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>Can any of the Judges let me know what I should do? I'm in favor of using the U version whenever it is available. As longer as you're faster in the game segments (disregarding cutscenes) in frames, it's okay. Does the U version play faster because of 60 Hz or did the programmers take that into consideration?
Post subject: Tasvideos blocked! But why? Read on to find out!
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I was recently in Japan, and while there I tried to access from a computer in a library. It was blocked. This is the message I got:
このページは「i-FILTER」によりブロックされました。 URL ブロック理由 違法ソフト・反社会行為
This page is blocked by i-FILTER. URL: Reason for block: Illegal software, Antisocial behaviour
I guess someone could get the incorrect idea about us sharing copyrighted material... but antisocial behaviour? :o A complaint is probably in order, but I doubt anyone at i-FILTER would care.
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>Every round in which an enemy dies, or a level is gained, the battle queue list needs to be regenerated, which takes MATLAB 3-5 minutes. I love the sound of this - that you're using matlab to simulate the game, not that it takes 5 minutes. And the movie looks great. Please go on.
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It was okay, but the grating sound of skidding because of constant gear shifting really got to me after a while. Does that trick really have to be performed all the time?
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This sounds more like excuses to vote Yes rather than excuses to publish something. Nach> And another: It's been sitting in the queue for so long, we can't just reject it now. That's actually an excellent reason to just reject something.
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>There actually is a clause like that in the deletion e-mail. Oh, so there was a deletion e-mail. I didn't see anything about it in the topic before this. Then all should be good, never mind my complaints.
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They could also be users who just like to lurk and still keep track of where there are new posts... in which case I can imagine them being a bit upset if their account was deleted. A "reply to this email if you want to keep your account" could be a good idea. Or looking at how often they log in instead of how often they post.
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Good news Diman. You do NOT need to start over. I checked with Upthorn, it is possible to check the region for a game by looking at the ROM with a hex editor. The ROM labeled (UE) in this case is in fact legit for Japan NTSC. So, carry on tasing. :)
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>Can you explain how I can fix this problem, so I record in the "right" mode in the future, please? =O You probably have "Auto Detect" selected under CPU -> Country. For some reason auto-detect chooses Japanese for this game, although it is labeled (UE). Set Country to "USA (NTSC)" instead. Options in order of preference: 1) Check if the (UE) is not a mislabeled (JUE). If it is, you can continue as normal. I am not sure how region is determined, other than "the game can be started". Upthorn? Nitsuja? 2) Switch to USA and save what parts you can by hexediting. 3) Start over. :( I hope you don't have to do this.
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How about no. Noone is willing to translate and sub a 4 hour video game movie, especially when it can be avoided by just using the (U) version. Rawr. Come to your senses people. hero already made his position clear, so stop whining.
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It looked really good.... but did you really mean to record it with a (UE) Rom in Japanese mode? :/ You should fix that or your movie could be rejected. The end of the second level was the best. I didn't like the twiching at 6550, and perhaps you can crawl and move a bit earlier at 6600? It seems weird that you would miss something like that though...
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Heya Grandy, and welcome! It will interest you to know that a pacifist/no shuriken Shinobi 3 has already been attempted, and it seems it's not possible to complete the game without using shurikens: It was not very well received... I would suggest a movie just beating the game as fast as possible.
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>Free text comments are handled by the "Description" field. Do you think there should be two fields? A short description (that would appear in the search) and a long description ... or just remove the long description and keep a short one? Whoops. I missed that field, because the description is not viewable in the list to the right. As long as it is, i don't care if it's long or short. :)
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I noticed something: at 26718, shouldn't you jump before you start to spin?
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I suggest removing commenting by users (1), removing logging in (2), and adding a filename and a free text comment by the uploader. (3, maybe these are already intended?) Reasoning: (1) Movies are basically always linked from the forum and will be commented there. It's better to not spread out the information. (2) The best thing about microstorage is that people can easily get their movies online, without hassle. (3) For browsing through the files, it would be convenient to be able to keep all Strider movies by whoever apart other than by length. For example Maximus might have uploaded a bunch of short movies, and it would be much easier to find the one you want if one said "Wall glitch", the next said "dialogue skip trick" etc.
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I have thoughts about redoing the KC run, yes. JoshTheFunkDOC discovered many new tricks in his longest path run, and I know of a few other timesavers as well. At the moment I'm doing another run and then I will do Castlevania: BL. Considering the speed I usually TAS at, that is way in the future. About Taz in KC, whoa. Can't believe I never saw that, owning the game and all. To get back on topic: when can we expect the next WIP?
Post subject: Re: Gens 10 planned feature list
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upthorn wrote:
... here's a list of the features planned for it
  • Tracer/partial dissassembler
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I have little clue of what is going on here, but you can't go wrong with manic running and 3 minutes improvement.
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I find it very interesting that your movie author notes says "truncated minicompetition week 1" when I load it. moozooh> Huh, I seem to be imagining things. When you jumped up the stairs in 1-2, it looked like it was faster then just walking. o_0 You're not imagining, jumping up stairs is faster than walking and has been done since the first movie posted for this game. (What you might not notice is that jumping is faster than walking also for flat surfaces.) The horizontal RAM position is very tricky indeed. The horizontal position on screen is 00FF9EC0, 2 bytes unsigned, but obviously this is constant while the screen is scrolling (because you're always in the middle of it). It works well for non-scrolling rooms. The scrolling register of where the screen is in the stage is saved in some other format I haven't been able to understand. stanski> I might slowly work on this, as it doesn't seem like anyone else wants to. I do want to work on it, but that shouldn't stop you. I'm busy with another game at the moment. And as you said, this game is a bitch. :/ For missing things, watching my movie you seem to have on your harddrive would be good. For example, jump more, and get more item ammo.
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Hehm, when I read this I though you had killed off the player in order to save time somehow. Then i realized you meant the Mega Crash bombs. (The solider is called a Merc, as in mercenary.) Looked good to me... perhaps you can go around the tank instead of crashing into it, and keep the jeep longer?
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He had a TAS site, which is now down. You can view it through the wayback machine on*/ No gameshows on there though. You'll have to excuse Phil, he's from Quebec.
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> does the 10% no boss category have a value for publishing anytime? There is a low-% category for SM, no? And 10% is lower than 14%. No-boss as a specific category wouldn't be good, but you can of course skip the bosses if it makes the movie faster, or the collect% lower. Just don't make it your goal. In short, yes.
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>No one has compiled a list of which subforums are blocked to non-goons, so I can't really promise that I won't accidentally post to a wicked thread that some people can't get in on. May I suggest you simply log out and check for yourself if the link you are going to post is available without an account? Or, I dunno, make a list of the free forums yourself instead of asking people to do stuff for you?
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Looked good to me. But holy hell did they rip the spin animation straight out of Taz-Mania even though it was made by another company and didn't even bother to resize it to fit the new (much shorter) Taz sprite.
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You get one extra point for Holy Grail reference, though.