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feos wrote:
When using the runner from discord I get
./runner: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
even tho it's there in usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ EDIT: Turns out you can just launch libtas with steam libs and the game will run fine
~/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/ libTAS
For future reference (and who knows, maybe using the Steam runtime is better), you can debug these kinds of errors by running strace, e.g. strace ./runner. It will show all syscalls that the binary makes, including every filename it looks for to find the library. To show only syscalls related to files, pass --trace=file, e.g. strace --trace=file ./runner. And for better usability, you can pass -o to redirect the strace output to a file, e.g. strace --trace=file -o output.txt ./runner.
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You linked to the album, not the actual image itself. The link to the actual image is
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You can upload it to a site like Imgur and use the [img] tag.
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Posting a screenshot would help, yes.
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Also by the way, Elomavi, you don't need to replace it with a ~60 version - it's only an option. But I do like the look of it.
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Elomavi wrote:
I'm not entirely sure how to render the encode at 1000/17 FPS without going into the input file manually and doubling every input. Since the input file is incredibly short I'll just change it manually for this one but it would be incredibly helpful if there was an easier way to do this.
I don't do it manually. I use neovim, but any decent text editor will do. I record a macro (by typing q followed by a character, which I just usually type q again) that goes like o|K|<ESC>j, which just starts a new line (o), types |K|, finishes typing (<ESC>), and then moves to the next line (j). Then I open the inputs file, and type the number of lines in the file (so that'd be 997 in your case), followed by @ and then the name of the macro (so it'd be q in my case), which invokes the macro that exact number of times. Although, it looks like in your movie you have superfluous mouse inputs on every single frame. I'm not sure if typing |K| is a good idea, but in the worst case you could just type |K|M0:0:A:.....|. Or just disable mouse input; this game doesn't use the mouse, after all. I'm not sure where you got the impression that you need to necessarily double the inputs. You only need a blank input each frame, because the game only polls every other frame at 1000/17 FPS (it only polls at 1000/34).
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Spikestuff wrote:
This submission says 29,41176470588235 framerate while the previous movie used 60. Why?
Probably safe to assume "Cause Hourglass shenanigans".
Yes, the game has always ran at 1000/34 FPS (check the source for yourself, it does SDL_Delay(34);), but I'm told that Hourglass needed to run it at 60 for audio dumping reasons (which weren't fully resolved; [2611] Windows VVVVVV "game end glitch" by Masterjun in 00:45.33 still has crap audio in places!). Also note that [4588] Linux VVVVVV "game end glitch" by InfoTeddy in 02:55.81 does 1000/34 as well (well, 1000/17 for ~60 FPS).
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Serena wrote:
I couldn't find any way to replace the movie file myself though, so I've uploaded the new one to my user files here instead. Apologies if this wasn't the correct thing to do.
Yep, that's exactly how you do it. Upload it to userfiles, link it here, and wait for a judge to replace it in the submission.
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Serena wrote:
Unsure what this is referring to, is that something libTAS generates automatically? I never did anything regarding annotations.
Ok so basically, .ltm files are actually .tar.gz files (.tar being a file archive format similar to .zip but has roots in Unix, and .gz indicating that it's compressed using the gz compression method) which just contain multiple things. Normally, libTAS stores annotations in a file named annotations.txt inside the .ltm, but it looks like in your movie it's really screwed up and weird? I can concur with feos in that something is wrong with your annotations.txt, but it looks to me that instead of being a folder as feos says, it seems to be one giant file containing the raw data (and metadata?) for every other file that's normally inside a .ltm. libTAS can't even read the full annotations.txt, because it uses null characters. In any case, you should try making a new .ltm with new annotations, as the ones we have now are busted. And these annotations should contain sync information (as outlined in the libTAS page).
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If it helps, I'm running Fedora 35.
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Alright, so, I can confirm that the game runs fine under libTAS if I'm using the XFCE desktop environment. I can also thus confirm that this movie syncs on libTAS v1.4.2 stable. I didn't need to specify the ALSA audio driver, but I did notice that the sound wasn't muted properly and played directly through my speakers (headphones). Most likely it's needed if you're using savestates, but as I'm only playing back the movie, I haven't needed to use them. I'm not exactly sure if they still apply as I know the movie rules were rewritten and vastly simplified a while ago (judges feel free to correct me), but the libTAS section in the legacy movie rules goes into detail about sync instructions.
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Looks cool! Gets my "yes" vote. The movie has no annotations (and thus no sync info), and the submission doesn't contain sync info either, and furthermore it specifies an interim commit of libTAS, so I set about to try and sync this movie myself. Unfortunately, it segfaults in OS_X11::get_real_window_size, which is a Godot function (this crash also happens outside libTAS). That function doesn't seem to be present in the latest version of Godot, but unfortunately, the game is monolithically statically-linked for some reason, so I can't just replace its Godot with the latest Godot. Poking around for a bit in Ghidra didn't help me that much, but I figured it might have something to do with my window manager, i3. So I switched over to GNOME, and there the game runs fine outside of libTAS, but when run inside libTAS itself, it segfaults, this time in the X11 function XCreateIC (inside Godot's OS_X11::initialize).
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The YouTube video is private.
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That could work. Is there an issue filed about the UI?
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I'd say so, yeah. There's the "normal" run which completes the game without directly using a game end glitch, then there's one that does it with no holds barred, and then there's this one which has some restraint.
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slamo wrote:
the published run's GEG was patched and can't be done the same way on this version.
It's patched, but it can be re-enabled via 2.0 glitchrunner mode, which emulates the glitch that enables for a much faster credits warp. Thus, I propose that the current GEG be called "2.0 glitchrunner" (so a run on 2.3 or later can obsolete it by using glitchrunner mode), and this run be called "2.1 game end glitch" or something similar (since the gamestate increment was nerfed in 2.1). Branchless can remain branchless.
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Requesting to replace the move file with the 60 FPS version, as I want that to be the primary encode, and the game defaults to over-30-FPS mode anyway (which hinders playback of the 30 FPS movie unless you disable it or change the timing function).
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Nice first attempt. Though it does feel unoptimized like you said, and in general the movement didn't "wow" me that much. Also there were a bunch of blank frames at the end which didn't need to be in the movie (we always end input on the very last frame of necessary input). "Meh" from me.
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This should've been submitted years ago! Definitely a yes vote from me.
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It's funny that each boss is defeated relatively quickly. Gets a yes vote from me.
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Requesting to replace file with a newer version that updates it to 2.3.6 (has different file hash which libTAS warns about) and has the 9 frame improvement.
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Masterjun wrote:
From what I gathered, this submission uses the glitch that advances the game-state like in the current game end glitch movie [2611] Windows VVVVVV "game end glitch" by Masterjun in 00:45.33, but in a less powerful way because it's somewhat patched now? Then an argument could be made that this submission shouldn't obsolete the current run of the default category, since the current one avoids using that glitch (as it would be the game end glitch run otherwise). In that case it feels like this run is an inferior version of the published game end glitch run.
The difference is that the game end glitch branch uses the Escape key (save+quit), whereas [4009] Linux VVVVVV by Masterjun in 05:49.86 and this run do not. The publication says
4009M wrote:
This run avoids using glitches that require pressing the Escape key.
and the judgment notes also say
6429S wrote:
The author explained that they chose to disallow saving + quitting because it was the least complicated restriction that wouldn't allow a game end glitch, and after some thought, I will agree with this argument.
This run does use gamestate incrementing, but it's a nerfed version that you can't immediately skip to the credits with with any text box, and furthermore it's possible without doing save+quit (although "save+quit" is a bit of a misnomer; you don't need to save, you merely just need to interrupt the quit fadeout).
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feos wrote:
In Family Feud's case, I don't think we can conclude from the context of that movie that the slur was used as an instance of hate speech.
It may not be hate speech, but many people are still uncomfortable with using that word in the first place. (I conjecture that this is because people tried to pass off hate speech by rules-lawyering that their use of the word is actually "technically" not hate speech, so the norm just evolved to banning all usages of the word entirely.) Also some context that may be relevant: I made an announcement on the Tool-Assisted Speedruns Out of Context Twitter that we wouldn't be posting anything from Heisanevilgenius's TAS because of the slur, as we kept getting it submitted over and over again. Numerous people in the replies expressed bewilderment that this site would accept such a TAS. I don't know if it's actively pushing people away (it's hard to tell when the effects are a lack of something, not the presence of it), but it's certainly not a good look.
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You have my vote! Now I'm just waiting for the next game end glitch submission...
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