Posts for AzHP

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Although I'd like to note that the battle arenas would be particularly hard to optimize since I don't know if you can luck manipulate the enemy into killing themselves off quickly/letting you win quickly.
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I want to see a TAS of dkr, the story mode would be insane especially with all the silver coin challenges done perfectly. Anyone wanna give it a try?
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Video looks good from reset, I dunno how much better super sliding will be on dampe's race, does TSA have a video he can provide to show how he got 36 seconds?
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When watching from the save state it desyncs right before you enter the tomb. Edit: lol raw data. Gonna watch from the beginning and see what happens.
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Make your bot change input every other frame? I dunno how much that would affect the accuracy, but you could try it.
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Jammer01 wrote:
FODA, how long is the Shoot to the Island star in bob-omb battlefield in the video you made with the BLJing? If I recall, the only reason this was ignored for 16 star runs was the cannon, but now that it isn't an issue, I think it might be good to replace the slowest star with this one. The other option is to replace the star in LLL so that the runner never even visits the course, but I don't think this would save time, as you go right past the level on the way to HMC. Anybody know off hand what the slowest of the 15 non-required stars is? My guess is the first star in WF, but I'm probably wrong. Anybody feel like doing any timing?
IIRC you must collect a star from shifting sand land, LLL and HMC before you can get the MIPS rabbit. So it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
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Doesn't desync for me. Don't jump to conclusions.
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That is to say, is anyone still working on this? A shame to see it go to waste...
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Dang, it desyncs at Ice Age Alley on the 1.1 rom. Wish I could get a 1.0 rom so I could see it ;)
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mwl wrote:
GuanoBowl, you have to do the super-glide during the Dampe race. You now have a Hylian Shield and bombs, so use them. :) That's how TSA got 36".
How many bombs are required for it? They could be useful in other places, unless manipulating luck to get bombs takes less time than each use of the glide (quite likely considering how friggin fast they glide)
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GuanoBowl wrote:
So no one saw my Dampe race? It just desynch'd? Shit!
I saw it, it was hot. I tried the Poe boost too but I gave up after a while.
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mwl wrote:
Guano, did you try doing a super-glide towards KV as you exited to Hyrule Field from the market?
He doesn't have a shield at that point, unless there's some other method of super gliding that doesn't require one.
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Tinister wrote:
nitsuja wrote:
It would be about as difficult as modifying an input plugin to have an on-top user interface box. There is probably a more convenient scheme than simply giving each arrow key a sensitivity setting, though, like displaying a circle to click in that sets the analog position, and a way to assign keys to custom analog positions.
So, um, how difficult is that? And I don't see how that'd be more convenient since I'd probably end up clicking it until I got the precise sensitivity values I'm looking for (I can be incredibly anal like that).
How bout something where you can click OR use the arrow keys to go up/down/left/right one pixel at a time? OR input values? =P
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It's not like he's obligated to do this, we should be glad he's doing the run at all =)
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Yep thanks for the help guys. =)
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My run desyncs at the part where the tree says "The youth whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth..." Has anyone else had this problem? My checksum checks out and I use all the same settings as in the movie... I really wanna see this run =/
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I recently acquired the rom to play this but the run desyncs during the first dialogue...Anyone else have this problem? I'm running a 2.1 ghz celeron, 512mb ram and a geforce 5500, if that helps. Running with raw data off and read only checked too.
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It will probably be rejected for not being optimized and you'll have to go over it anyway, but you can make an AVI of it yourself and post it in this thread to get more criticism.
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Any more WIPs? This is the only n64 game I can find a ROM for that people are doing runs for, so I've been itching to see a new WIP =/
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Damn, first the bomb boost and now this? Haven't we broken this game enough already? =)
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Voting no for this reason:
i did this whole speed run under less than 2 hours.
Some comments: Assuming this uses the same engine as Mickey's Magical Quest (no reason to believe it doesn't) you can keep your speed if you run down a hill and keep jumping...(read comments in mickey's magical quest run for details) Your boss fights are painful to watch.
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Yeah, and using the item at the right time would also drastically increase the time...
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You might want to post your WIPs on your latest posts cause not everyone checks the first post, especially on multiple pages. Anyway, aside from the things I pointed out to you on AIM (wasting time/not frame optimizing), this would be an interesting run to watch, although you could maybe find more interesting things to do in pauses than wiggle back and forth, as it gets annoying after a while...
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No WIPs or progress reports, hope this project hasn't been dumped cause I'd like to see a run of it, thought the game was hard as freak due to the crap controls (that last boss took me forever and a day to get so many throws out the damn door)
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Well, with CPU intervention the velocity vector will go down so the bot will probably choose a different path. Manipulating luck to get mushrooms, feathers or stars...I guess you could have the bot check the rom address telling whether or not you have an item and if so what kind, to reject paths that give you anything but a mushroom, feather or star? Good luck, it sounds like a fun project (about 10,000,000 times harder than the sudoku solver I programmed the other day)