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did anyone test grombas plugin? i dont know if i should trust 2 lurkers with 1 post publishing selfmade software :/ edit: another question does the wrap arround door opening just work on emulators? or ntsc only? it does not work on my console (pal)
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august 2008 i hope :d 8 seconds is awesome
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voting no still means you did NOT like watching this movie
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Location: Mettmann does samus really have nightvisor? looks like look at it and yes the room must have something like night/Day because if the enemys are alive she gets back her normal visor :P
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oh... my bad! never mind :D!
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Kirkq wrote:
Unfortunately there are many people on this site who have done extensive route planning and enough movement optimization to successfully do this run noticeably faster.
but they never will do a full run etc bla bla *cry* they will just vote no on those runs and wait for someone doing as they want :P edit: nice video nice! voted yes
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i wish i could see this its much much faster so i would vote yes but i cant watch n64 stuff anymore :/ btw even if its not as good as it could be its huge ass faster :x
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can someone do a youtube or avi download? i cant get mupen to run a game it just crashes when loading a rom , fucking mupen :< worst program ever
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here a little progress spoiling some dog tricks :P iam trying to optimize the dog manipulation a litte more and then iam going to kill vulgor(first boss) btw iam looking for progress of your sm tases :P edit: found more accelarations after the jaguar ring, gonna redo it again :)
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i love postal the film and i love uwe boll films :) hes great :D :D viva la uwe boll!
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too bad its not real :D would have been cool somehow
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so what did he do other ? i thought it wasnt possible on NTSC versions just on PAL (for those which dont know it the R-shinesparks angle is different on PAL)
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Location: Mettmann i know hero found that and i know that might not be usefull at that point where i use it, but ive got few questions: does this trick only work from a right to the left door? i never found any other direction type working just right to left and how can i found more of those doors/linked openings? ram address map etc ?
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i didnt follow the thread now for weeks but i heared you can skip the temple of time door so why does the current avi posted some posts above here kill all 3 bosses? do you need them for something etc ? i dont know
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i dont know whats more awesome but it is! my favorites: - taking a the varia from below - killing FKIAK-ASDQWETZ metroid - or just flying arround the map and spawning out of walls :P
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wow that game has tas powers in it! go for it! that level really really looked awesome (hopefully someone will find something for those graphic glitches :( )
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how will you know if he didnt say it obsolete to please our minds :O?
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ah btw dont forget i have extra lag frames by using 1.51 and speedhacks turned off so it might be some frames faster here and there
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most desyncs happen in the enemy ai, the waypoints they are going sometimes changed when playing back the movie but for now the newest beta from 1.51 (which gocha made) had no desyncs up to vulgors dungeon which i think is stable enough to keep going
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since its pure speed i cant take care of names and rpg story :/ so i think its ok mystic quest runs hero was named A too or? :P btw you knew the skip i do with the dog bug? it saves much time because i can skip giving the dog a name and skip the whole 1st dialog with fireeye + her first alchemist spell(should save muuuuuch time i guess)
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HAHA i was sure it works i dont know with whom i discussed that but i was so damn sure it will work nice nice
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sugoi smv gstick naisushotto on those 2 hoppers
Post subject: Secret of evermore
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heres my wip going for fastest playthrough btw i also could improve saturns run in many points still collecting 100% and stuff but i feel like the fastest playthrough is missing and it offers some what different moves and strategies for the game over the existing run ps: manipulating dog and boy to do what you want is a hard piece of work because the controlls are limited in many situations - that may answer some questions later "why does the dog stand there and not better there" blabla etc. [EDIT by Bisqwit: Moved this post into the existing thread. Please use Search and post in an existing thread instead of starting a new one if there is one applicable to the topic.]
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