User Files from FatRatKnight

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#12415500773566030 - Solar Jetman, First half of Planet 12

In 11:43.08 (42254 frames), 9421 rerecords
Uploaded 2/2/2014 2:49 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Here. Have my updated progress!
I like TASEditor. It lets me tweak for the slightest adjustments without having me to remember all of what I did in my complicated steering. Except for certain things like keyboard controlled precision edits, but I'm using a lua workaround for that.
I'm asking myself is it worth getting Anti-Gravity from the second shop. I only have to scroll past one item to get it, and it should let me carry that wormhole all the way to the last fuel, taking advantage of the 4.0 pixels per frame the whole way.
TASEditor reports that I press down+A at frame 42147, which is when I select to go back into the item menu to get my bomb and spare thrusters. A note to myself for when I go back and retry with the Anti-Gravity.

#12394425950904402 - Solar Jetman. Planet 13 done. Dragging wormholes for fun!

In 08:44.17 (31502 frames), 8154 rerecords
Uploaded 2/1/2014 4:02 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Actually, after I get all the items in the area, I still drag a wormhole for slightly longer. This is not for show -- Dragging stuff around allows me to reach speeds up to 4 pixels per (non-lag) frame, where the usual maximum is only 3. I keep this speed as long as I do not make a thrust that would otherwise add speed to the same axis.
Because of this unforeseen speed boost, I'm a lot more confident that dragging wormholes is worth the crystal spins necessary to get this fancy jetpod.
Also, I'm used to thrusters that barely push me around, and sorely lacking when it comes to tethering items around. Having something this strong is taking some time to get used to it.

#12384433340285997 - Solar Jetman. My second crystal spin attempt.

In 05:23.32 (19431 frames), 6622 rerecords
Uploaded 1/31/2014 5:14 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Cleared Planet 7 while giving that crystal another spin. 354 frames saved over my last attempt. I also collect the money necessary for my shopping, with plenty to spare.
With the way I handled getting through with a tethered crystal, I'm now constrained by how quickly I can give that crystal a whirl. I held on to it up until I get to that large wormhole with the Golden Ship Part.
Planet 8 is just a quick warp to Planet 13. I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to Planet 12 at this point. I'm given the impression that this game is pretty sync-stable, with the only thing to worry about is future RNG. Using player 2 can deal with any RNG related mess.
... I seemed to have gotten back to this one. Sorry for those who expected more Soul Blazer.

#12369529797861350 - Helper script for TASEditor (FCEUX): Tap keys to toggle input.

Game: Unknown Game ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 1/31/2014 1:07 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Run FCEUX. Engage TASEditor. Make sure readonly mode is on. Tap a key you've set for player 1. Note it updates TASEditor with the key you just tapped. If Recorder "All" option is selected in TASEditor, the script will use controls you set for all four players. If an individual player is selected for the Recorder, only player 1 controls are checked, but will toggle button presses of the selected player.
May seem odd, but the script requires readonly mode active in order to work properly. If, for some reason, you set the "Recording" check box, be sure to either stop the script or clear the "Auto function" check box. I have not defined a behavior for the script to follow when readonly mode is off.
It is very similar to a script I posted a while back. The only real updates are that it reports what input changed in the history box, and that there are comments indicating where to stick your own code if you need something more. If, by some chance, the script picks up multiple pressed keys at the same time, it will report all pressed buttons in the history without problems.
Intended to reduce reliance on the mouse for precision edits of the input movie. I suppose you could TAS backwards with it if you really wanted to...

#12283651408702529 - SNES Soul Blazer (U) - Part way into world 3

In 30:38.22 (110475 frames), 8360 rerecords
Game: Soul Blazer ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 1/27/2014 4:18 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Last TASing session of this file was Dec 28. I'm having difficulties getting back into TASing it. Sorry...
I need more GEMs. If I continue, I'll probably spend less of them against that odd jellyfish thing.

#12283551033456152 - SNES Soul Blader (J) - West Underground Castle attempt

In 04:08.96 (14962 frames), 662 rerecords
Game: Soul Blazer ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 1/27/2014 4:11 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
My attempt in trying Soul Blader for a bit. Wow, the text sure is fast.
Notably, due to timing differences in text, I can pick up two larger GEMs in the first room without a single frame delay.
Regardless, potential improvements are noted:
  • Skip killing the blue slime (-1 EXP, -1 RNG call, +1 frame)
  • Skip picking up the small GEM around frame 4584 (-1 GEM, +8 frame)
  • Exclusively use magic on yellow buzzy things around frame 7000 (-8 GEM, +32 frame)
  • Dance around the RNG calling plants around frame 9000 (+ RNG calls, + EXP, hopefully)
I hope to have 39 RNG calls by the time I release the bridge guard (currently, it's 40 calls). This will allow for two large GEM drops from the later enemies I have to fight, and make up for the lacking GEMs I'm left with.

#12283335305507377 - SNES Soul Blazer script v2 (lsnes)

Uploaded 1/27/2014 3:57 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Cleaned up a few things in code. Also, it displays hitboxes! Well, green rectangles of some sort. Not entirely sure if they are hitboxes, but it seems to be so for most things. The player's rectangle isn't a hitbox, it seems.
Still gets the same false positives for lair information. Aside from added boxes and some code cleaning for (hopefully) easier maintenance, it's largely the same as the previous script.

#11605836887834478 - SNES Soul Blazer script v1 (lsnes)

Uploaded 12/27/2013 3:41 PM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Here's my lsnes script for Soul Blazer. It's currently set up for (U), though I have a commented line packed somewhere in there that would make it compatible with (J) instead. The lair listing code needs it, as it's the address for the pointer to the first object.
Top-left corner: Position of player
Right side: RNG, direction a certain enemy will go next
More right: List of lair information: Position, count, timer
Other odds and ends: Count of detected lairs, count of objects, RNG frame timer
This script gets false positives for lairs at times. I have tried to search through the object data some more to tighten the detection, but without success. The attempts are minimal, however, as there are no observed false negatives, and I usually can weed out the false positives while TASing.
Nothing real fancy, though. Haven't even put in the boxes that I feature in the Snes9x script. It serves well enough, though.

#11398015642958275 - SNES Soul Blazer (U) - 22 GEMs from that first room.

In 01:41.37 (6092 frames), 7160 rerecords
Game: Soul Blazer ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 12/18/2013 7:04 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
A demonstration of the sort of luck I should be getting. USA version, by the way.
22 GEMs. Up from just 4. I get two big ones. They should have a 1% chance to appear at this time. Yet I get two. I just looked at the RNG and figured out it could do that.
47 frames lost in manipulation. Even if all I get are four fireballs, and waste them on nothing more than killing 3 HP enemies sooner, that's 64 frames saved in return. I'm optimistic about this.
In any case, I spent the 47 frames on the name screen.

#11397947979589904 - SNES Soul Blazer (U) - World 2 done.

In 24:59.76 (90134 frames), 7501 rerecords
Game: Soul Blazer ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 12/18/2013 6:59 AM by FatRatKnight (see all 245)
Something I was doing. Add it to the pile of projects I've started. Oh, this is using the USA version, not JPN. Sorry about any confusion.
Improves approximately 100 seconds over the published movie to the end of GreenWood.
I think it can be done a little faster... I didn't figure out a few things involving luck, and almost certainly need to do them. Also, judging from the next thing I need to do, I didn't end with enough GEMs. Either manipulate more or grab that 50 GEM chest. I'm guessing the "manipulate more" part is doable.