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Most certainly yes, and I love that you've mixed up your improvement to include a couple of punches on top of your kicks. It makes me laugh, as anyone who's ever played this game knows how impossible the third level is live. I do have a couple of questions though: 1) You do a little shake and bake move on level 2. Intentional? It seems to take a second. 2) You get bounced backwards once on level 4. Can this be prevented? I know these are ridiculous nitpickings of an almost flawless video, but I was curious.
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Cheez wrote:
And I'm a little annoyed at that magnetic wall near the very end where I had to stop and wait for the enemies....the first time I went through the game, I was able to hit them without stopping, but I couldn't get that to happen no matter what I tried when I was recording. And FYI, those enemies did 15 damage per hit, and hit like 5 times while trying to walk through them.
Maybe use one of the spark spells?
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
I may actually get it into me to do a second version of this tonight.
It's a good video - I'd just pick it up from there, right next to the end.
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
That one bonus stage is in fact unavoidable, and it is in fact faster to break one block than none (due to a lengthy animation that occurs if you don't break anything).
It's avoidable - just drop straight down (not sure if this is possible with enemies ahead of you): clicky
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It's more powerful than just using the cipher, but there are only a couple of spots it saves time because of the huge preparation involved - the flying boxes around the trees and the final (human) boss, Matic. And of course it's the only thing that penetrates that glass bubble. EDIT: Shows ya what I know.
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I'm freezing up all the time with this one. When I just play the game through, I don't have problems, but it likes to crash when I reload multiple times from the same spot. If I could recommend going through Kazakh 1, stopping the movie, making a backup copy, picking it back up for Egypt, stopping the movie, making a backup copy, etc. It's time consuming, but it's better than losing the whole movie to a twitch at the Red Dragon. I've also noticed you can wait a moment and try reloading again - sometimes it picks back up.
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Yeah - that's what I meant. Only I got to include furries and Bubble Bath Babes somehow.
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I figure it one of 3 ways: 1) All games with difficult mode cheat: Which means every game with a difficult mode cheat the player, and in this case, you're wrong. The game's not cheating you - it's the controller. 2) All games with difficult cheat modes: In which case, it's not much of a cheat mode. If, for example, there was a cheat mode in Ghosts 'N' Goblins that made Arthur's hair blue, it would still be impossible - find a game with a better cheat mode. 3) All games with cheat modes that are difficult to perform: Most of us can pull off Konami's U,U,D,D,etc with our eyes closed, but if you have to put your shirt on inside out and sing Happy Birthday whilst simultaneously pressing every button on both controllers and blinking in unison, stick to Bubble Bath Babes and furries. So which is it?
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Yeah - from what I understand, Nintendo booting Tyson for not being family oriented is something of an urban legend. He lost the title and his contract was up.
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I hadn't actually intended on letting this out yet - didn't come here to advertise, honestly. I just wanted to submit a speed run for punch out. Before I go big public with it, I wanted to ask permission from Blip to use his patch as my official emulator (makes things easier). But yes, yes, and yes.
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I haven't either yet, but the possibility for warps is there. You're probably right about the tower, as your tone wouldn't be higher than 30 when you got there and they would take 327 hits, not to mention it being way out of the way. But they do reward 111 tone points as opposed to the robot's 18.
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I hadn't intended on using the clock stop glitch as it makes for a pretty boring video. Only single punches are possible to keep it stopped, so the round lasts forever. So again, I come to this question: If I'm doing a "time unit" speed run, I should get myself knocked down on Sandman and use the CS glitch, but if I'm doing a "real time" speed run, I should probably go for flawlessness. Which makes a prettier video?
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I've always seen time units as the way to go, if for no other reason than the "randomness" of the fighters' return after a knockdown. Sometimes they try to get up and fall back down, taking an extra second, and sometimes they get up on eight instead of two. It would make sense that having an incredibly speedy knockout time is better than having a :40 second video with a slower knockdown time. But Sandman puts me at an empass, because he can be taken out much quicker by getting knocked down. It doesn't look too pretty, because in order to get knocked down quicker, you need to start with the pre-fight-select function to get your energy half drained, then get hit by specific punches to put yourself down. But it is about 10 "seconds" faster to put him in that second sleeper run and get your 16 punches in (he starts the sleeper immediately when you get up).
deviance wrote:
Traditionally, legit MTPO world records are of individual times against each fighter and not of complete runs of the whole game.
That's why I was stoked to put together an entire game run - I've never seen one. If that's a lame idea, I'll split it up.
Post subject: Re: Strider Glitches+time attack recommendations...
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KMFDManic wrote:
1.Go into a slide near the end of a ledge, time your jump right...before going back into the normal stance midair...and, you will magically fly through the top of the screen, THEN come up through the bottom, repeat a few times...This lends to some great "warp" scenarios once I play around a bit more with the glitch...
Can't wait to see this one in action - I've never seen any of this. And don't you need disk 1 to get you to China?
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Got a couple of tips for ya - was going to do a run myself, but it looks like I've been beaten to the punch. -Skip the attack boots - unfortunately, they're the only item you can skip in the game. -Never access the menu - the only thing you might need in there is "Jump" and every time it looks like you might need it, you can either triangle jump or run down a slope and get added height. -Skip the bosses - there are two bosses in the game (that I'm aware of) that you can skip. The first is in the second run through China. After you go through your first set of moving spikes, go down the tube and slide left quickly. The turret will come out of the ground, and if you're fast going left, you'll (somehow) skip the sword/shield warrior. The second saves a butt-ton of time. The purple, jumping, spinning, double-sword guy at the Red Dragon takes up more time than anyone else in the game, but the second time you would encounter him (after you "Destroy two systems somewhere"), he can be skipped with a simple glitch. First, you fight (again) the sword/shield warrior. When defeated, the tube to the right will take you down to the purple sword spinner. After you're released from the tube, jump immediately (while in the air) and push left. You'll land on the tube at the left of the screen and you'll never trigger the boss. Press down to continue on. here's a demo. Sorry my compression's so poopy. Last, I'd recommend dying at Kazakh 1, Egypt, Japan, Kazakh 3, and China after you've collected all the items you need. Press start and continue. Unfortunately, you don't get the Warp Spell until you don't need it.
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Boco wrote:
What is the correlation between Tone and hits required to kill various enemies/bosses? Anyone with savestate editing knowledge who can perform this study?
Hiryuu at has set a hit count for each enemy with a base tone value of 30. The enemies fought in the movie are Bargan (the robot), Belzar, and Ligar. Their hit counts are 102, 897, and 1364 respectively. So, if Rygar were to fight Ligar with a tone of 30, he would take 1364 hits to defeat. Basically, if you take each hit count, multiply it by 30, divide it by Rygar's current tone, and round it up, that should be the number of hits it takes (if his stats are correct - I imagine he had to improvise a bit with Ligar). So: Bargan - 3060/Rygar's Tone Belzar - 26910/Rygar's Tone Ligar - 40920/Rygar's Tone should be the number of hits each enemy takes.
Walker Boh wrote:
I just checked Rygar at gamefaqs. It appears that I have discovered a totally NEW glitch!!! Woohoo ;) The flying glitch they talk about appear to be something else and my glitch should be "air walk" or something.
True, I had never even noticed this before - but there are quite a few glitches still that haven't been discovered. In Sagila's cave, it is possible to enemy-less fly around and walk on top of walls by bouncing on top of the Wyrms (flying, horned birds) at different places. Also, you can get most enemies on the screen, double back just a tad to get them off, and return to dispatch them (this is huge in the cave) - very reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden and other games of the time. Can't wait to see the air-walk glitch in action, however - it is tough to pull off, even on an emulator. EDIT: Well, that certainly puts a new spin on the game. It is pretty incredible. Now there is officially nowhere you can't get to in the game before you're supposed to. While playing around with it, I discovered something: Crawl over a cliff using the "Air-Walk" technique and throw your grappling hook. This will make you fall into the cliff, but instead of dying, you will emerge at the top of the screen and continue to fall. This can get you to higher platforms: Something I thought I'd never see. You really have opened up an entirely new game here, Walker. One thing you might want to try in your next run is go straight to the Tower of Garba (with the snails and the Pegasus Flute) immediately to get up your experience, then go to Lapis for the warp. With the experience the enemies give you in the tower, you might not need to waste so much time on the robots in Lapis. Just a thought. And thanks - the walkthrough will be updated tonight.
Post subject: Punch Out Run
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I've been looming around here for some time and I thought it was time to throw together a run for my favorite game, Mike Tyson's Punch Out. The fights linked to here are a bit slow, and aside from the optimized Glass Joe and Don Flamenco, I've beaten (I think) all the times. But I had a couple of questions before I submit. 1) When fighting Sandman, I have two options and I was looking for opinions. I can take him out flawlessly by 2:46 in round 1 OR I can get knocked down once, forcing him into a second sleeper pattern and get him by 2:35ish. Faster or flawless - which makes a prettier video? 2) I'm currently using blip's FCEU emu for the run - is this permitted yet for runs? (Fairly new, no?) BTW - dig the site - hours of entertainment.
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