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Nach wrote:
most young children probably won't understand them
That's what I think. If a child understands TASing, that child knows how to access the actual site beyond youtube and how to pull off ACE in SNES games.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I tried implementing this and even if I force frameskips in hawk's code for those "invisible" frames, I couldn't make it usable. Based on this draft by Dacicus and Masterjun, you have to advance 2 frames in order to see your hacked camera, then load a state and call emu.frameadvance() again to let the emu continue. And even after hacking hawk a bit, it's really not ready for this setup yet. For posterity: Nevermind, it mostly works. Just slowly. And with the updated script I made it blazing fast! Download sonicadvance_camhack_bizhawk.lua
Language: lua

local offX, offY, camX, camY local addr_offX = 0x5B96 local addr_offY = 0x5B98 local addr_camX = 0x59D0 local addr_camY = 0x59D2 while true do client.invisibleemulation(true) local memorystate = memorysavestate.savecorestate() offX = mainmemory.read_u16_le(addr_offX) offY = mainmemory.read_u16_le(addr_offY) camX = mainmemory.read_u16_le(addr_camX) camY = mainmemory.read_u16_le(addr_camY) Xval = camX + offX - 128 Yval = camY + offY - 80 mainmemory.write_u16_le(addr_camX, Xval) mainmemory.write_u16_le(addr_camY, Yval) client.seekframe(emu.framecount()+1) client.invisibleemulation(false) client.seekframe(emu.framecount()+1) client.invisibleemulation(true) memorysavestate.loadcorestate(memorystate) memorysavestate.removestate(memorystate) -- client.invisibleemulation(false) emu.frameadvance() end
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Indeed. Voted No.
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I tried applying Bisqwit's camhack to this game, but this movie desyncs. Download test.lua
Language: lua

while true do offX = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x5B96) offY = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x5B98) camX = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x59D0) camY = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x59D2) mainmemory.write_s16_le(0x59D0, camX+offX-128) mainmemory.write_s16_le(0x59D2, camY+offY-80) emu.frameadvance() end
With VBA-Nest it's possible to hook lua functions to memory writes and executes, but I couldn't figure what registers hold what, and what the PC is when camera values are being written. Otherwise you can do things like this:
Language: lua

event.onmemorywrite(function() offY = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x5B98) camY = mainmemory.read_s16_le(0x59D2) emu.setregister("R7", camY+offY-80) end, 0x030059D0)
It just kinda doesn't work...
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Soig wrote:
Making TAS is not easy. It always cost much long time. But as for you judgers and publishers, you get our works everyday. So getting a TAS becomes a very easy thing for you. For judgers, you just wait for several days, and browse the postbacks, watch the movie. Then give us a decision and write down some words. For publishers, you just dump the video and upload to Youtube which we submitter have done before. But I don't know why these easy works always need a longer time than us. I cost 1 month. You'll cost 2 months. Maybe if you finished a submission more quickly, the submit page would be empty.
We have judge role requirements, movie rules, and judge guidelines that demand that judges work hard, be thorough, kind, helpful. And we try to meet those requirements, provide useful feedback that'd help authors make better movies. But we are still regular people and we are imperfect. Sometimes we make mistakes, and it may not be easy to acknowledge them. But if we want to improve the quality of our work, we need to investigate the problems harder, study them deeper, and learn from our mistakes. I can speak for myself because years ago my judgments were sloppy, but I greatly improved since then. Still doesn't mean I am now perfect either.
Soig wrote:
Because I know it's not easy, I didn't submit my work until Mars's work published. But another one don't know that principle and post his WIP. What I can't believe is that YOU, YOU, YOU many people, reject mine with that WIP. I know why you do that. You will get that improvements finally, and rejecting mine won't cause any lose to yourself. So you did that. But for me, it's unfair. So I don't want to continue that TAS. If I guess not wrong, the submitter, who submit the contra run, and whose movie is rejected during publication underway, didn't he continue to make the next TAS? Maybe he could have continued to make more TAS. But he is hurted by you.
TASing is a hobby that requires a lot of effort. But it is also a competition. People have been competing at it since the beginning. Here's an example that's taking place right now. See how many improvements it got since the original movie was submitted. Also see how the original author was ready to beat everyone else's time over and over. The spirit of competition does this, and it's inherent to TASing. Of course any movie can be improved anytime, I don't understand what's insulting in this very fact. If your movie can be improved, the other person's movie can also be improved by you. It's up to you whether you handle it like a competition or like a collaboration, but the main process is still the same when we have several people interested in the same games. We as a site try not to be unfair. Yet as I said we are imperfect, and sometimes complicated situations are really hard to resolve to make everyone equally happy. Some people will feel more upset than others. It's reality. Even though we always try to avoid confrontations, we can't predict everything.
Soig wrote:
Because the grow up, we can make a TAS faster and faster. And TASers become more and more in this site. So as for you, we submitter becomes more and more unimportant. This world won't change any more if someone disappear or leave. So you can give unfair treats to anyone sometimes. If the submitter is young, he may improve the TAS as you say. But the worst is that the submitter becomes angry and leave here. But it doesn't matter to this site. A man leave, another man will come. And the movie made by the previous man is still here. So it won't cause loss to this site and you judgers and publisher and other stuff. It only causes loss to ourselves, the movies' authors. We can't take our own things. And leave them here to make the site more well-known.
We aren't always equally nice to everyone, but we still try to make tasvideos a better place for regular users as well as TASers. My personal rule here is to never let the TASer feel ignored and disrespected. This involves constantly talking to people who participate in submission discussions: other staff members, TASers, regular users. This year we managed to resolve the confrontation that happened around HappyLee's latest movie. I apologized for how the community mistreated him, and I think I cured his anger towards us. Also I said that the only way to resolve a major contradiction is a compromise. I apologized to you here regarding your other canceled submission. And when you made a new movie with the same goals, I dug deeper and investigated what was misinterpreted about your run. I concluded that the audience got wrong impression and there was no reason to cancel it. It took time, but I fixed the imperfect solution and the confusion.
Soig wrote:
You said I shouldn't doing this bad things. I just need to improve my work. Why? You're unfair. And I cost a long time to improve it. And give it to you? You get my work. Upload the video and get several thousand replay or even more, becomes more famous. You are earned. But what for me? I get only several hundred replays. And In order to get it, I need to do the same work twice? It should have been accepted. But it's not.
TASVideos youtube channel has never been monetized and it will never be monetized. We earn absolutely nothing from TASes we publish. All we earn is people's awareness, so they see movies, get inspired, become members of the community and contribute in some way. No money is involved.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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We have Judge Guidelines that elaborate on this.
Act consistent with the message of the site wrote:
If something does not look right in a movie, check it yourself to be sure. However, Judges do not need to thoroughly in-depth test a game as if they themselves were the one trying to TAS it. If it looks good on the surface, and the movie appears to consist of superior play which outperforms casual play and any records elsewhere, it's good enough for TASVideos.
Be fair wrote:
The players must have chances of getting their movie published.
  • Don't demand them do laboursome optimizations that can't actually be noticed under normal viewing conditions [1]. For example, if a jump performed one frame late still moves the character along its purported trajectory with no interruptions, it is a negligible flaw. If, however, a late jump bumps the character into an obstacle, thus interrupting its movement, it's an easily noticeable mistake.
[1]: Normal viewing conditions refer to real-time playback with no additional indicators to judge the player's performance; i. e., like most people watch these videos. Notice to new players: Experienced TAS makers often possess a great observation skill for typical mistakes in TAS movies. Mistakes unnoticeable to you might still be noticed by experienced TAS players and the judges. (But of course, we don't know and see everything.)
Similar to overall sub-optimality, this is up to judge's discretion. This is why we want judges to be experienced TASers and at the same time we don't want them to demand unreasonable effort: there's has to be balance.
Make sure the movie is optimal and not sloppy wrote:
This is mostly covered by the Guidelines, but whenever you see something that looks like it has potential for improvement, either try it out yourself or ask the author to address it. Note that the run isn't required to be completely unimprovable, it just should not be sloppy. If it uses sub-optimal strategies all over the place, even if it's not obvious for an untrained eye, but which becomes clear when you actually try to improve it, then it should be rejected for sub-optimality.
Summary: sloppy play has to be visible, it has to be all over the place, and it has to be easily improvable. With this game's nature, improvement only counts when an entire track is improved.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Lobsterzelda wrote:
Having said that, in the comments you're making to Technickle, you're looking at the situation from the perspectives of an experienced publisher for the website and a senior judge for the website, who each have over 500 player points and lots of published movies on the site. You're not looking at this from the perspective of somebody with 0 accepted movies whose been trying for a year to get a single movie accepted. Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Technickle's actions, and I understand that you're annoyed with him for wasting your time both in terms of the time it took to judge his movie and the time it took to make and upload an encode for his TAS. I'm just saying that there's 2 sides to every story, and it's important to keep that in mind whenever judging someone's actions.
I'm looking at it from both perspectives, I just needed the author to describe the reasons behind the delay so we could discuss them and explain how it actually works. We didn't just silently reject his previous runs, we provided tons of feedback describing how to get it done right. And yes, this game's nature means it's non-trivial to check how optimal a movie is, so judging it took time for a reason.
Lobsterzelda wrote:
Also, to Technickle, I have something I would like to say about this new submission. Since there is already a published movie for this category on the website, the standard that new submissions for this category are held to is that they should include all of the time save/speed tricks that the previous TAS included, plus whatever new optimizations were found. To this end, TASVideos rules specify that if a new movie is submitted that obsoletes an old movie, it can't lose time over the original TAS for no reason in certain areas and then just be faster overall due to a few route or trick differences and get published. Rather, it should be as fast or faster throughout all the sections of the game (provided that the new route/strategies don't affect the other portions of the game in a way that slows them down), and then it should incorporate the new timesave. Otherwise, it is likely to be rejected. I know it's tempting when you find a large timesave in a 2+ hour long TAS to just submit a new TAS with a few improvements that save a couple of minutes, and ignore the TAS being slower than the published TAS in other parts. However, if you want to be able to obsolete a published movie, you need to be able to complete the TAS faster through all sections, even if it does make the TAS more tedious to make.
And apparently that's not true :D Here's my recent judgment that showcases how this works for Vault.
feos wrote:
The part of this run that's new and saves so much time isn't too optimal, as seen in this movie that spawns the corn boss 16 frames faster due to slight movement tweaks. However the current publication belongs to Vault, and this movie is going there too. And there is a Vault clause that allows some sub-optimality if a new skip has been discovered, because speedrun records are the main purpose of Vault:
  • "In rare cases, there will be a sloppier movie that is faster than a more optimized movie due to the use of a major skip discovery. In this case, the faster of the two movies is preferred."
I double-checked with admins that the clause is accurate and I understand it correctly, hence I'm relying on it here. MESHUGGAH displayed interest in improving this submission, but I tried contacting him and couldn't. Accepting over [2373] NES The California Raisins: The Grape Escape (USA,r2) by MESHUGGAH in 04:51.5.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Technickle wrote:
It's been done since August 23rd 2019, but I haven't had the chance up until now to submit this notable improvement.
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So the old submission has been in the queue since August, and you decided to make this 5 days after the other one was published?
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We've had a long talk with Nach regarding tech ratings, how useless they are in my opinion, and how incredibly helpful and accurate they are in his opinion. I think that we already know all the problems that relate to separating ratings, I mean I don't think we should completely drop one or the other, but rather combine everything into one scale. When you rate a movie on IMDB you just take everything into account and express how much you liked it, that's all. So some people may like technicality of a sub-one-second ACE movie, others may like a full run, same with optimality or anything else really. I see no problems with generalizing it.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Current progress: SD encodes are done though.
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 2389)
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 3390)
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 4391)
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 5392)
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 6393)
g = g.DuplicateFrame( 8396)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(10397)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(11397)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(12400)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(13401)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(14401)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(15402)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(17404)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(18405)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(19405)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(20408)
g = g.DuplicateFrame(22409)
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All my problems were after I set it to windowed outside libTAS.
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If I launch the game from libtas without a movie, and start paused, then the game keeps working when I unpause. But when I start it with a movie, it closes after frame 1.
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Selicre, would it be feasible to have at least some version of the full encode done until December? We'll need to handle this submission until New Year.
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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That page simply shows whatever the site database has, and it has it because old emulators had those rates, so for their movies it's still valid. Dunno how exactly newer, more accurate emulators are handled.
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Does anyone see any visual glitches in these 2 encodes? Link to video
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FilipeTales wrote:
feos wrote:
How about you read my post.
I read your post right now but all the improvements that all people made, it made me afraid of my TAS being rejected. It started when ThunderAxe31 saved 119 frames and my first TAS got rejected later on he posted his improved TAS but without me being not co-author so read a quote.
how the person who makes the final improvement makes a new submission with all participants as co-authors.
is it was true or not?
Framewar means several people compete in improving the movie further and further, not just a single basic improvement that only proves that the original run was sloppy.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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How about you read my post.
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Post subject: Re: #6520: FilipeTales & Memory's NES Super Donkey Kong 2 in 02:13.93
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FilipeTales wrote:
Memory's co-authorship request accepted!
That's not how we handle framewars. All participants have contributed to making the movie shorter, so when no one can improve it anymore, the person who makes the final improvement makes a new submission with all participants as co-authors.
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N64 framerate is 60000/1001.
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Frame war! I'm not continuing though since I don't enjoy the game at all.
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We need "full installation steps" for dependencies to prevent any future confusion with replaying the movie. What command did you use to install those libs?
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Would you mind turning this into some kind of a picture? This game is apparently so complicated that it'd be really hard to comprehend or explain to others with just pure text.
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