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comicalflop wrote:
but I can't recall if in this topic it was determined if the final boss can be beaten without them.
I don't think you can, which was one of the reasons i was asking. I don't really mind though, it's still a run i'm looking forward to! Good luck with it.
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Are you going to skip emeralds if you continue?
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There's always SDL which can be used for multi-operating systems. I've used it a bit (I had to for a uni project, although very basic stuff), although I don't know how good it is for an actual programmer.
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I think it's the emulator core, but i'm not completely certain.
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Good luck with it. I'll be sure to listen.
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I love the idea of having commentaries, it makes it more interesting for the person watching if they don't know the game that is being ran or to explain certain glitches or whatever in the run. I'd do commentaries if i had a clue as to what was going on in most runs, lol. Maybe I should start interviewing some TAS-ers... I've been told I have a good radio voice by some people (whether it's true or not I don't know).
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asteron wrote:
Programmers and mathematicians have no problems with negative speeds.
Well, as much as I'd like to argue this (as I am a mathematician and a programmer), it's going off topic. Just fyi, we always lose marks at this University (and others that my friends are it) if you calculate negative speed. Back to crawling Mario!
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anubis wrote:
Wouter Jansen wrote:
I'd much prefer a backwards running TAS, with Mario randomly falling asleep in hilarious spots which would otherwise be dull perhaps. You can't go slower than going backwards right? it's negative speed :p
Speed can't be negative :p
lol, yeah. Only velocity can be negative. I still think it a bit crazy doing a crawing TAS (although I haven't seen it and am a bit lazy to find the file), but i'll support anything different from a normal looking run so... Good luck
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Well, if I can get my head down and concentrate I may be able to do this, but the liklihood of that happening... I still can't get that digging trick to work the same as Acclm did in that run, but I managed to get a similar/faster time for the first level (It's all about where you dig). I don't have enough patience to do the music thing with the buttons. I'll post up my run soon, as soon as i get to the computer with it on. It may not be anywhere near as far as you guys, but it's a start.
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Me being confusing again I guess, lol. I mean at my university and my home rather than this site. Sorry
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Truncated wrote:
>Pretty mich everyone I know here (which is quite a lot of people) agree that all the emeralds should be gathered ... I don't think they add much, except possibly for Sonic 3 (extra stage). Maybe you have a non-representative set of friends? If you see the submission topic for AKAs Sonic 1 Emerald run, you'll find quite a few people who disagree with getting the emeralds. Congrats on your 2^8:th post though.
Lol, Thanks. I suppose you're right about the whole representative thing. Maybe I'll see if I can get a few of them onto this site and put their views.
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nifboy wrote:
...Am I the only one who likes the special stages?
No, you aren't. Pretty mich everyone I know here (which is quite a lot of people) agree that all the emeralds should be gathered (and some even think that it's technically not even the end of the game if you do it without emeralds).
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Hmm... my previous post was meant to be before Acclm's 7 level post. I didn't realise it was posted. And now I can't seem to access that run... Edit: And I can't seem to get more than one lemming digging on the same spot. The pointer always seems to select the digger.
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Personally, I think the super emeralds should but grabbed as then you do get the best ending and we can finally see an s3k game with the best ending. I don't care if it's just that knuckles is flashing instead, it still makes a difference imo.
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It looks like it's the first level that you've done faster. I'll have another look at it.
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Twelvepack: It's the start of the fade-in. What I want to know is how Acmlm had those frames better than mine. Acmlm: Do you have a link at all so i can compare them? If you had it uploaded somewhere before, I probably have it somewhere but it'll be in this mess of an "Emulators" folder somewhere. Note: I'll experiment on these levels later to see if i can get it any faster.
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Well, compared to my previous run, I saved about 500 frames just on the first level. It's slow to dig. Once I do some more levels, I'll upload. I'll probably have the second done in a few minutes. Might upload then to see what you guys think and whether it can be improved. Edit: Ok, 500 was overestimating a bit. By the start of the third level I've save 347 frames. I've got a few things which, if others could test out for me would be great, otherwise i'll have to do it myself. After doing some calculations, it seems that the times it takes to go through the "inter-level" stage seems to be different in my previous run (not put on web) and what I've done now. And also I seem to have mysteriously gained 2 frames in Level 2. Here are my calculations: Level 1 New Start: 1029 Old Start 1029 New End: 2507 Old End 2858 Total New: 1478 Old: 1829 Difference = 351 Time Inbetween New: 543 Old: 539 Level 2 New Start: 3050 Old Start: 3397 New End: 4296 Old End: 4645 Total New: 1246 Old: 1248 Difference = 2 Time Inbetween New: 577 Old: 575 Level 3 New Start: 4873 Old Start: 5220 I calculated these by the first frame the screen shows graphics of the actual level, and the fram i press Select + Start to end the level. I know, could be better formatted. I have yet to test about level 2, but the only difference i had was that in the new version I scrolled to only view the one lemming i saved walking to the exit. I would appreciate it if people could test out a few things for saving time:
    How many lemmings on screen until lagging starts. Whether animations such as digging causes some lagging. Whether dying animations lag the game up. What affects loading time.
Ok, that last one was probably a bit too much to ask for. I'll do this stuff myself if i have the time, but it would make things quicker for sure if someone would be willing to help. Thanks
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As much as I'd like to do all the messing around, it would add quite a lot of time to figure out different ways of entertaining and imo would delay the run a lot more (and make it a lot more boring to me). I'd do some things on some levels maybe, but I think it would get tedious to do it on every level. What do you guys think? I'm thinking of starting on this when I get back from my programming practical in about an hour or so.
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I'm at university at the moment, so when i get bored i'll start on this again (left all my emulator stuff on my home computer). I honestly don't know how long it will be though.
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Wouldn't it be possible to instead create an input plugin to record the movie in conjunction with a graphics plugin or something? Probably wrong topic to post this in... I don't think it would be 7-8 hours as i'm sure i saw a speed run which wasn't published at about that time with a million and one mistakes and deaths. I don't know though.
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comicalflop wrote:
a finished Mario 64 run would be the best present ever...
I somehow doubt that will happen... maybe on the 20th anniversary :P Hope things are going well FODA. Take your time
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Joe wrote:
I have a question about Mumbo's Mountain, though. Is it necessary to smash all of the huts with the beak move? I know most of them have necessary collectibles in them, but at least one of them I feel is unneccessary to smash (the one with the ugly purple guy in it)
No matter what order you smash them in, you get exactly the same order of the items coming out, so yes it's necessary
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Don't worry, I wasn't going to class it as a vote for C++. I only added the fake poll for a bit of fun.
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Due to a conversation in IRC, I decided to post a topic to try and solve the ultimate question... Which Programming Language... C++ or Java. I vote for C++, but I don't really know too much about either. I'd post a Poll but I don't know how to, if it's possible. Edit: Removed Counts
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bkDJ wrote:
Isn't super tails just normal tails with fast shoes and invincibility, but HYPER tails the upgrade that gives you the kill birds?
I didn't think there was a hyper tails...
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