This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
3821 Genesis Alien 3 by maTO in 27:50.20
1350 Genesis Alien Soldier by Dammit & Truncated in 18:32.27
2665 Genesis Alien Storm by martandelus in 13:58.35
1442 Genesis Alisia Dragoon by Toothache in 13:33.72
96 Genesis Altered Beast "1 player" by BillBull in 06:21.57
4157 Genesis Altered Beast "2 players" by EZGames69 in 06:05.29
897 Genesis Altered Beast "2 players" by nesrocks in 05:53.30
4779 Genesis AlterEgo by Cephla & aiqiyou in 02:54.39
6163 Genesis Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog by ShiningProdigy9000 in 13:11.50
4989 Genesis Animaniacs by The8bitbeast in 23:01.66
3286 Genesis Astérix and the Great Rescue by Arcree2 in 26:38.56
4194 Genesis Astérix and the Great Rescue by Meerkov in 24:37.87
1630 Genesis B.O.B. by Toothache in 52:57.85
2534 Genesis Back to the Future Part III by Kiske in 03:49.58
4580 Genesis Barney's Hide & Seek Game by Samsara & Spikestuff in 04:54.51
4341 Genesis Batman by arkiandruski in 10:41.88
818 Genesis Batman by arkiandruski in 11:06.20
3405 Genesis Batman Returns by maTO in 09:30.03
226 Genesis Beavis and Butt-Head "1 player" by DudicalRat in 10:14.42
4426 Genesis Beavis and Butt-Head "2 players" by adelikat & EZGames69 in 09:29.37
1025 Genesis Beavis and Butt-Head "2 players" by adelikat in 09:27.03
2734 Genesis Blades of Vengeance "warps, 2 players" by Kiske in 05:02.71
1005 Genesis Blaster Master 2 by JXQ in 25:29.22
3797 Genesis Bonanza Bros. "2 players" by arkiandruski in 08:21.73
2764 Genesis Bonanza Bros. "2 players" by SprintGod & Spikestuff in 08:53.79

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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