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I downloaded the 14"07 vid, and that has faster strategies: up tilt+a to get first one jump foward and backwards kick to hit the second, moving you onto the platform two floats up and normal kick to get thrid cutter to hit fourth and move to the platform above jump, one float, up+a aerial to gain momentum, get to platform faster and be able to z-cancel run, and fall quickly down, using one down+a aerial to get both fifth and sixth targets backwards kick to get 7th, propelling fowards use forward+a aerials to gain distance in air, use foward+a to get eigth backwards kick to get 9th, z-cancel cutter for tenth of course, I have the luxury of testing every single one, so I'll find what's fastest.
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1) I'm not sure 2) I can ask for skippable stuff in Spirit temple, I vaguely remember at some point on youtube seeing a vid of bomb staircasing and somehow bypassing the huge grey block that needs the iron gauntlets to enter the adult section... don't know if A) it'll work or B) that means that you can play the adult section as a kid and get the mirror shield early... is there any way to bomb boost/seamwalk/SS up to the iron guantlets from the outside? I don't know if using the fish to those extremities will get the desired effect, but sounds like it could save time if it does.
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bummer. you have way more patience for working with such a complex game that has desynchs. and you go through the heart? haha nice will there be an AVI/WMV/.mkv file to go with the .m64?
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they also accept WMV, which on my computer saves space; the difference between WMV to AVI is 4 Mb to 1.14 GB, just for Fox stage. yeah, I was noodling around, got him to suicide at 4:52 and forgot to make a savestate to get a Fighter's Stance in time, so retried and got him to suicide a few frames earlier, still getting 4:52. and your suggestion to swallow Fox was a good idea, but I'd have to beat my time by 2 seconds to match the score. Maybe I make a v3 to test if I can at least squeeze 2 seconds, because that is same score but 2 seconds faster, maybe 3 seconds is possible. edit: annnnnd, nope, the slope that psychoticworm decribed takes place here, I couuldn't swallow Fox without sliding up the ledge. I'm satisfied with what I have though. Because it wasn't avalilable before, and for those that like collecting the WMV's: High Score vs. Link
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WMV videos are also good, if you know how to make them. I didn't have any problems watching with my ROM, which is (U)!. I thought Rising Tempest was going to do Goldeneye... he was making extremely good videos. but if not, you'd be the person to do it! watched the WIP, that was good stuff.
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Mukki wrote:
As far as I remember it is 40 votes to be a member and then 100 to get active member. Above that is player, however, I'm unsure of what constitutes that status. I always thought you became a player after having your first movie published, this I noticed with comicalflop's status. Then again, AKA had his SM64 run published and is still an active member so I really don't know.
you ask Bisqwit to change your status. I thought it was once you get a movie published as well, but that's not the case. Just send a PM and he'll change it for you.
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nah it's alright, I finally figured out how to make my own AVI's, convert them to WMV and submit them to youtube (although youtube is having a few problems atm.) if you want to keep making .mkv's for people that can only view that format, feel free. Link youtube video Fox youtube video
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Fox done!! 4:52 .m64 video: Fox 4:52 WMV Youtube is being very slow right now, so no youtube link as of now.
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If recording from savestates was allowed, and 4 unlocked characters is the trigger... maybe I will, but if I did that would other people getting the ROM for the first time be able to see it? does record from savestate have all the RAM information needed for other people to view properly? and I'd have to wait for the Full run to be finished so that I can start from a reset with everything unlocked. I'll consider it. Mario Bros. Haha nice alternative. too bad you couldn't squeeze another in-game second, but looks really good. and yes they died at the same time, nice. on the very last mario hit you shine him and send him sideways/down at angle, is it possible to shine him downwards? I forgot to ask when you did BtT: I couldn't see because "GO" was in the way, but did you do a 'fast' drop i.e. letting go of down for one frame, then down again to cause Fox to blink and go down faster? Link stage on youtube processing...
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we really need to let start from savestate be accepted for this particular game... start recording after the game is beaten for the second time, doing a run of the game as entertaining as possible, unlocking the 3rd character, then doing all BtT, then BtP. that way, a copy of both our vids won't be needed to see again, and would reduce the time. But let's worry about that after both runs are submitted. Plus, Nitsuja said that hex editing works with .m64, but I didn't understand his reasoning, nor do I understand hex editing in general. Yoshi Stage youtube video (since I only have a WMV of the Yoshi stage, I have only .mkv's of the revised Link or revised Link+Yoshi.)
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Yes I noticed the very last hits slowed things down... the beginning was great, you reflected a fireball, shined, then went down and threw Mario, then shined two of them at varying intervals... very nice, faster and WAY more entertaining than nico's. I probably should use Samus as well, he just charged up and walked very slowly and stayed out of the way, I need that. The introduction screen had a big black Box, was that in the emulator or did it just get captured that way? haha on TV they just showed the commercial of the homemade video of two 6-7 year olds getting the N64 for Christmas when it first came out... "NINTENDO SIXTY-FOURRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! *SHRIIEEEKKKK*!!!" that cracked me up.
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Yep that's exactly it. The only other way to do it faster is if you could land on the platform and do some move that makes you slide off the platform and gain some down speed. But I doubt if that would work, the BtT and BtP are not very improvable at all so best is probably try to match nico's or at least beat it by a few frames. yours is fine, it looked pretty much identical which is fine. But DO remember to go through the floor in BtP, that was one of the main noticable mistakes of nico's run despite being a 17 frame mistake. Yah I did use .mkv video for uploading at youtube, I can't take bkDJ's .mkv and change it to WMV so maybe it's best if for now I don't post videos to youtube because it's a slightly slow process and I'd have to rerecord a bunch of AVI stuff... maybe later today or sometime next week when I have a lot of time I'll try again. 4:53 Mario Bros. already beats nico's by 2 seconds, and you think you can improve it by another second? WOW. can't wait to see. how easy did you find getting Bros. Calamity while making your partner not get hit, did you test that out at all?
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AQwertyZ wrote:
Hi! I am new to the forum although I have been visiting this site for a while now. Anyway, to help make you not feel as bad about not being able to get mew, apparently mew only appears from pokeballs after all four bonus characters have been unlocked in the game. Atleast that is what I have read online on several sites.
This would make sense, as I'm also sure I haven't seen Mew in multiplayer until my borhter unlocked everything. that would, if correct, explain why I couldn't find it.
bkDJ wrote:
I'm also pretty sure you can't get an unlockable character as a helper until they've been unlocked. At least, that's been my experience. So no chance of seeing ness fight.
The Ness fight we're describing is at the end, after beating the Master Hand, you get the chance to fight Ness. What we want to know is should we include that vs. Ness fight into the movie, considering that, while interesting it detracts from the ending by a lot. You cannot use Ness as a partner for the Mario Bros. fight, which is what I think you meant.
bkDJ wrote:
here is the whole wip made from cf's m64 so far, with less windows-specific video codecs and less graphical emulation errors, and half the filesize: Also that is a great score so far :)
Many thanks as always bkDJ :P
Baxter wrote:
Tomorrow, it will be exactly one year since I posted this (at Nico's submission), but I still feel exactly the same:
Baxter wrote:
For me, the perfect movie of this game would: - Get all secret characters (this means playing the main game three times, if I'm not mistaken) - Once, beat very hard as fast as possible. - Once, go for highest score, get pacifist on all stages (exept for master hand) if possible) - Once, just go for entertainment, and show off stuff Then, 3 characters are unlocked, and the movie should continue on getting record times on break the targets. this will unlock the last character, and you can make record times on break the targets for everyone. Finally, make records for every character on board the platforms... the stop the movie. ... just a suggestion :P
I love this idea, however it seems to me like a complete 100% run, which incorporates the fastest time and high score of mine and antd's, so for the first two runs of the game there'd be no difference; plus, it'd be a huge project. However, I think that after we submit these two, that antd and I should combine and work together by taking antd's fast run, beat Ness and continue with that game file to use Kirby in the next run of the game to get a highest score possible (or do some other goal with a different character to avoid it being too similar to my high score run), then unlock another character, and then play the game again showing off as much as possible (antd will be awesome at this haha), and then do all bonuses like you suggest. So that is a great suggestion, and possibly something to look at as a co-run between the two of us after we've finished.
antd wrote:
I don't know the best way to do BtT. What is the fastest way to die ^^
One of the reasons Fox is a great choice is because he has the fastest ways to die in the bonus for any original character. For BtT, just jump up and left over the short wall, and go straight down. Oh boy Finals are coming, that'll slow things down. I was able to get a youtube link up for the WIP2, but the quality is quite horrible. Do I need to upload it as AVI, because I uploaded the .mkv and there's a graphical problem anytime something moves.
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psychoticworm wrote:
very cool! I am sure this record will be nearly impossible to beat...the only other way is if someone can sit thru thousands of re-records, for days straight waiting for a mew catch...other then that, amazing vid. congrats! the rest should be pretty easy, with the exception of polygon
Don't forget Mario Bros... remember, True Friend + Brothers' Calamity. ^-^ hehe looking foward to that.
laughing_gas wrote:
I used the same strategy against link in fox's level and managed to get 4:51 with the same bonuses from link's level. Even though the right side is sloped, kirby can still fall off after he sucks fox in. Now the question is whether you want to make a mew appear in the 29 seconds you have, but from the yoshi stage it looks like that isn't likely to happen.
the edge grab strategy also gets 4:51... whichever yields a higher bonus will be used. Thanks for testing that out. Yoshi Stage WMV I also realized I do have a youtube account, so I'm uploading the WMV now... it accepts WMV right, not only AVI?
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I am very pleased to present... 266000 Yoshi Stage (WMV to come when I make it.) I unfortunately was not able to make Mew appear, not even by waiting a little but and trying at a later time. I am sorry, I wanted it to happen to but it just didn't. HOWEVER: I did get the Hawk bonus. Haha! +18,000 is quite tasty. This puts me 17920 ahead of psychoticworm's video. That, and I saved time, and it looks more entertaining IMO. and double kills! everyone loves double kills.
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I absolutely could not get a single Mew to appear. It'd boost the score considerably, but it's so frustrating that I couldn't get it. Maybe it doesn't come before a certain time? So I finished the version using all cutter... 4:26... and I got a total score of 80 less? WTF? apparantly the 1000 points I gained through the bonuses was offset by the 1080 through the less amount of damage dealt bonus. That, plus Aerial didn't show up, which I think is huge/problematic. GAHHHH it looked so much better too, and got many double kills... maybe somewhere I activated a cutter from the ground, or cutter doesn't count as aerial? I just rechecked and indeed there is one missed Aerial cutter... time to redo from that section, Yoshi #4 and 5. There is still hope!!! (side note, already 1,549 rerecords used, only 300 from Link)
thegreginator wrote:
Dont give up on that Mew comicalflop, it will make a really nice addition to the video. :) And I dont know what you guys think, but I think it'd be nice to see the Ness fight in both videos. Also, kind of off topic but I tried to make an AVI of one of my SMW levels on snes9x but it didnt work. Do you need some sort of special program or does it only work for mupen?
I truly wish I could get it to work as well, but ater a thousand retires it just isn't happening, and I doubt it even is possible. The Ness fight at the end was debated during nico's submission, and while interesting it detracts from a solid ending of the movie. whereas if input is ended after final hit on Master hand, there are some nice credits that go by, and the screen shows the character and will say "incredible!". Further input makes that screen fade and the Ness fight starts, however once you beat him it says "Ness can be unlocked" and after that, any button causes a reset. So the non-Ness ending is stronger, whereas the Ness fights leads to interesting credits navigation and one final fight, but does have a weaker ending.
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Yes I was referring to antd, but if you want to host them that's fine... at the moment we're only releasing WIPs of inidividual stages, and the finished movie should be ~ 10 minutes so there should be no problem of hosting them. They're in WMV format. I just spent 200 rerecords, both in time and in frame advance, and not a single Mew. I'm beginning to doubt if it's even possible to get a Mew. I'm just going to finish the round without using the pokeball at all, I'm just frustrated that I can manipulate all of the pokemon BUT Mew. If all goes well, I'll lose Judo warrior and throwdown, but gain aerial, special move, single move, and improve time bonus.
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all good justifications. 6 more Yoshis to go via cutter. I can't wait to see the results. Sppedster is unfortunately not possible, but with 6 to go ans only 4:36 on the close, I have some confidence a faster time can be reached, what is questionable is whether a higher score will result. Good god this is difficult... the throw was easy cheesy, but cutter technique is extremely difficult... I also have to be in the air for aerial to count... btu I think I've got two double kills so far, which was beautiful the one that needed to die first died 2 frames before the other one *phew* that particular one took MANY rerecords. I hope all this effort amounts to something beyond beneficial. Since I don't have a youtube account I think it'd be nice for your subscribers and myself if you put my vids up... do you want to do that?, I wouldn't mind HOT DAMN: more double kills, which sets up a lovely double kill routine, and a pokeball dropped 0_0 Can the Mew come out to play? Plus, I am very sure I have a faster time, because when I stopped to grab the pokeball and finished in real time, I was still 2 seconds ahead.
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Jigglypuff? Um I think for Fastest that's it's not as nescessary, it's not like the partner is going to help at all... I need someone who is going to stay out of trouble or reflect/absorb damage. for you, probably the one that always makes some sort of first attack. we don't even know if we can manipulate that, although I assume we can. One of the tinier things about my revised Yoshi fight that I'm doing is that the Yoshis shoot straight up with cutter instead of up at an angle like with backwards throwing. Fox vid was great, but I was wondering... do you gain any frames by jumping over him? I feel like there might be some slight way to get to the other side of Fox faster.
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Tru Dat. Excellent, I won't get rushed then to meet any deadline. Now here's how the cutter works: you spin up, swing around, then launch a projectile when you hit the ground. If the sword hits Yoshi on the way up or down, the up+b extra force I metnioned earlier comes into play. already on the third Yoshi, and 3 SECONDS SAVED ( I saved 3 seconds overall compared to psychotic's in the throwdown version to compare!). I hit two at the same time, which was nice. Now, Bonus wise is it better? I assume so; I'm hoping that judo warrior and throdown are replaced by single move, aerial, and smashless. Trickster still applies, as if any Yoshi is hit on the way up or down, they'll skyrocket to the top; only if they are hit by the projectile do they go sideways. Hopefully I'll be done with a finished Yoshi Cutter stage by tonight.
antd wrote:
The slide is invaluable, I've used it in every match so far to save time. Too bad Kirby doesn't have it.
Yeah shame... and the taungting thing, that's be a cool way to get fighter stance. psychoticworm: everything is based on what frame you do something, so when I press start/A to get out of the bonus award screen and procede to Mario Bros is going to probably be how it's done. And it's evident that what you described happens because the screen shows which partner you get, and to progress to Mario Bros. you need to press A or start at that screen. If my strategies ideas have any merit, it may not matter which character I get, since my plan is to fight Luigi first to get him off my partner's tail, have Mario chase after me, and for the partner to stay out of the way.
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antd wrote:
Your run IMO is waaaaaay harder. Which is why I didn't want to do it in the first place- haha. I do have nico's run. I just never view ahead ^^ So I'm not sure what he does vs Mario Bros. I'll be taking a break from this as I have a lot of work to do this week... Mario Bros. will take some time......
well, in that case I'm glad you decided to do fast so that I don't have to worry about juggling two SSB TASes. You inadvertanly gave me the hard one by opting for the easy one (:P) but it'k ok, it's the one I'm more passionate about. we should plan on submitting these at the exact same time for coolness factor, despite the fact that most likely you'll be done first. I think it'd be a good idea to watch through all of nico's run a few times over, it couldn't hurt and it's a short video anyways. Mario Bros. will take a lot of time, most especially for me since I have to kill one of the brothers first without damaging the other, and still have my partner not even get hit. But go ahead and take a break, you've gotten 4 stages done while I'm still trying to optmize my 2nd. Yoshi Stage WMV
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Damn you work fast :P I admit that a <8 minute movie with stages no more than 30 seconds a piece is going to be easy to make and you've been TASing SSB for a while, but that was fast. Wait up! (although the many wide variety of manipulation/strategies for high score makes my run harder to make I guess.) ok I'm looking for an AVI to WMV converter, I think I found one. I truly hope the judges see it too, or we've been working on great stuff for nothing. Next is Break the Target, but you skip it, and then Mario Bros. any changes from nico's on Mario Bros.?
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thegreginator wrote:
AntD that Yoshi fight was amazing. If the other levels are as entertaining as that, this will definately get published. Question for you: are the "bullets" that the Master Hand shoots out able to be reflected? Also, can you manipulate what attack the Master Hand will do? If so, then you could get him to always do quick attacks that dont take him out of your range to beat him extra quick, not sure if the previous movie did this manipulation.
My Yoshi fight isn't amazing? :'( Haha no just kidding, the constant Yoshi dying off the sides action makes antd's more interesting... if I test cutter it might increase entertainment, time, and scroe, but we'll see. The bullets are reflectable, but they bounce upward at an angle, overshooting the masterhand unless you were directly next to him. using the laser against him for extra shots is still the best, I'm gong to try that with Kirby assuming it works with cutter as well. I'm not sure if the Masterhand is manipulatable, but it's sure worth testing once we get there.
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It was exactly the same as vs. Link. Do you have the .m64 of that? I still have if you need and can't remember what the strategies were, or is it that you have it and atm cannot remember the strategy? I'll try to make an AVI, so I can pause the playback at the frame that the Yoshi stage starts, and just record the Yoshi stage? cool, I'll try that... is there any codec stuff I have to mess around with to get it to work or is it extremely easy to do? which compressor should I use?
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How do you make AVIs is it simply clicking the capture AVI in video options? I watched it, and couldn't notice anything that needed improvement, it looked pretty solid and beat nico's by 1 second. The huge improvements will come later on I'm assuming. I noticed that there were a few movements yes where you did change Yoshi spawn patterns, luckily for my run I don't have to do that :P Fox next for you at least, I still need to test if scraping in more points in Yoshi is possible. Actually... I wil make a new copy of .m64 and test if doing all cutter's in the air will lead to aerial, single move, smashless, etc. it'll be tougher to do, since cutter's hit detection is not intuitive, and every hit needs to make the Yoshi shoot up into the background. and still get them in order. I'll start that tonight.
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