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In Spindizzy Worlds, you control a top named GERALD (Geographic Environmental Reconnaissance And LandMapping Device), who travels to different worlds filled with all sorts of mazes and puzzles. The objective is to find the warp out of each world, and ultimately, reach the final world (EasyDizzy/SpinDizzy).
  • Emulator used: Snes9x v1.43-dev
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Completes the "EasyDizzy" cluster of levels
STAGE 1: Tutorial
Not much to say here. Keeping momentum whenever possible, and braking only when needed (exiting the second room for example).
Bonus stage skipped.
STAGE 2: Quadrant 2
99% of the stage is skipped, all jewels on the main level were collected (winning the level) without needing to touch the warps blocking them.
Bonus stage skipped.
STAGE 3: Gargoyle
Bonus stage is un-skippable, it ends when either all jewels are collected or the time runs out. I went with the quicker option.
STAGE 4: Ramp Run
Third room: Braked on the rails and rode them for the rest of the way.
Bonus stage skipped.
STAGE 5: Split Up
Third room: Top jewel collected first because the buttons pressed while collecting the other jewel affect the upper platforms, blocking the shortcut.
Bonus stage skipped.
STAGE 6: Lavalite
First room: All of the arrows have to be activated in order for the lift at the entrance to activate. Some arrows have more than one of the same color, only one of each color has to be activated.
Third room: The maze can most likely be better optimized in a future run, but this was the most efficient way I've found.
Bonus stage skipped.
STAGE 7: EasyDizzy
First room: Nearly a straight shot down to the warp, pretty sure that this room is fully optimized.
Fourth room: Took fall damage to activate the two switches quicker. Hiding behind the wall, you can see that I go left and right to collect jewels. Perspective is changeable, but isn't changed as it pauses the game for a good 3 seconds, and it isn't needed anyway.

adelikat: Seems like a good game for TASing. However, Kirq pointed out some rather large improvements with his WIP (posted in the discussion). Therefore, I am rejecting this due to technical quality. I hope to see an improved version from you. Also, my apologies for taking so long to judge this run.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2191: Ele's SNES Spindizzy Worlds in 08:08.93
Active player (350)
Joined: 10/17/2005
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Location: Seattle, WA
I liked this. I found it interesting throughout, and I challenge anyone to prove to me that a game resembling Marble Madness is a bad thing! I will cede that a game like this may be optimized but can look unoptimized. Difficult controls make for a tricky TAS--I honestly can't say just by looking how optimized each individual movement, turn, and corner is, but I can tell you that the paths and techniques are fantastic. Near the end, when you zipped straight down the room, barely jumping over the pits between the diagonal bridges, I was amazed. But, like you said, it looks from up here that it's possible to improve that maze room, either through path or through different movements at each bit for a frame dig. I approve of this run, though, as it is! Short, speedy, well thought-out. --Ah, except for one thing. Easydizzy? Is that an easier difficulty level? What is the difference between Easydizzy and Spindizzy? If there aren't reasons why you can't reasonably use the hardest difficulty level, I would argue that you should.
Player (209)
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I did some fairly serious work on this game before dropping it. This run is not too bad, but it is far from optimal. Spindizzy is a much more advanced level structure, the run is far more interesting, but much more lengthy. There are 23 levels on the hardest difficulty. I would estimate a completed run to be about 25-30 minutes. Getting on the rail in Gargoyle would save time. Corners aren't turned as tightly as they can be much of the time. You can get going pretty ridiculous speeds and still maintain a fair amount of control under TAS conditions. You should always weave out as far as possible before turning a corner, because it takes time to begin to accelerate in the new direction. The run is not really tightly optimized and I believe there are multiple level paths which could have been done better. Here is 10.5 Levels of my run, which is not tightly optimized, but I believe the quality is significantly better than this run. The first couple levels aren't too well done in my run. If there was interest for this run I would resume work on it. If you are interested in improving this, please feel free to contact me.
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om, nom, nom... crunchy!