Submission #6601: Pancake001's SNES New Super Mario Land "1P Only" in 11:55.72

Super Nintendo Entertainment System
1P only
(Submitted: 1P Only)
(Submitted: New Super Mario Land (J) (V1.1).sfc JP/USA v1.1)
Snes9x 1.60
Submitted by Pancake001 on 1/19/2020 7:43 PM
Submission Comments
This is a TAS of New Super Mario Land, which is a homebrew of Super Mario Land for the Super Nintendo. Unfortunately, the creator of the game is anonymous. The game had enhanced graphics that looks like New Super Mario Bros DS, and 4P features and the tricks for the said game (except ground pounding) are imported.


  • Save Daisy.
  • Get through the game as fast as possible.
  • I used Snes9x v1.60, the latest version I know.
I feel like this TAS is dead!


  • Why does my movie desync?
You have the wrong emulator version, or the wrong game version. More info can be found here.
  • Why did you barely kill any enemies on the submarine levels?
Some people may not noticed but I got every single coin on the first submarine level.
  • Is this a ROM hack?
No, but a homebrew exclusive game made by an anonymous user.
Special Thanks to:
  • Pancake002 for trying hard.
Tbh I made this in like 2 hours.

Maru: Judging.
Maru: Okay, so it looks like this homebrew is a decent programming feat, and provided that it meets certain qualifications, it would be eligible for the Vault tier. In terms of notability, this homebrew was only recently released and did receive some praise in gaming news articles. That is not bad by any means, but I think more time may be needed to have a definitive answer to this question. Usually, we give the benefit of the doubt in terms of notability, but this game does not yet compare in notability to some of the unlicensed games featured on TASVideos that have been sold in certain markets in certain countries.
While some people in the thread talked about this being a cosmetic hack, keep in mind that this is technically not a hack, so there are no issues here. Audience feedback was not spectacular for this run though. Entertainment was not solid enough for Moons tier, and the optimization also has room for improvement. On top of the information provided in the thread, keep in mind that this game has powerups to speed up certain areas as well. It is important to have a solid understanding of the game that you are TASing, and it's not ideal to rush to complete a TAS either.
Rejecting due to optimization, but if that is cleaned up, I can see a TAS of this game being accepted in the future.
Last Edited by adelikat on 11/2/2023 2:12 PM
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