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Woah, so THAT is what you meant by glitched.
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Guys, if you are copying 1.3 into the same folder as 1.2 that's why things are crashing. We moved around the dlls. Try a fresh folder.
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Post subject: ColecoVision Wishlist
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Now that ColecoVision games are TASable, I thought I'd start a wishlist for it. When I was testing games in BizHawk I found these as possibly good for TASing Montezuma's Revenge Chuck Norris Galaxian Oil's Well Q-bert II Oil's Well is particularly interesting because it is some very unusual gameplay (and odd subject matter) and looks like solutions to the levels could be really surprising.
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Post subject: ColecoVision rerecording added to the Site
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With BizHawk 1.3.0, ColecoVision now has rerecording and is approved for site submissions.
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BizHawk 1.3.0 Released This release features a new core: ColecoVision, as well as FDS support for NESHawk. In addition, NESHawk is now 20% faster! There's a lot of other fixes, and features, so I recommend reading the full release notes. Windows binary
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Isn't Hack the term using by the ROM Hacking community? I think it would be logical to use their own terminology to avoid confusion.
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Let's please come up with a better category name before publication. I agree that "Total control hack" undersells this movie significantly
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jlun2 wrote:
Must be clearly definable as having completed the game.
There seems to be a vault run that doesn't even complete the game.
Fixed. But please don't use this thread for tier maintenance.
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Wow! Consider me thoroughly impressed with this. More impressed than I have been about a TAS in quite awhile.
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Cool, glad I could help :)
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1) This should be in the bug report topic you have in the screenshot ;) 2) It is TAStudio causing the out of memory exception. It should be fixed in the next release. SNES savestates are quite large and make it run out of memory fast (it is only a 32bit exe so it runs out at about 2gig). The frames in your movie have exceeded the number of savestates TAStudio can handle, and in that release, it isn't smart enough to do anything about it. I hope to get out a release soon, in the meantime, you might want to TAS without that tool (which is probably not terribly helpful anyway right now)
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Under the Data Type dropdown, check the "include mis-aligned" option, and you will ge the "in between" values that you want. Note: It doesn't automatically refactor the current search, you will have to start a new search after changing this value.
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Don't make your emulator decisions based on load time speeds. The gameplay is what matters
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I like that a lot more than any other suggestion so far! Bizhawk's "Unknown ROM" icon is this, though it isn't animated. I don't know if that would cause confusion (not to a true newbie since they may not have even used an emulator) If it is going to be a question block, I expect it would give me answers. As such it should link to a wiki page, not a pure movie listing. This page would of course have the movie listing but also a lot of information. Maybe it should use the recommended movies as answers. Like "Often games manipulate luck, as as in this game xxxxx, not the author xxxxxxx" and then it shows the movie module.
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Movie text is cached for non-logged in users. I don't know the duration, but it will be updated with your change, at some point.
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The coin address is in the sram/wram memory region, not main ram. So set the memory domain to WRAM. You can also do System Bus, which is the equivalent of what FCEUX does, but it is not recommended to use that domain (but is a nice way to check against another emulator)
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My answer is a bit exaggerated. It is minimally useful right now. Alpha quality. The next release will be more useful but still alpha. Use it if you find it helpful. But if you aren't finding it helpful, it is probably because it isn't not because you don't know how to use it.. For instance, there is no input editing that can be done yet, but you can delete/insert/copy/paste frames. The plan is for it to be a functional equivalent to FCEUX 2.1.6's TASEditor tool, eventually.
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Post subject: TAStudio development and bugs
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This thread was created in retrospect, assembled out of old posts and threads. As of now (2015-12-02), tastudio is very stable and working well, and it's being actively developed, so report and see your bugs fixed! The always up-to-date interim build (automatic build against the latest commit) is always located here: Before reporting a bug, download the interim build and check to see if it's still there. TAStudio commit history can be observed here: For how to use TAStudio, refer to TASEditor manual, that covers all of its own features, and most of them are replicated in TAStudio.
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Old post:
JWinslow23 wrote:
I assumed it was like TASEdit on FCEUX, but it isn't. Help me figure out how to work this thing!
It doesn't. Yet.
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feos wrote:
Any plans about vote weights?
That is an issue with how the average rating is calculated, a formula we have not altered with this change. As for plans to do so, not currently.
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porting the Dolphin core is nowhere close to being on the BizHawk roadmap currently. There's a few logistics problems, but the most important is the fact that it would take an extensive carving up of the existing emulator and that emulator is under active development. The logistics would be problematic.
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goofydylan8 wrote:
On 11/24/2012 ~ 1150 Points On 11/25/2012 ~ 600 Points Rough.
Ouch. I thought I took the biggest hit (300)
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Post subject: Re: Player Point Calculation Changes
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CoolKirby wrote:
I like that the vault multiplier is less than 1 as an incentive for authors to shoot for making entertaining (Moon) runs.
I hope so. I want authors to feel that if put in every effort to entertain the audience, they will be rewarded with a higher tier, and more points.
Does this mean the site will noticeably get very slow every hour?
No, if anything, the site will be faster, since it is not calculating these numbers on the fly constantly.
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Post subject: Player Point Calculation Changes
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We made some changes to how Player Points are calculated today. Player point calculations now take these into account: Number of ratings a movie has had The Tier the movie has been published to. Player points reflect this change now. You may notice some published author's have more points, and some have less. For those curious, the number of ratings is done with a bell curve distribution, with a peak at the average number of ratings. Tiers are done as a multiplier. Currently the multipliers are .75 for vault, 1 for moon, 1.5 for star. Also player points now are calculated and stored rather than calculated on the fly. The numbers updated once per hour. So you will not see an immediate change in player points when movies are published or rated.
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Same here, looks like this movie wasn't finished. McBobX, please respond.
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I guess so!
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