Submission #2530: Flygon's Genesis Art Alive! in 00:00.00

Sega Genesis
(Submitted: Art Alive! (W) [!].gen any)
Submitted by Flygon on 1/3/2010 2:52 AM
Submission Comments

Art Alive! is a video game for the Sega Mega Drive, in it, you must draw imagery.

  • Emulator used: Gens 11a
  • Colours an image without any input
  • Does not Color a Dinosaur
  • Breaks the TASVideoAgent


This TAS was very difficult to make, it took over 9000 rerecords to finally achieve this astonishingly fast TAS.
adelikat told me to submit this run by the way.

Stage by stage comments

After a couple of frames I gave up and said screw it and hex edited the input file to have 1/3rd of a frame of input.

Nach: This great run is sitting here clogging up the submission queue. We're too lazy to encode and publish it, so I'm rejecting it. Feel free to argue with this decision. I welcome it.
flygon: Screw you Nach, I wanted to reject it myself.
flygon: Uncancelling and rerejecting by the way.
Nach: No fair, you're supposed to do this kind of bickering in the forum, not in the submission.
flygon: Well excuuuuse me princess, now setting to cancelled and rejecting again.
Nach: Princesses triumph over dragons ever time. Rererejecting.
flygon: Dragons have bigger cocks then Princesses, recancelling.

flygon: Unrejecting because frictionless games of poll suck pool cues.
flygon: Rererejected because the site is dying
flygon: This setting isn't used enough
flygon: Rejected for the last time.
Last Edited by CoolKirby on 1/3/2015 5:50 AM
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