Posts for evilchen

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lol ;) i guess not ^^ it just looked crappy on youtube this time :(!
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good wip, bad avi quallity :(!
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i like this quality from youtube really nice zOMGe :>
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happy coca cola days with the coke santa to everyone :DDDD!
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if i were tasing Oot it would be hard for me to decide to sacrifice those 9 frames sometimes or not :/
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AKA wrote:
Swordless Link wrote:
I found that it's possible to do an infinite superslide after doing a superflip. Observe:
Is there any limits this game doesn't have?
yes doing that stuff running forwards ;)
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iam looking nearly everyday for some NEW stuff in SM but the more i search the more desperate it gets ;) (does not mean i didn't find anything yet ;) ) iam still working on metroid movies as some might know with many help of namespoofer and some tips from Kej.. i just wanted to ask if someone finds odd or strange things/bugs (it does not matter if they are good for a tas or faster/slower etc.) to send them to me :)
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but the fact that the substitutes proved me personally to be mannerless and thus useless for this task from scratch on, is sad.
yes it is :/ other question: will you continue tasing :P?
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but when will the gif know when to run away if the mouse comes near ;D!?
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what ever you take! take less or gimme some :D!
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i love the little mario its so nice... cant understand how this eats CPU :( get IE or Firefox :D
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Saturn wrote:
Hmm, then I guess by manipulating the countdown timer by adding lag to doors, making it display a '01 second higher without true time saver in the in-game framecount (in other words, you still finish Ceres at 3126 ingame frames), right?
he allready answered the framecount question or not ? :D i guessed that and he said yes o_O! edit: btw isnt it a time waster ? :D it adds 1 frame lag
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i win :)! how nice ;) still nice news :D - was it luck or did you try something in ceres?
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Cpadolf wrote:
I just got 49:23 in Ceres, guess how. Wanna see if anyone nails it before I show the smv :D
same framecount but different display?
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Randil wrote:
He means that you can indeed save time in some places in the run, but these savings will be nullified by the frame rules in the game. For example, if you save 1 frame in the first level, it will take 1 more frame for level 2 to start. At least I think that's what he meant. :)
wow thats disgusting xD thanks for clearing things up
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how/what can someone improve donkey kong if its not possible xD? sorry angerfist i dont understand :(
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Larkin wrote:
Personally, if a game is as highly TASable as SM, and has quite a large following (Judging by a 180page topic supporting it) what is the issue with having more categories? I honestly cannot see why the site would suffer by adding the traditional low % category once again. At the end of the day, its just another page or another link for someone to click. Whats the damage?
oh god you are so damn right! my respect for this post :)!
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*note to self* watch this instantly after arrinving at home! *end note* after reading those tricks iam really excited to watch this! edit: vote done!
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well i guess those any% runs count as one(for me they do) and they are also referred in each other, so at least it could be a concept demo showing a outdated categoery or something like that and that are just my opinions and thoughts i never want to criticise your decision as a judge!
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its a pitty that this run couldn't be published at all (without rating the discussions of this thread and the flame/whine/etc its good work at all,just my opinion) well saturn dont give up just continue tasing ;)
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MUGG wrote:
I like watching professional SSBM (Super Smash Bros Melee) matches.
oh damn right! how could i forget these? the only reason why i have a Gamecube xD!
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mostly the highlevels get money because their skill as high as or? i think both(money und competivity) are somewhere connected