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Could you guys tell me if this: ==> is the same game? It seem to have the same music, the same (glitchy) engine... ! I hope it isn't, I somewhat prefer unglitched speedrun, when there so much strategie to plan out.
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Could you post an unoptimized wip or test run with the best option to start the run, also are your going to edith the option in the movie(with the nethack menu or DOS command)? Later I might try to familliar myself with lua or try some random stuff, so getting right Disk ID with the correct setting is certainly going to help.
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Here a minor glitch with pcsx.unpause(). It manage to confuse me :)
Language: lua

--pcsx.unpause(); --pcsx.pause() pcsx.unpause(); while true do print(pcsx.framecount()); gui.text(25,25 ,pcsx.framecount()); emu.frameadvance(); end
Somehow, the content of the loop won't be executed. pcsxrr ver 13a
Post subject: A way to get emulator state pause/unpause?
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FatRatKnight wrote:
there's no way to run lua code while emulation is paused, except hacking it by repeatedly loading the same state every frame.
I'm working on a script with the ability of redrawing the screen with a similar method(for pcsxrr), but I want to avoid as much as possible to create a savestate on every frame... In order to do this, I need a function that could tell me what is the speed state of the emulator, so paused or unpaused should be enough. Do you know a way to do this? If there no way, I think that could manage the hotkey by myself for frame advance or pause to keep know what are the emulator state, but this method is somewhat brutal.
Post subject: Emulator: PCSXrr
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I'm using pcsxrr and I tried both paused/unpaused. There no difference when I'm overing the button... maybe I did something wrong?
Language: lua

require("YummyButton") local X = 151; local Y = 230; local Z = 0; function test() --print(Z) --button2:recolor(0x00FF00C0); button2:recolor(Z); Z = Z +0x20; end button2 = NewBtn{x= 50, y= 90, fn=test, text= "Hello", tag= 0, color= 0xFF0000C0} button2:draw(); --emu.registerafter(test) while true do emu.frameadvance() end
I talked about gens, because I prefer to work frame by frame, rather than unpaused and that's why a homemade redraw feature would be handy for working. Thought now thinking about it, I suppose that it could be easier to simply make a savestate/loadstate for redrawing the current frame, might need some testing...
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I can draw the button but somehow when I leftlick on it, my function won't trigguer at all on pcsxrr. I might test with fceu later. While been there, I was curious if there could be a way to redraw/update the screen while the emulator is paused. I know that gens is more featured on this side, but if there could be a way as similar as gui.register can track hotkey down, that would be very appreciated and useful :)
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arflech wrote:
I tried to download that MKV
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Could someone re-upload to MegaUpload?
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Nice to see someone else that got it synced. Now thinking about it, I got a desync with an another computer running with a 64bit operating system. So you might want to try it with a 32bit OS. @mklip2001 if you can sync the movie about 20 seconds, you should be able to sync it all the way! About the movie, very nice but still, I feel somewhat puzzled if this look like more as a "test run" or a "run". Thought, since the game is very long and require a lot of determination to go all the way, I'll yes vote on this if you plan to work on a subtitle commentary. This would be very appreciated :) edith: could someone mirror my old encode, dropbox seem to dislike this:
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Sadly, I'm unsure about how mplayer/mencoder can handle any hqx setting, but at least you should be able to capture your video right away with a hqx filter. Btw, I would prefer if the encode could be only partially done with this hqx feature. The font credit are simply unreasonable.
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Good job on this, I'm somewhat surprised that the sound is audible. But for the official encode, I just want to point out that the mz experimental plugin might give an interesthing result for HD/youtube.
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Marcokarty wrote:
Nice game choices, man! A suggestion: some level of "Guerrilla War" TAS would be great also.
I was thinking about this one too... :)
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in my folder there is... kkapturedll.dll libbz2.dll libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libpng3.dll lua5.1.dll lua51.dll luasocket.dll zlib1.dll Also, you have to be outside of the blue menu, before "running the script" or it crash. I admit, this is the kind of detail that make the emulator somewhat unstable, but once you know about it, you can keep up your work.
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This isn't happening on my side, as long as there a game running, maybe there a problem with your dll?
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6 month ago, I used lua and savestate with pcsxrr for suikoden2... and I had no problem. Could you post a simple script with this crashing issue and a explanation about what you want to do?
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Hmm, for the lua-script I can try to see what I can do if you provide some savestates, but first, you should give us a deeper explanation about when and how this glitch would be done.
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I'm sure that before, there were a category called "Do not abuse any programming error" for movie like this one, but somehow this category doesn't seem to exist anymore.. Sometime a purist gamer might prefer to watch a full glitchless run where the TASer actually "play the game" than a run that just keep messing with the glitch and emulator limit.
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Keep tasing with the TAS plugin. Basically for encoding we use the eternal plugin, if there any desync in the process we have to reencode the segment from a desyncless savestate(made earlier with the TAS plugin) and keep going until the end. After that, you can matchup the whole movie with avisynth. Depending from how many desync you get, this can be very long... so you might prefer to post you .pxm and ask for someone to encode this for you.
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Swordless Link wrote:
Majora's Mask beaten in 1:53:33 (real time, on a console) by Jiano (with commentary from several Zelda experts): Really good run, and shows a lot of what will be in the TAS when it's done.
Didn't know abut that bottle fairy glitch... nice run and very well done.
TASeditor wrote:
Majoras Mask has a crooked cadrigde trick. When you power on the console the screen with language select will appear and after the intro you will die, because you haven't hearts. You have 50 ocarinas from the beginning, no graphical error, but you don't have sword and shield. Your name is always 00000. I'm not kidding! I'm serious!
The starting condition aren't legit, so despite freerun I doubt this is very intersthing. Also, might be pointless as well but I just thought about an another good use to don't talk right away with the salesman at the bombshop. So while waiting/enterain us for the walking guy(instead to press "A" near the table and wait for him anyway) the in-game keep working, this means there possbly less time to wait for the 6hour counter popup, by the end of the run.
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With something similar to --deldup from Direct264, you can save a lot on most movie... but nobody seem to get this feature working under a linux system, without using wine or stuff like that.
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errror1 wrote:
oh wow I wasn't expecting this. Thanks mz. I guess I'll go see how imperfect the strider 2 emulation is, it's got to be better then the ps1 version
I'm not very familliar about psx emulation on mame, but can you load games that are'nt in the mame "database"? Also, uhh it seem that the mame license isn't fully GPL compatible(commercial issue, etc..), but I don't think this a big deal for now.
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Starting as Wizard sound good to me, because he can have an interesting inventory with luck... but I'm somewhat unsure how quickly you can reach the expert skill for jumping farther.
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errror1 wrote:
oh, whops Wiki says self teleportation doesn't work but you can still teleport items and monsters. Is there any situation that might trick a monster into trying to teleport you? I'm guessing not
As far as I remember if you happen to be engulfed in a vortex or in process for been digested by several other specific monster, you can at least teleport the enemy and still been inside him once teleported. I think I did this once, in the gnomish Mine'End(Version 1: The Mimic of the Mines), but this is long time ago... someone could confirm for the plane?
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As long as nethack support ACSII, color and lit_corridor.. I'm alright with entertainement. If the TASer want any special setting, he could simply write them in a external editor or directly by the dos prompt, this should take only several second and would look kind of cool. For the character creation, just let the RNG handle it?
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About a "minimum-action" run.
rhebus wrote:
I suppose one definition is that an action is anything you can do from the standard playing mode (the mode in which hjkl will move you, z will zap a wand etc). By this definition all of the above are single actions. This is still harder to count than simple keystrokes, and I don't think it will result in particularly different results.
Pressing "z" might not look as action, because it pop up a menu and you can still cancel it without visible impact on the gameplay, but if you try ctrl+A(redo previous action/command), nethack should popup the wand menu again! That said, I didn't browse the source code of the game, but I'm sure that nethack have an action/command history with at least one entrie(last action). So, in order to evaluate how many action you get so far... maybe we could check some in game data memory or increment an "action counter" with lua everytime the last action/input is overwrited. (I don't know if this is possible if the player do the same action consecutively, but there should be a way).
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Can you manipulate the RNG before starting the very first level? (writing your name, select class, race, allignement...)
ais523 wrote:
DOS games are emulated on a CPU which has a comparable speed to an actual DOS system; thus, relatively slow. Inputting commands as fast as possible leads to moving about 3 squares per frame on a relatively empty level; hardly unwatchable.
I hope this isn't the case, but could be blind(without any sort of ESP intrinsic/extrinsic) could help to render several frame/sec faster on realtime-based run?
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