A special episode of Speedgame presenting the run (sorry only in french)
And the TAS only
- Emulator Used: lsnes rr1-Δ18ε3
- Aims for fastest time
- Can't manipulate luck
- No damage
- Minimum Inputs
- Do not kill any kids and destroys all helicopters
A short message from the author
Hello everyone !
Finally after all theses years talking about TAS I finally made one myself ! And what a TAS my friends, it's at the same time an ANY% and an 100% with a special goal, achieve it with the minimum inputs necessary. It's the ultimate TAS, no improvements can be made, it's perfect, and it's normal when you play the perfect game.
First off all let's talk about the game, It's Super Road Blaster on SNES released in 2012. Yes a game as been made in 2012 on SNES thanks to mister Matthias "d4s" Nagler (more informations here: http://www.destructoid.com/super-road-blaster-the-impossible-laserdisc-to-snes-port-228189.phtml) who made a port of that great lazerdisc game.
But if you know it, it's probably under the name Road Avenger and on Sega/Mega CD. Do you remember when you where playing Zelda 3, going to your little cousin's house who had a Sega/Mega CD for Christmas and was showing it off with is amazing graphics and sound? If you do, first you had a great childhood, second you remember watching him playing (not you of course) Road Avenger.
Let me be clear I was this little cousin of yours, and I had a Mega/Sega Cd and I had Road Avenger, and I found it amazing. After all the time I spend on this website looking for amazing runs, waiting patiently for a run of that game that never came... I decided to do to myself ! It's true, if you guys can do it why can't I ? And then the hard work of making a TAS began. You may know or not that the Sega/Mega CD is not emulated properly by Gens RR and even with the best effort I could not make it run Road Avenger. I was disappointed, the only game I ever wanted to run will not surrender easily.
Hopefully, a few days later thanks to Keylie, I discovered this SNES version of the game. Try to imagine how happy I was, I will be able to make my TAS and even better on the machine that never had it's own CD player. I downloaded lsnes and started working, a few months later (I'm slow) the run was ready to be shown to the world.
Tricks, skips, and more
It's an Any%, 100%, Minimum Inputs run, what does that mean ?
- Any% because my first goal is to finish the game as fast as possible.
- 100 % because actually finishing the game in Any% is also making it at 100%
- Minimum inputs because I decided to add a challenge to this run and see what would be the minimum inputs necessary to finish the game. And I can tell you the answer is 371.
Yes on this movie I will only press 371 inputs and these 371 inputs are made on 365 frames(Sometime there is 2 inputs on the same frame)on a run that count 52068 frames. In total there is 7.3 seconds of gameplay in this game for a video length of 17 minutes and 21 seconds. Amazing isn't ?
A few things to know:
- You can press any buttons for only a frame and the console will interpret it. (you actually can press this buttons even 2 frames before the game ask you for a inputs and it will work, I call it the "2 frames rule".
- I needed to press "A" twice at the beginning of the game at really particular moment to skip the intro.
- I press "A" on the first available frame between each levels, skipping the score panel.
- Using the "2 frames rule" I ended my run 2 frames earlier using it on the last asked input just before the end.
One more things, I really would have like to make the "hard mode" of the game like they were on the Sega/Mega Cd version, the hard mode is actually removing the indication from the screen, the run would have look a lot smoother but this option is not available on the Snes version.
Hope you'll enjoy the run !
Thanks to
Keylie for his help at the beginning of this project and Synahel who kept me thinking that one day I could do a run of that game.
feos: Vault rules say:
If a game consists of presenting a story, with little to no user creativity altering the game in any way, then it is unacceptable.
- This includes games which are overwhelmingly made up of cut scenes, with little to no user interaction anywhere (for example, Super Adventure Rockman).
- Games which are of a Choose Your Own Adventure story book variety, where the user has no creative control beyond choosing between predefined choices (for instance, the Arcade version of Dragon's Lair).
This game's TAS can not be a speed record here, it doesn't stand out much from the real-time play, so it's rejected. See #2037: DarkKobold's SegaCD Dragon's Lair in 10:45.65.
CoolHandMike: Judging Underway.
CoolHandMike: Due to triviality rule being removed this is being re-judged. This game is an interactive movie where it only checks that you have made the correct input during a period of time. Failing an input will cause you to fail and having to retry. There does seem to be some possible lag optimization that could be done, since while checking different inputs one way was one frame faster. Regardless this movie is optimized by its very nature with very little possible room for improvement. This is a very interesting port considering how the SNES is playing a pretty high quality movie with excellent sound quality. The game size is outrageously large for an snes game as well with this submitted version's rom coming in at over 700 MB. This was a fun interactive movie to watch even if there is next to no taser artistry possible.
Accepting to Standard.
Good job!
fsvgm777: Processing. (after Mappy)