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!! Introduction

These are [user:Morimoto]'s comments of his world-famous
[668M|SMB3 tool-assisted speedrun], "timeattack".
The comments originally appeared on his webpage,
which no longer exists but can be found in the Internet Archive at:

This is my translation of his comments, translated in January 2006.

I decided to include this page here because it is part of the site's early history.
Do note that by now, his movie has been surpassed plenty of times,
with the [342M|newest version] being half a minute faster than his movie.
More information about the topic can be found in our [ArticleIndex|article] pages.

-- [user:Bisqwit]

!! Translation

> __基本的な解説。まずはよくある質問から
(This is) the basic explanation. First of all, the FAQ.__


* Unfair means?

> →ズルしています。エミュレータで30分の1秒まで落として動かしています。

Yes, unfair means were used. Emulator is slowed down to move by 1/30 seconds.

> ムービー記録中にセーブ、ロードを繰り返して収録しています。

During recording the movie, recording is repeatedly saved and loaded.

> 危ないところの手前でセーブ、ミスしたらロードといった感じです。

The game is saved before a dangerous place, and if a mistake is made,
one would likely want to load the save (to try again).

> このムービーを見て「ゲームもうまくなればここまでできるようになるんだ!」 %%%
> とか思った純粋な人の夢をぶち壊すようで非常に申し訳ないと思っています。

I now realize that some unspoiled people who watch this movie,
may think that "if I am a good player, I should be able to do this",
and I am really sorry to demolish the dreams of such a person.

> 前もって書いておくべきでした。

I really should have written this page ready beforehand.


> ・8Wのうずゾーンで手にさらわれないのは?

* In the swirly zone in world 8, how come you aren't grabbed by the hands?

> →手が出てこないフレームを選んで回避しています。

I chose to avoid the frame by when the hand grabs.


> ・1-3の白ブロックで裏に回っていないのに笛の部屋へ入ってる?

* In 1-3, how come you can enter the flute house without standing on the white block until you flip (revolve) on the other side?

> →レバー斜め下でも裏に回れます。

It becomes flipped to the diagonal bottom of the level. (?)

> レバー斜め下の操作でもマリオは移動するので、

Despite the flipping of the diagonal bottom of the level (?),
because Mario moves, 

> 真下にしばらく入れてから斜め下でBダッシュしています。

because he enters right under for a little while,
at the diagonal bottom he is B-dashing.

> よく見ると白ブロックの右端でしっかり裏に回っています。

If you look carefully, you'll see that right at the end of the white
block, he'll flip (revolve).


> ・タイム表示が速くなったり遅くなったりしてる?

* Why does the timer become fast and slow at times?

> →画面のスクロールの際に起きる処理落ちです。Pダッシュ中は特に激しいです。

When the screen scrolls, the timer slows down a little.
Especially during the P dash, it is very intense.

(Translator's note: This part of the text was never quoted by those who claimed the movie was hoax.%%%
They used the observation that is asked here as a "proof" that the movie is a hoax composited from crafted screenshots during years of work.)

> ・戦車1の「?」ブロック直前でスパナに当たってる?

* Didn't you hit a wrench just before the "?" block of the first tank?

> →エミュレータムービーは操作だけを記録しているということで、ご理解いただけると思います。

I think it can can only understand by looking at the emulator movie file (?).

> 胡散臭いですが当たっていません。当たらなかったのは奇跡ですが。

Although it looks suspicious, I did not hit.%%%
It is a miracle though that I did not hit.


> ・戦車2の画面外近くで大砲に当たってる?

* At the tank 2, didn't you hit a cannonball near the edge of the screen?

> →上の説明と同じです。当たらなかったのはゲームのシステムのおかげです。

It's the same explanation as above.%%%
It's thanks to the movie system that it did not hit.

> よくわかっていませんが、画面外ではマリオの判定が消えるようです。

Although I don't quite understand it, it seems like
Mario's judgement (hit detection) disappears a bit outside the screen.


> ・ファイアでクッパは死ぬの?

* How come Koopa dies from fire?

> →ブンブンはファイア5発、クッパは35発で倒せます。 

Bunbun takes 5 fire shots to kill, Koopa takes 35 fire shots to kill.


> ・8-1のクリアパネルできのこを取っているのは?

* Why did you take a mushroom at the clear panel of 8-1?

> →お察しの通り5UPを避けるためにスターを回避しています。

I avoid a star in order to not get a 5UP awardment.


> ・8砦の最後は壁抜けしたほうが早いのでは?

* At the end of the 8th fortress, isn't it fast to avoid the wall? (?)

> →壁抜けしないほうが早かったので、こちらを選びました。

Because it was faster to not avoid the wall, I selected this place.



> __見解


> ということと、最近のフリーソフトを試したい(microsoft Windows Media Encorder,TMPEGencなど)%%%
> ためにこういう動画が出来上がって公表してしまいました。

Because I want to test some recent free software
(microsoft Windows Media Encorder and TMPEGenc, etc.),
this animation was able to be finished and it was announced to the public.

> まじめに人の手によるプレイだと思われた方々に大変申し訳なく思っております。

To the people who honestly thought that someone played it by hand, I feel
that I've done a gravely inexcusable thing (I'm very very sorry).

> また、当方にはひたすらタイムアタックを追及した画像をエミュレーターなら作れるのではないか、%%%
> 理想の動きをするマリオを見てみたい、との願望もありました。

Moreover, as for me, I only wanted to see a perfect Mario game completion,
even if it's needs to be made with an emulator in order to accomplish it.

> そういった経過からこの企画がスタートしているのをご了承願いたい。

Please understand that this was my motivation to start this project.


> あとがきで申し訳ございません。

In the postscript, I am very sorry.

> __あと、製作者のコメント

The producer's aftercomments__


> ちょっと思い出したので。

I just remembered something.

> 第3者として読んだら面白いかもと思いまして。

Because it's interesting when reading as the third person.

> 自慢も入ってしまいますが、まぁこんな機会は滅多にないので、%%%
> イヤミっぽくなりますが、ぶっちゃけて書くことにします。

It's like I've became completely filled with boasting, but, well,
this kind of opportunity is rare, although it's becoming very gaudy,
I'll write some incoherent stuff.

(IYAMIppaku = iyami+ippai; with katakana emphasis in iyami; iyami=disagreeable/gaudiness/sarcasm; ippai=a lot)


> 2ちゃんのスレにはマリオと一緒に、緋蜂ノーミスムビと、%%%
> アリカのテトリスデスモードクリアのアドが貼ってありました。

An advertisement of Tetris Death Mode Clear from Arika was pasted
to the 2chan thread about Mario together with Hihati's no-miss movie. 

> んで書き込みで以下のようなものをときどき見かけました。%%%
> ログが残っていなかったのでうろ覚え。

The following one was sometimes seen by writing. 
I only remember vaguely, because the log did not remain. 

> >>マリオのは追記だからたいしたことない。%%%
> それよりデスモードのクリアのほうがよっぽど価値がある。

''''>> Because of the postscript of the Mario case, it's nothing great.%%%
More importantly, clearing (beating) the death mode is a very greatly meritable thing.


> 身内だったら知ってることなんですが。

Because if I were a friend of him, I would know it.

> オレはデスモードクリアできるんですわ。%%%
> っていうか結構初期のほうのマスターGmとかなんですね。

I can clear death mode.%%%
Saying like this, it's the master Gm of the way of the splendid beginning and such. (?)

> で、テトリスやってる人達とはほとんど知り合いで、%%%
> あのデスムビのプレイヤーとも顔見知りです。

So, most of the Tetris playing people are acquintances, and thus,
they are an acquintance with the player of that particular death movie.

> んで彼は大往生の2周目もクリアしてる凄腕ゲーマーで、%%%
> 実は緋蜂のノーミスは彼の依頼を受けて製作したのです。

... He is also second clearing resourceful gamer in Peaceful Death,
and the no-miss of Hihati received and, to tell the truth, produced his request. 

> 考えてみると世間は狭いな。

The world is quite small when you think about it.

> ちなみにマリオを作るよりデスをクリアするほうが%%%
> 難しいっていうのはあってます。自分は2年かかったし。

In conclusion, more difficult than making Mario, is to clear death.
It took me two years. 

(Translator's comment: This sentence actually used the word "oneself". 
Morimoto doesn't say I/me/my in this document.%%%
Not even once. (Except for the line "I can clear death mode", which may be a quote.)
This is very common in Japanese, to the endless fun of translators.
To understand what Morimoto really means (for example, whether he
has cleared Death Mode or not; he doesn't say it directly to avoid
boasting), one needs to read "between the lines".)

> エミュムビは作るのは簡単ですからね。時間がかかるだけで。

You see it is easy to make an emulator movie. It just takes time.


> ってな感じで。  

With this kind of feelings I finish my message.


(Translator's notes: The words "clear", "panel", "mode", "demo", "movie", "death", "thread", "time attack", "gamer" in this
the text were all written as Engrish loan words in katakana (kuria, paneru, moodo, demo, mubi, desu, sure, taimuatakku, geemaa).
The name Hihati was made-up by the machine translator. In kanji, it was 緋蜂 (scarlet bee). It could be "Akahachi" as well...)

!! AMIKAI machine translation

 For reference, the AMIKAI-translated version was as follows.
 (This was the document that was quoted on forums - either entirely,
 or most usually, the first 8 lines only. And the quote was quoted,
 and so on, with misconceptions enforced further.)


''Fundamental description. From the question which often exists first of all

- ZURU is carried out.%%%
-> ZURU is carried out. It is dropping and moving by the emulator till 1/30 second.
Save and loading are repeated and recorded during movie record.%%%
When a mistake is saved and made before a dangerous place, it is touch called loading.%%%
If this movie is seen and "game also becomes nice, it comes to be able to do so far."
I think I am sorry very much so that the dream of the pure person who considered may be ruined.%%%
It should have written beforehand.

- 8W do not obtain and don't review in a hand in a zone?%%%
The frame out of which -> hand does not come is chosen and avoided.

- Go into the room of a whistle not turning to the reverse side by the white block of 1-3.%%%
It can turn to the reverse side also under -> lever slanting. Since Mario also moves the operation under lever slanting%%%
After putting in for a while just under, B dash of is done under slanting.%%%
If it often sees, it is turning to the reverse side firmly at the right end of the white block.

- A time display becomes quick or is slow.%%%
It is the processing omission which occurs in the case of scrolling of -> screen. It is intense especially during P dash.

- It is just before the "?" block of a tank 1, and the spanner is hit.%%%
I hear that -> emulator movie is recording only operation, and it thinks that it can understand.%%%
It has not hit, although it is suspicious. A miracle did not hit.

- The gun is hit near [[ outside / screen / a tank 2 ].%%%
It is the same as the explanation on ->. The favor of the system of a game did not hit.%%%
It seems that Mario's judgment disappears out of a screen although it does not understand well.

- Does kuppa die from a fire?%%%
-> BUMBUN can be toppled with the from fire 5, and kuppa can be toppled by from 35.

- Is the mushroom taken by the clear panel of 8-1?%%%
The star is avoided in order to avoid 5UP as -> guess.

- With one with earlier carrying out the wall omission of the last of eight forts
Since it was earlier not to carry out -> wall omission, it chose here.


I want to try saying and the latest free software (microsoft Windows Media Encorder, TMPEGenc, etc.).

Such animations have done and announced to the sake officially.

I am very sorry to people considered to be a play by people's hand seriously.

Moreover, can the picture which investigated the time attack intently on us be made if it is an emulator?

There was also a wish by wanting to see Mario who moves an ideal.

it approves of this plan having started from such progress -''''- たい

I am sorry to be a postscript.

The comment of after and a maker

Since it remembered just for a moment.%%%
If it reads as the 3rd person, I will think whether it is interesting.%%%
Although boast will also enter, since there is no まぁこんな opportunity rash%%%
IYAMI っぽく -''''- ます -''''- ぶっちゃけて書く -''''- it is made things

It is 緋蜂 no MISUMUBI together with [[ my two's SURE ] Mario.%%%
The ad of a TETORISUDESU mode clearance of ARIKA was stuck.%%%
It wrote in and came out by ん and the following was sometimes seen.%%%
Since the log did not remain, it is a faint memory.

Since >> Mario is a postscript, he is nothing to speak of.%%%
The clearance of DESUMODO is very worthy from it.

It is knowing if it is relatives.%%%
I can carry out a DESUMODO clearance.%%%
Is [ っていう ] it in the master Gm in the direction of the first stage very well?%%%
Most people which come out and shine TETORISU 8 are acquaintances.%%%
The player of that DESUMUBI is an acquaintance.%%%
He is the go-getter gamer who has cleared 2nd round of a peaceful death in ん.%%%
In fact, the no mistake of 緋蜂 received and manufactured his request.

The world is narrow if it thinks.%%%
The way which clears De Dis rather than making Mario incidentally%%%
Difficulty is carried out, it says and there is saying. し [[ he took in two years ].%%%
Since it is easy for EMYUMUBI to make. It only takes time. 

It is ってな touch.''