Arguably one of the most well known and well developed SNES
hacks in existence, Super Demo World puts Mario into a new
realm that spans well beyond his original adventure.
Features of Super Demo World include:
- Ability to store more unconventional items in the reserve box, such as a koopa, springboard, message box, or vine
- 120 exits in total, including two secret worlds
- Creative and challenging level design, with some puzzle elements thrown in
- "New" graphics (mostly backgrounds taken from other games, such as Donkey Kong Country 3 and Mega Man X)
This run, which completes all 120 of the game's exits, is nearly 4 and a half minutes faster than the previous version.
The homepage for Super Demo World, including the patch to be
used on a Super Mario World ROM, and the program used to make the
hack, is available online.