Posts for tool23

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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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My favorite of the Mario runs
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Man, you must have some serious identity crisis! Anyway, IMHO the best of the DS Castlevanias, thanks for the run!
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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wow, you guys have outdone yourselves. even my 1 year old son sat there mesmerized through almost all of the movie!
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hah, i like how the robot picked screenshots that were all the same the bird thing was kinda cool, voted yes so the final boss' attack just goes over your head? wheres the challenge in that?
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I watched it on youtube (something all N64 submissions should have in my opinion), but I'm afraid I fall into the too sloppy camp, so I gotta say no. Keep trying though!
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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welcome to the US Bisqwit! I hope you have a good trip!
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Fine work there sir. Or should I say mister. Are you sure you weren't making inputs using an electronic piano keyboard?
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Woah, time to dust off the old Gens! Nice improvement! Very creative in the death abuse and amulet use. I think you also used the magic carpet once more than I did? One thing I noticed was that it seems like you went straight through the long spider web corridor without moving from side to side. Does it just look like that or were you actually moving up and down? Like Aqfaq says this game is a pain to optimize-- when I was making my run it kept desynching on me. Just when I thought it was frame perfect, I would have to go back and add a frame so it wouldnt desynch. I'm suprised this video played w/o desynching for me. And the slimes, goblins and whatever else are really hard to manipulate. Yes vote, bonus points for the file name
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And I'll third that request
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a yes for the excellent ostrich handling
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Aw man, I've been waiting like 2 years for this. If it's anything like the WIPs I'll be voting a big yes.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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watched all the youtubes and voted yes. i agree that aztec and egypt should be included next time
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Those having desynch problems, do not forget to burn some incense at the Shrine to the God of Mupen. It also helps to make an offering of an old controller or cartridge.
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Sometimes I abstain from voting, because I'm torn between a run being done very well, but the game being a boring one, or one that just isnt very interesting for a TAS (e.g. xipo's recent Mighty Final Fight, and Twisted Eye's Archon)
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hells yea at first i thought, 'i'll just load up the ol' dungeon map and follow along as he goes'... didn't work so well, it was way too fast!
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avi - yes publish - meh
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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Laughed out loud at the ending. I also liked the suicides and glitches. voted yes
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I say keep going!! If you go through and finish it you will have that much more experience with the later levels and the redone version will be better than if you start over now.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (80)
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Awesome awesome awesome. Thanks for bringing this one back guys! I really liked the seizure walking and shot at the grumble grumble guy.
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Xipo: no, I'm an American living in Beijing. Truncated: Xipo sounds like a nickname to me, but he'd have to confirm it himself for us to be sure. Xipo is just the romanization of 西坡. I'm guessing his real name is something else?
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Nice tornado dodging! I think you did a good job of adding more variety towards the end, and my favorite days were friday and saturday i think when you were more frantic.
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The transformations and glitches were the best parts of this run for me
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bonus nostalgia points! i definitely enjoy watching it, but dont know if it will get published
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