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Exonym wrote:
Now this is much better. I'm glad to see that you took the cloud glitch and applied it to the other locations it can be used as well! I was worried that you wouldnt. There may be a few spots for some minor improvements, but I think this is definitely worth a first publication, so you have my yes vote. Good job Arcree2!
Thanks you for your WIP ! You helped me a lot to improve my TAS :p
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lapogne36 wrote:
Gaulish Village
Duplicate the clouds.
First big zip on the wall, 1 minute save here. Usually, you can enter the wall by going on the closest pixel from the roof, but it wasn't possible here. The only way to clip in the roof when you can't go on this pixel is to wait for the cloud to disappear.
I didn't take the flying potion, this allowed me to skip the part where you take it.

Roman Encampment:
Death abuse
I skipped a bigpart of the level by abusing the invulnerability frames after taking damage.
This little barrier need to shots, by using a cloud, we can save a few frames
Je n'ai rien vu d'autre en français dans ton texte. Soit dit en passant, je n'ai pas tout regardé à nouveau, mais le boss à la fin du camp romain était bien plus propre que ta précédente version (pas de coups dans le vide).
Merci. En effet, j'ai tout refait et y a queasiment plus de coups dans le vide
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theenglishman wrote:
...triggered. Just kidding! It's great to see someone actually take this game seriously. Obvious yes vote. Jeez, has it really been ten years since I did that first rejected run? Time flies, eh?
Thanks ! This is true: Time flies...
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zoboner wrote:
This new improvements are very good in comparison to your last Tas. I vote yes. and I holding...Music is extremely rotten and isn't in adequation with asterix's theme (he's not fresh my...sound).
Thanks for the Yes :p I would like to change the music too, You are right :p
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Boss are a bit boring but it's yes because the rest is very interesting.
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J'ai a nouveau besoin de vous ! J'ai fini ma 2eme version du TAS et j'ai besoin pour la traduction. J'ai déjà pas mal traduit mais mon anglais est bordélique et j'ai laissé quelques parties en francais parce que je savais pas comment traduire. Donc merci a tous ! Vidéo:
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The TAS is finally finished ! Final stats: Rerecord count: 9707 Frames: 95790 Time: 26:38.558 Old TAS stats: Frames: 108650 Time: 30:13.170 This is an big improvement of 3:35 due to optimization and new glitchs and skip found !
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I'm now at the last level ! I don't think I can save a lot of time here, at least 3 or 4 seconds (I will maybe find some new skips, we will see !). I'm very happy of how big is the improvment :p Edit: I just found a 20 seconds skip x)
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I just found a new skip on The Forest - 7 which saves 20 seconds ! This is a stupid skip because we can skip all the level with that. We need to take the clouds close to the start and we do the skip on the Start room: We place the cloud on the roof on a very precise place and we jump on it. We only have to spam jump and we will go to the end room which is above.
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Roman Encampment is finished ! I can't find any place to use my potion manipulation glitch. Old: 56 165 (936.08 seconds) = 15:47 New: 47 643 (794.05 seconds) = 13:15 Pretty good, I should save less time now because I used the Exonym's TAS to add somes strats (I found a few new strats too)
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I just found a potion manipulation glitch, but we can use it only on a few places and for a few things. You need to already have (a least) one potion A useless for the level. You need to be close to a potion B from a different type. You have to use your potion A and take the potion B before the potion A is used (for exemple: If this is a bomb potion, before the potion exploses). You will now be at 0 potion A and 1 potion B (this is normal) but the potion placed will be a B potion (this should be a potion A placed) I happy because there is no places where we can use it on Gaulish Village
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Gaulish Village is finished ! theenglishman's TAS: 37 814 (630.23 seconds) Old: 34 086 (568.1 seconds) New: 28 788 (479.8 seconds) 1954 rerecords
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Hey ! I just finished my first TAS which was asterix and the great rescue, he have been rejected but if you want to watch it: I started to do a second TAS of this game, my goal is to search others glitchs and skip and to optimize better than my previous one. There is an ascending timer on the game. I will give you the time at the end of the level for each level. For the moment: Gaulish Village: 1: Old / New: 3:26 2: Old: 1:00 New: 1:01 3: Old: 1:01 New: 1:03 4: Old / New: 0:40 5: Old: 1:20 New: 1:21 6: Old / New: 0:38 7: Old: 1:09 New: 2:02 I found an amazing clip in the wall which save me almost a minute 8: Old: 1:22 New: 1:37 I skip a little part of the level 9: Old: 0:56 New: 0:58 10: Old: 1:09 New: 1:12 BOSS: Old: 1:47 New: 1:56 Roman Encampment: 1: Old: 1:13 New: 1:36 Little skip 2: Old: 1:27 New: 1:29 3: Old: 0:58 New: 1:03 4: Old: 1:34 New: 1:49 Skip with a cloud potion 5: Old / New: 0:55 6: Old: 1:11 New: 1:18 7: Old: 1:10 New: 1:11 8: Old: 1:12 New: 1:13 BOSS: Old / New: 0:55 The Forest: 1: Old: 1:27 New: 1:31 2: Old: 1:04 New: 1:05 3: Old / New: 1:15 4: Old: 1:12 New: 1:13 5: Old / New: 0:50 6: Old: 1:09 New: 1:10 7: Old: 0:53 New: 1:14 Skip which skip all the level 8: Old: 1:00 New: 1:01 BOSS: Old / New: 1:26 Germany: 1: Old / New: 0:59 2: Old: 0:58 New: 0:59 3: Old: 1:21 New: 1:35 4: Old / New: 1:00 5: Old / New: 0:42 Roman Galley: 1: Old / New: 1:02 2: Old: 0:38 New: 0:39 3: Old / New: 0:48 4: Old / New: 0:29 5: Old: 1:13 New: 1:14 BOSS: Old / New: 1:10 Rome: 1: Old / New: 0:20 2: Old: 1:29 New: 1:30 3: Old: 0:45 New: 0:44 A few frame lost here but I save one death at the start of the level to regain my life so this is finally faster ! 4: Old / New: 0:43 5: Old: 1:07 New: 1:23 6: Old: 1:15 New: 1:16 BOSS: Old: 1:00 New: 1:05 Rerecords: 9707 Thanks :p
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Exonym 1-2 I didn't notice this :/ I tried it. 1-3 I don't understand 1-5 Obelix speed is the same than Asterix Thanks for your comment :) I think I will try to do another TAS of this later, that was my first TAS and the start is not perfect. PS: You should look at your mail box, I send you a message
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zoboner wrote:
It's me or the music isn't in cohesion with asterix's univers? For me she's perfect for Robocop or Terminator games!!! The auto-scrolling to level 5.2 isn't entertaining but he's not longer than it, else it's a poor game with a bad controls and he's very difficult to finish this. Good run and yes vote
You are right about the music x) The auto-scrolling is a really bad level for TAS, I found a way to jump on a platform further but if I would do that, I needed to wait 15 seconds+ . Thanks for the vote
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Niamek si un gars qui a jamais posté un TAS arrive et poste en francais comme moi il va juste se faire jeter. Il faut que ca soit des cieux TASeurs qui fassent ca si tu veux que ca change :/
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Voila j'ai ajouté 2 ou 3 trucs, j'ai submit le TAS, si vous voyez une erreur génante, avetissez moi !
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Enorme merci lapogne36 ! J'ai oublié de préciser le Normal au lieu du Difficile. La seule différence (que j'ai trouvé) c'est que ca diminue le temps pour faire les niveaux que j'explose a chaques fois. Au final j'aurais juste perdu du temps a aller dans les settings et mettre en hard ce qui est long a cause des transitions pourries x) Encore merci pour la trad ! (Je vais rajouter par moi meme cette petite expliquation Si tu veux voir de quoi je pouvais parler, voici le tas: Je sais pas pourquoi mais je pensais vachement que je l'avais déja mis ici x)
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Ok ! Je suis désolé je me suis laissé emporté et le truc est beaucoup trop long... Je demande a personne de tout me traduire mais si vous voulez m'aidez, faites une petite partie :p Au pire je finirais, vous inquiétez pas. En tout cas merci de tous les messages, je savais pas que la communauté TAS francaise était active x) Voila merci encore
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keylie c'est ce que je vais faire parce qu'il y a beaucoup de petits tricks mais pas mal etaient deja dans l'ancien
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lapogne36ok je vais faire ca Niamek Moi aussi j'aimerais que ca soit en francais mais bon c'est les règles qui sont comme ca :/
Projects: Genesis Crack Down 1 Player - Work In Progress
Post subject: Un traducteur pour mon TAS ?
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Salut a tous ! Je viens de finir mon premier TAS qui est Asterix and the Great Rescue. J'ai amélioré l'ancien tas (qui était pas tres optimisé) de 3 minutes mais mon tas dure quand meme 30 minutes. Je peux me faire comprendre en anglais mais pas plus et donc pour écrire des choses ca va etre difficile :p Voilà, si quelqu'un aurait un peu de temps pour me traduire ca, ca serait superbe ! Merci beaucoup ;) PS: Je veux pas trop en demander mais vu que c'est mon premier je sais pas trop quoi mettre a part un résumé détaillé, il faut mettre quoi de préférence ? Re-Merci beaucoup
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Yesterday, I have start to do a Tas Today when I wanted to continue I worked 1 hour and when I finished, I saw the today's work haven't been saved :/ I uncheck "Read-Only" After the tas, I pressed Save Movie and after, Stop Movie Why this didn't save ? Can someone help me ? I want to tas but I can't because of this stupid problem EDIT: I just retried and I did the same thing and this doesn't want to work :/
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Thanks for the video, this is helpful As what I see, when you use tasstudio, this create a new .tasproj file: Are the two file working together ? (I don't know how to say that with my shitty english). Because I don't want to set all my input with tas studio, I only want to change a few inputs Thanks.
Projects: Genesis Crack Down 1 Player - Work In Progress