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We currently do not allow Windows games being TASed via Wine in libTAS. (not like libTAS even supports Wine at all at the present time) Anyway, I'm raising a bit of concern: The EEP-ROM test reports NG (no good) in the game's self-test when playing back the movie (same when recording a movie). However, it reports OK when I'm just running the game. Clearly, it doesn't seem to be an issue with the ROM itself.
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The devs posted an update on their Kickstarter page and reveal that it's going to be released to the general public on 2019-3-1, so this TAS can be verified at that moment.
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Post subject: Re: #6265: juef's NES Nebs 'n Debs in 10:25.39
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Nebs 'n Debs is a new (released in 2019) game for the original Nintendo Entertainment System.
Except it's only released for those who actually backed the game, with the devs promising a general release "later this month". So as of now, nobody can verify this TAS. Maybe it'll be released to the public in a few days (since they're going to have a new update in 2 days as of this writing)? Who knows.
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fsvgm777 wrote:
Of note that while I didn't experience that particular issue, the audio completely dies in my AVI dump at frame 69072 (in the improvement movie file keylie posted).
Okay, it turns out that was a fluke, because I have an AVI dump where the audio plays fully until the end! So that's out of the way (since I still have the dash sounds, so that particular issue feos posted is at the very least not relevant for this TAS, as Madeline doesn't die once).
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Of note that while I didn't experience that particular issue, the audio completely dies in my AVI dump at frame 69072 (in the improvement movie file keylie posted). My AVI dumps of the original submission (which I've since deleted) did not have that issue.
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As you can see, I pushed 10 of Spikestuff's re-encodes. This is because Spikestuff asked me to push these out, the rest were done by Spikestuff himself. I, myself, fully and sincerely regret pushing them out on Spikestuff's behalf (though the end result is invisible on YouTube, so you have to dig through the movie maintenance log). After the incident, the limit of re-encodes to push out in 24 hours was set to 10. This doesn't only count for Spikestuff, this goes for anyone in the publishing and encoding team, myself and feos included. Any changes to this rule will be duly announced, and exceeding the limit will lead to punishment. Just as an aside: The most recent SMB1 warpless TAS finally got the proper YouTube treatment.
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Oh, by the way, it seems you can only get the latest version on (unless there's a way to download older versions on that platform, but I haven't found one so far), which is as of this writing.
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keylie wrote:
The reason why the prologue cutscene is skippable in is that in earlier versions, it is possible to skip the prologue by pausing exactly when the cutscene begins (either frame-perfect input or two frames, I'm not sure). Because it would lead to many resets and could give a solid lead in races, the speedrunning community advised the devs to do something about it, and the best solution was to make the cutscene skippable (at any time, of course). Of course, the TAS could be updated to use, the TAS would likely sync on this newer version.
I see, so it's basically an ascended glitch now. Thanks for the clarification.
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Oh, reading the changelog, it seems the prologue dash cutscene is skippable as of version Furthermore, the current first rank on the SRC leaderboard plays on version, which is the latest version. This means you'd have to re-sync on, since you can't skip said cutscene in (the version that was used for this TAS).
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fishmcmuffins wrote:
a player earlier today stumbled upon a way to skip the prologue cutscene, saving 19 seconds of TAS ingame time and similar timesave for RTA. we are getting into contact with kilaye/keylie to update the submission to include it in the run, along with a few other frames found here and there since this submission. hopefully won't take longer than a couple days, should be relatively easy to implement.
If it does get implemented and the replacement file gets uploaded, then it means I'll have to re-dump it all over again (since I dumped it in both 540p and 1080p to anticipate a bit). It's fine, though.
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As it seems, MAME-RR doesn't emulate the video output 100% accurately. Here's some footage recorded from an actual arcade cabinet. (mainly for comparison's sake)
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BizHawk 2.3.1 instantly crashes on me when I select the OpenGL display method:
System.MissingMethodException: Méthode introuvable : 'Void OpenTK.Graphics.IGraphicsContext.set_VSync(Boolean)'.
   à OpenTK.GLControl.set_VSync(Boolean value)
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.DisplayManager.UpdateSourceDrawingWork(JobInfo job)
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.DisplayManager.UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.Render()
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.ProgramRunLoop()
   à BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Program.Win32MainLoopCrashHandler.TryCatchFinally(String[] args)
Direct3D and GDI+ are fine, at least.
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It seems additional input is required after the credits (where you have to enter the house, and after entering it, the final in-game time and the death count is shown). Could you provide a movie file that does the extra input required to enter the house after the credits? Note that it won't be used to replace the current movie file, but will be used for the encodes instead, akin to the Shovel Knight "Specter of Torment" TAS.
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MUGG wrote:
I cannot figure out where the download link is on this page
The download link is under "Artifacts".
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InfamousKnight wrote:
That’s some complex sync settings.. I’m afraid that breaks the rules with “no hassle”.
SteamWorld Dig 2, as pointed out in this movie's annotations, has similar issues, yet it was published. Nevermind the fact that compiling it with those pauses isn't a hard requirement, since I'd imagine you'd get this TAS to sync as well with manually pausing at those specific frames (plus one) (as it happened with SteamWorld Dig 2), it just makes the process easier.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
The 1000 FPS part is an internal setting of the game.
Uh, no. It is not an internal setting of the game. All I see in the game's options that tackles framerate is vsync. Enabling it caps the framerate at the monitor's refresh rate. Disabling it makes the game run as fast as the CPU and/or GPU can handle, which can wildly fluctuate. Rather, libTAS makes the game run at 1000 FPS, through the movie file.
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Challenger wrote:
Forgot to mention before, but I noticed that the publication don't have "Heavy luck manipulation" tag - notably those pauses from boss 3 onwards.
Whoops, sorry about that. This has been fixed.
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I'm going to nominate the following users: Challenger keylie
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It's funny that something completely unrelated would cause issues. I've been dumping with mostly default settings (just set window size to 1x and core to BSNES (which in itself doesn't matter)) and it seems to dump just fine so far.
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Here's my BizHawk config file. I set the window size to 1x so that it'd dump at the SNES's native resolution with the OSD enabled instead of double res (because if you capture the OSD, it dumps at the window's resolution instead of the native resolution, which is set at double the native res most of the time on my end). I've made some tweaks to the OSD so that the input display would be below the minimap without obstructing part of the game itself (specific to that window size). I set the audio driver to XAudio2, because it appears to crash less than DirectSound on my end, and also doesn't seem related to the crash anyway, as it crashes on both DirectSound and XAudio2). The only change I made to the Lua script was MINIMAP_X (set to 280 from 266), but it crashed even before making the change, so...
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fmp wrote:
I'm sorry about the map script causing issues. I did make a couple changes after feos' encode (which I assume is the script you're using), but I don't think those should cause any problems that outright crash. If you have any trace logs, I'll take a look and see if there are further improvements to the script.
Sorry, I have no such trace logs (and I assume BizHawk's internal trace logger is not what you mean, since that just logs ASM instructions from the game itself, not the Lua script). I tried running the Lua script without dumping to AVI, without success. It plays back just fine without it, so I have no idea myself what's causing the issue. BTW: Yes, this is the latest version of the script I'm using. Oh, just as a side note: I once had it crash during...the Nintendo Presents screen.
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I noticed the blue rectangle (which indicates the visible area) can extend beyond the limits (red area) to eventually the part that displays the game itself: (for the record, this also happens in feos's encode roughly 10 minutes in) Not sure if that can be fixed, though, as this was with the most recent version of the script. EDIT: Well isn't that fan-flipping-tastic. I now have BizHawk crash at complete random when trying to dump with the map script, resulting in the AVI dump being invalid. If this continues, I have two choices: Either I publish without an alternate encode with the map script, or I outright drop it. BTW, have I mentioned the Lua script makes the emulator run at 15 FPS? (okay, that's not fmp's fault) EDIT 2: Sorry, but I'm dropping it (until I can somehow get a full dump with the map script without the emulator crashing, and I have no idea what's causing the crash in the first place). Maybe someone else will have better luck.
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To the post above me: - bootgod disagrees you, using Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Disney's - the official manual also, constantly using (at least 4 times) "Adventures in the Magic Kingdom"
We can at least agree that bootgod's wrong, since not even the box art suggests "Disney's".
final edit sheet: On a relevant note for other disney game: - TAS: [2441] NES DuckTales by Aglar & MESHUGGAH in 07:04.73 (no space betwee Duck and Tales) - Youtube encode of the tas: [TAS] NES Duck Tales by Aglar & MESHUGGAH in 07:04.73 (space between Duck and Tales) - Official manual: DUCKTALES - bootgod: DuckTales, Disney's
The box art again suggests Disney's DuckTales (the YT encode title has been fixed to reflect that, as it was evidently wrong).
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Ready Steady Yeti wrote:
I very strongly disagree with using "Disney" as part of the game's title here. One might argue that that is this game's full name, and to that I say it is not. Just because the Disney logo appears on this game's cover above the title does not mean that it is part of the title. On the bottom left corner of the Super Mario 64 DS case stands the Nintendo logo. So should we here call it "Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo"? Furthermore, until now this is the first time I've ever heard the game referred to as "DISNEY Adventures in the Magic Kingdom." Whether or not this is the full name of the game, which I disagree that it is, it's still not nearly common enough to warrant a publication under that name. Even its own Wikipedia article doesn't use that as the article title, or even list that even ONCE as the game's full name. It is simply called "Adventures in the Magic Kingdom." Nothing more, nothing less. It bothers me that it is referred to under this name at all, anywhere, much more that it happened on this site.
GameFAQs disagrees with you, MobyGames disagrees with you, even the box art disagrees with you. Furthermore, Wikipedia is irrelevant for game titles, because it is not a gaming website.
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