Posts for MUGG

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Are there any map images? I can't find any, but it would be useful for item planning.
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MUGG wrote:
OK I have a new idea. Lag seems to be key, so let's make the game lag.
I've started to examine (more like trying to make a stab on) SML2. I'm going to post my finds here rather than the submission, as I'm not sure if these would save time in the final product. Short list of lag influencing routes for the game end glitch TAS in order of time required to reach it: 1. picking up shroom and destroying blocks by spin jump + the first shroom is located after the 2nd enemy (1st goomba, 2nd koopa) + fastest way is bumping the shroom block from under, jumping on the shroom and spin jumping (while falling down on the shrom) to the next block after picking it up 2. bringing a koopa shell and throwing it between the first two flowers + this section generates 1 lag frame only when throwing it at the right spot (depends on camera X pos primarily, Y pos and mario pos secondarily) - it takes ~70frames to bump under the first koopa and pick up the shell
You should post in the SML2 topic. The game end glitch route requires you to go to the row of ?-blocks because one memory address used to pull off the glitch is based on your X-position. I don't see the credits warp working in any other location in the first level.
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There also seems to be something wrong with either the emulation or the video. At 0:11 the fade into the level is normally longer than what it seems like in the Youtube video. There is a split second of white screen that is missing in the video.
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xy2, thanks for your post. Did you research the game or have you been playing on independently?
There is no limit to the number of guesses you can make.
I think I once saw someone get kicked after they spammed in the chat, so I'm not sure. Guessing in the chat is fine, and lots of people do it anyway. But guessing every single word is going to be suspicious, indeed.
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Warp wrote:
I understand that finding a cheat is an interesting intellectual exercise and hacking challenge, but in the end... what's the point? If you succeed in creating a cheat, you'll just be ruining the game for yourself, and everybody else.
Yes, this is just a little challenge. I don't think every single player at will somehow catch wind of what I'm doing (since tasvideos forums don't appear in google anyway) and if they do - which I highly doubt - it may motivate the game creator to make his game more robust. I do not think I will be playing very long in any case. The game is getting old after a while. It's not like there is a leaderboard or anything that you could aim for 1st place. Ideas to make the game robust:
  • Don't make length of word public knowledge
  • Add tons of more new words
  • Instead of writing timer and current word to HTML, draw it in a Canvas.
p4wn3r wrote:
Also, be aware that some web engines obfuscate the page to make reverse engineering harder to do, and also that what you're trying to do probably violates the site's terms of service, and you can get banned.
You might be right. But then again, what I'm doing hardly qualifies as reverse engineering. I'm not digging in the game script or changing anything. All I do is see this HTML: And trying to run something that compares against a list of known words. I would run my script outside of the webpage if I could. For example, if it is possible to open the website HTML from file, I would write a luascript (since I'm better at lua than javascript/HTML/HTML5). Can the site owner detect if I'm running a custon script? Can he see what's inside the script? Here is as far as I got:
Language: javascript

var list = document.createElement("ul"); var sol1 = document.createElement("li"); var sol2 = document.createElement("li"); var sol3 = document.createElement("li"); var sol4 = document.createElement("li"); sol1.setAttribute("id", "sol1"); sol2.setAttribute("id", "sol2"); sol3.setAttribute("id", "sol3"); sol4.setAttribute("id", "sol4"); var text1 = document.createTextNode("<1>"); var text2 = document.createTextNode("<2>"); var text3 = document.createTextNode("<3>"); var text4 = document.createTextNode("<4>"); sol1.appendChild(text1); sol1.appendChild(text2); sol1.appendChild(text3); sol1.appendChild(text4); list.appendChild(sol1); list.appendChild(sol2); list.appendChild(sol3); list.appendChild(sol4); var bar = document.getElementsByClassName("gameHeader")[0]; bar.appendChild(list); //list of possible solutions should be created right after the current word, but it's not working ... //Also, optional TODO: Show the length of the word somewhere. currentWord = ""; currentWordLength = 0; Solutions = {"","","",""}; table = {}; table[4] = [ "afro", "arch"]; // The list is much longer, but I don't want to ruin the game by making possible words public knowledge. table[5] = [ "alien", "angel" // The list is much longer, but I don't want to ruin the game ]; // for now, I'm only working with 4 and 5 letter words. function fetchWord() { currentWord = document.getElementById("currentWord").innerHTML; currentWordLength = currentWord.length } function updateSolution() { // When at least 1 letter is not a "_", compare the word against the list above. // If it is a 4 letter word, compare against table[4], if it is 5 letters, compare against table[5]. // Then spit out possible solutions and change the unordered list we created at the top of this script. } fetchWord() updateSolution() //TODO: Create a button that runs fetchWord() and updateSolution() //OR make the script auto-update when the timer reaches 30 and 15 seconds (I believe this is when 1st and 2nd letter is revealed).
For example, if the word is _ r _ _ _ then I know the word is 5 letters long and possible words are:
  • bread
  • cream
  • dress
  • prune
  • truck
  • wrist
When it becomes _ r _ _ e then the only possible outcome is that it is "prune" or a new word.
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My javascript/HTML knowledge is extremely rusty. Can you help me? Testing around: I'm testing on this html test page I made.
<title>a page</title>

<div id="testdiv">12345</div>

I installed Greasemonkey and I'm trying to run this script on that page:
function myFunction() {
    value = document.getElementById("testdiv").innerHTML;

EDIT: Ok, looks like I need to change "print()" to "console.log()".
Post subject: cheating at
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I recently found the site which is an online game where you have to guess what people are drawing. It shows the word to guess at the top of the page, so the amount of letters in the word is known. After some time, one letter is revealed, and after some more time, a 2nd letter is revealed. I noticed that the same words keep appearing again and again, so I was curious if you could cheat at the game by taking advantage of the known amount of letters. I started making a list of words that appeared. Quickly looking at my list and randomly guessing helped me in a few cases, but I would like to really optimize my strategy. So here are my questions: --> Is it possible to write a script that directly reads from the HTML and shows me the words that are likely to be the solution? If it is not possible in the browser, is it maybe possible to read from text file somewhere and have a luascript figure out the solution?
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Hey poco_cpp, I'm happy you submitted your run! Cheers to your competitors as well. The bug is really strange...
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Hi @Fencypo It's nice to see someone new trying this game. I put some notes below. It looks like you did a really good job at optimizing, so kudos to you! Here is the 2017 WIP which I stopped working on after Ledge clip in Mountain was discovered. The bad Hohooros luck made me lose my motivation to keep going. Hopefully it will be useful to you. I can't remember which Bizhawk version I used, but it seems to sync fine at least as far as middle of Cruiser on v2.2.2.
Notes wrote:
- Title screen is equal to my 2017 WIP. - At the beginning cutscene, you didn't use the A mashing trick to clear text faster. You lost 506 frames (8.47 seconds). - At Toad, it looks like you saved 2 frames over my 2017 WIP :o - Somehow you lost 1 frame between after leaving Mario's house and starting Bowser battle. - You can press A on frame 8309 to save 1 frame. (At this point I stopped looking at minor text stuff) - At the beginning of Toad Town, you are 507 frames behind me. In the first room, I go left way and get a boost from the Toad. 508 frames behind. - Still 508 when entering third room of Toad Town (framecount 14100). - Jump towards the Koopa Cruiser could be better to optimize the camera. The point where the time loss becomes visible is when Mario jumps on the Cruiser. 519 behind. - When Luigi runs to the bottom, it's 561 frames behind. Not sure why. - At framecount ~18120, you again didn't mash the text but it looks like it doesn't lose time. - In the 2nd room of Koopa Cruiser I'm doing an NPC boost, which saves 1 frame. - After the photographer room, your movie is 636 frames behind. - (...)
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I don't know if I want to come back to this topic to start discussing about hardships again. But I would like to say I'm definitely in another hole right now. My parents put a lot of psychological pressure on me and it feels like they treat me like shit. There is zero questioning "could this be my own fault?". I suppose this is the scapegoating thing that MESHUGGAH mentioned. Even though my mother repeatedly tells me I'm retarded, once I tell her that she is retarded, she grabs my arm and pulls me through the room. When I shout, my father comes and tells me I should quiet down or else I can live on the street. And several similar situations. They like to cut my internet connection and keep me isolated from the outer world. It is like a psychological prison here. I would like to keep living here at least 1 year longer, because I feel well in at least two rooms here. The next year of my education is going to be really tough. I need to be stable to do it. But my parents tell me things and do things that make me extremely unstable and feel like I'm worthless, I'm a retarded person who should go back to the clinic. I'm wondering if it is possible to sue them for all the damage they have done to me, for how they didn't prepare me for life. Moving elsewhere, in a foreign room with foreign people (who don't understand me), I fear that this would make me just as unstable. If it ever comes to that, I think I will never be the same anymore. I won't be able to enjoy gaming, anime or TASing anymore. It's just going to be about "why am I doing this, why do I keep going?"... This ties in heavily with another situation which I never mentioned here before. And I'm not going to mention it, but it is about losing someone I loved. I can see how some of my colleagues, who are mothers, treat their young children with so much care and love which I never had. It is extremely painful to me.
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Good game but so many questionable decisions... Croatia is the winner in my heart.
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The unfinished html5 game (that I made in 2013 or so and presented here in 2016 or so) has been unavailable on Altervista for a long time, so I decided to make it available again. It's not really anything big but I'm happy to show it again.
MUGG wrote:
Here is the latest version of that one little incomplete html5 game I made. There is only one test room without anything to do but jump around. <-- without debug info <-- with debug info
There is also very early v1 available here. I have recently attempted to make a platforming game like this in Bizhawk Lua with good results, but I lost motivation again and while the attempt was much more clean and solid, I made the same mistake: Working on too much stuff at once and trying to add too much. I'm not happy with those things I added, such as ledge climbing, sliding on slopes, etc. (not shown in the video) So If I come back to this project, I would remove some of the features and try to simplify the code as much as possible before going on. I think each time I attempt game programming like this, the results will get better and better. I can definitely see myself coming back to this project someday.
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At 2:55 (Emmet) it is possible to walk around and shoot at Emmet or Smoke. That would have been more entertaining than standing still. I don't know if the TAS is on Playstation and if it is possible on that version. The driving isn't particularly good, neither is the walking (5:15 doesn't walk in a straight path). At 5:20, changing clothes isn't required. Though I think the runner deliberately does it, along with watching cutscenes in full. I stopped watching.
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Very nice work! The grounded battles are a nice timesaver
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I made a DTM on Dolphin 4.0-9215, an SSBM Homerun Contest TAS. Unfortunately, I used the v1.0 of the game which has a too short track. The camera stops and the sandbag falls through the ground. Any chance of getting this run to sync on v1.1? I'd make a DTM on v1.1 and copy the input over. How to do it? EDIT: Nevermind, the movie played back in v1.1 without a desync. Thanks anyway v :)
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I checked Dark Deal's videos again and I saw he improved these scores: Chomp Romp 13:20* --> 13:11** Piece Out (1 min) 85,750 pts --> 85,899 pts*** * at 9:48 in the video ** at 1:55 in the video *** at 13:35 in the video
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I'm sad Japan got defeated by Belgium in the last minute. That whole game was quite entertaining
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I think that half a second can be saved with laborious efforts (pull off the bug quicker in the end). But that shall wait for another day..
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Has it ever gone through to h) in FIFA history?
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Germany vs Sweden, that was a really breath-taking game. I'm laughing a lot because of that 90'+5 goal. That was beautiful.
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grassini wrote: was this known or is it useless?
Yes, this was known (see Heidman's posts) but it is useless since TAS doesn't need it to evade enemies. It is a popular strategy in RTA though, but it only works on the US version.
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I've been thinking "whatever, Germany is gonna win easy". Oh ... well.
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When I go to "view posts since last visit", I get this:

SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '740604116' for key 'PRIMARY'

INSERT INTO search_results (search_id, session_id, search_time, search_array) VALUES(740604116, 'd2bdf2a2ee77d0b2403bc3ada9744282', 1528907469, 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:99:"929, 5921, 7498, 10580, 19094, 19954, 20004, 20196, 20206, 20207, 20217, 20227, 20229, 20230, 20240";s:17:"total_match_count";i:15;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:6:"topics";s:12:"return_chars";i:800;}')

Line : 637
File : realsearch.php

  includes/functions.php[743]: ErrorPrintBacktrace()
  realsearch.php[637]: message_die(202, string(31) "Could not insert search results"
, string(0) ""
, 637, {string(48)}, {string(442)})
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Congratulaitons on a good run!