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Same here, although I've just ordered it online. Amazon are getting horrible where i am so i'm ordering from, they got Roller-Coaster Tycoon 3 to me on the day of release.
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swos wrote:
I see. I know there are problems regarding memory storing in the netplay. Heck, you can save the line formation in NHL94 only to find out you cannot load it in the next game :/ I wonder why it is made that way?
I think the reason is that both players would have to have the same gamesave and I don't think it's possible to detect whether the saves are identical atm. I suppose there's the possibility of sending the save file through the program
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Yeah, that would be unusual. maybe there's a treasure box somewhere along the way that's not too far off, i can't remember though. I remember the first time i did that boss when i was at lower levels as i hated training, and didn't know you could use a Pheonix, sorry Fenix Down.
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Highness wrote:
Hmm.. I thought it was revivify that that should be used in order to kill the phantom train? Can't remember. :) Either way it will be worth a try.
I think it's Fenix Down. Why couldn't Squaresoft spell in those days? Personally I'd like to see a run of the FF6 proper translation/bug fix but I seem to remember that hacks aren't allowed, so...
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Looking Good!
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Thing is, if you look at Pikmin 2 and Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime is much bigger and is much harder to plan.
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what about all those games which have music inbuilt? they don't seem to work. I don't understand why it is so hard to make a save state for a sega cd. Can't you just store every single piece of ram and place in music into a file? how hard could it be? I'd do it but I haen't had experience programming an emulator.
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I don't think it would if you defeated it in one blow, but then again some monsters do retaliate as they die. EDIT: Personally, I'd like to see the terra-sidequest but of course it's up to whether it saves time or not in the end. As I say in this situation, when you can't decide between two paths, take a third. But, I guess this doesn't apply, so try both if your patient enough, and see which is faster, that's what i've been taught but it could be horrifying as you'd need to do the end sequence twice. EDIT 2: Any more progress that can be shown to the public? I'm really looking forward to this run and hopefully can then delete the run i've got on zsnes which you can't save state and reload in movie (at least the version it has to be played in).
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how's everything going?
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That could be quite a difference! I wish I was good at finding these things out.
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It's an illusion of going much faster while side hopping I believe. I'll have to do a test sometime and post the results. EDIT: I forgot to say that I think the illusion is being in close to Link and seeing the side view go by fast. I remember now that you can test this in a fixed camera view e.g. in houses or when sneaking past the guards at the castle
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290kb/s?! that's one fast connection! I've never had over 60kb/s and I have 730kbits/s broadband. I expect you're exaggerating a bit, but tell me if I'm wrong
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Yeah, I guess it should. Maybe someone should do M.E.S.S. which has loads of consoles and others. Then again, You might as well just write a controller plugin for N64 and PSX instead as those are the only ones I want to see (Well, N64 really, but I'm sure someone would say PSX one day or another, which they already have). EDIT: You know this was done in July, just brought up again
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Ok, thanks for your input
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You know, I always thought that side-hopping was faster, but now I look closer I think that may have actually been an illusion. Edit: Just a questoin TSA, why did you do the side jump when you were entering the deku tree at the beginning?
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I hated this game! It was sooo hard! I think I completed one other level than the first back in the day but I can't remember at all.
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Well Done so far
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hehe Im not sure if you have to catch the fish to be able to count as part of the 100% run. Also a question to TSA: When you rolled all throuh your speedrun, could it have been done faster if you have instead "Side-Jumped" all the way? It seems it would perhaps be a bit faster..
I expect that it could be faster (unless going downhill as that completely slows down the momentum) but that would also mean running blindly (well, jumping) sideways which could be bad...
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Yeah, sure would be. I'd love to do something like that, but I don't have the ability to plan it all (and I haven't finished the game yet) and wouldn't have the time to do it as a single segment.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about the wasteland!
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And it also goes into FP Looking mode (I Think) but that wouldn't be used in a speed run unless you had some time to kill somewhere for some reason. TSA, just wondering, not that anybody would do this but, how long do you think it would take to complete the game getting every heart, magic, tunic, finishing all the side-quests etc. Basically a 100% completed game? Crazy Idea, eh?
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Ooops, I meant to say SMV, This keyboard is going crazy it keeps typing the wrong letters.
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Would this be possible with ZMV to FMV do you think, well at least with the ones before the compression introduced after v0.989c (Is this the right version) because I have some files which I hate to load the DOS ZSNES and get the sound working right. I doubt it would be possible with the movie I'm mainly wanting to convert as it's the 100% Chrono Trigger run which lasts for eons and many possible desyncs along the way I'm guessing.
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The only one that's a legitimate copy in the UK is the psx one, which has the run key built into the system (which I hate mind you). When you get the sprint shoes you zoom around!
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Good, I'd hate to see a speed run with speeds of walking like that! I thought you would but just wanted to make sure.
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