warp zone, how does falling to get the 2 coins at the bottom help save a bump? And is saving time its only purpose, or does the slowdown in fact get a higher coin/time ratio?
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Ok, was out of the loop for a time so thanks for the clarification.
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If the Japanese movie file isn't available, then technically it can't even be verified that those are legitimate improvements/suboptimalities.
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In the teleporter exit at the top of the mountain? I think that's known.
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Credits jump has been done on console, using pixel-perfect sprite positions to spell out code rather than mashing it through controller inputs. It's still very hard to do though. On mobile so can't provide a link right now unfortunately, but it shouldn't take long at all to look up a video & explanation.
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It's even more lenient than that in some cases - for certain long answers (such as "Name a sign no one seems to obey" -> "Keep off the grass"), the game is really only looking for one word in the answer (in this case "grass"). Furthermore, all double letters in whatever word the game is looking for will be ignored, so anything that matches "GRAS" will be accepted as "Keep off the grass". The published TAS on the site uses "Ogres allowed sparingly". Another example is how anything that matches "COFE" will be accepted as "coffee".
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Agreeing that some of the jokes there would not be suitable for the general GDQ audience. However, I'd say the pacing of the answers themselves is perfectly fine - it gives viewers time to voice their reactions, and personally, when I'm watching there's never a moment when I'm at all bored waiting for the next thing to show up. Since you mentioned that current SGDQ 2016 plans/ideas are unclear right now, this could still be a potential pitch.
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One idea I had is that if getting Family Feud console-verified for AGDQ 2016 won't be feasible, then play it on emulator during SGDQ 2016 instead. Part of the reason that some saw SGDQ 2015 as less exciting was because it was possible to see all the runs beforehand and know exactly what was going to happen, not just the fact that the runs weren't all console-verified. Showing a non-console-verified movie, but making it something new, would still greatly up the entertainment value (adding Twitch-specific jokes would also help in this regard).
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Bumping since this looks very interesting and I've always wanted to see a quality Pokemon hack published here. What's the progress been like in the past six months?
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A "no memory corruption" category would generally provide a straightforward TAS. As far as I know there aren't any super major skips in either Gen I or II that don't rely on memory corruption, with the biggest one being the Poke Doll skip over all of the Celadon Rocket Hideout.
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