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If you guys want to be fair with those J rom rule you should cancel this argument as well. Now it would become all about: does "an ok run with entertainement bonus" is worth for publishing, despite irrevelant sloppyness? That said, there no rule that talk about each new OoT run must have a star either. About the SwordLessLink point, I think he should simply start working with the (J)rom, if it's run isn't accepted later, there no problem... his youtube account is has almost more visit than this site.
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I made a little play around and I think that I understand what you mean(I even made a little demo... but there only little point to show this). I feel like you should discuss about this issue to the pcsxr project, since this isn't a problem with the TAS/non-TAS plugins... Altought, if the emulator is 'too slow' about "instant action animation", do you think that the emulator is 'too quick' about some other part?
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Ok, so you have a psx-like controller? What game are you working on and his console? -What button you won't use? ==> Don't forget R3,L3 ! -What fonction are you looking for? ==> You may prefer the "Select State" function to browse your savestate. ==> If your game desynch a lot you might need a button to toggle between read/write input ==> For better confort using one of the L1,L2,R1,R2 should be a must for the frame advance function ==> If you need some advanced function like memory search or some lua script... this may become complex.
boct1584 wrote:
My thought is to map speed controls (pause/unpause emulator, frame advance, etc.) to the right analog stick (Z-axis and rotational Z-axis) and savestate controls to the left stick (X-axis for switching the current state, Y-axis for save and load.)
Sound good to me. I suppose that doing few combo can be helpfull as well, but you might have to spend some time to become enough skilled and remember every button (somewhat confusing with the left/right stick) Once I try to configure some kind of HUD with lua(but I failed, because I thought that I needed something for "redrawing the screen").. IMO if you can manage to have something where you can see how are your current input-command in real time, that should make everything much more easier.
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If this run is accepted, I feel like that the mario64 run (or any other huge TAS project) won't have any more raeson to keep working on the US version. There not enougt effort in this run... voting for gruefood delight, since there is few funny moment.
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lapogne36 wrote:
I tried to make a lua script for some tests but I failed every time, so if someone can help me...
let's see..
emu = pcsx;
pad =
start = savestate.create()
framecounter = 0
address = 0x197794

buttonNames = {select="select",l3="l3",r3="r3",start="start",up="up",right="right",down="down",left="left",   

while (framecounter) < 100 do
	framecounter = framecounter +1;
	-- framecounter = emu.framecount();

	while (memory.readbyte(address)) == 0 do
		pad[buttonNames["square"]] = true
		emu.frameadvance(); framecounter = framecounter +1;
		-- emu.frameadvance();

		pad[buttonNames["square"]] = nil

	savestate.load(start); -- basicly the following code should never happen, because once 0x197794 isn't 0 we're comming back to the "start" savestate

	pad[buttonNames["right"]] = true
	emu.frameadvance(); framecounter = framecounter +1;
	-- emu.frameadvance(); 

	pad[buttonNames["right"]] = nil

	emu.frameadvance(); framecounter = framecounter +1;
	-- emu.frameadvance();
	emu.frameadvance(); framecounter = framecounter +1;
	-- emu.frameadvance();

(with color)
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I was worried about this cutscene as well, but it sound like they already try everything... althought I'm quite sad that the entertainement isn't maxed while waiting for the bombshop keeper. I understand that this zone desync a lot, but this still isn't a good raeson for me. Beside that, zora and the wrong warp glitch combo is definitly badass. I just can't believe it....
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Aktan wrote:
BadPotato wrote:
In fact, he only thing that I'm worried about is why 30fps for the non-streaming videos!? mine was 60fps(with blur effect)....
What do you mean 30 fps? All the links I posted goes up to 60 fps.
My Mplayer program just keep running at 30fps...
mplayer log wrote:
$ ./mplayer.exe ~/azuredreams-tas-fractalfusion.mkv MPlayer Sherpya-SVN-r30369-4.2.5 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team getch2: 6 can't get number of input events [disabling console input] Playing azuredreams-tas-fractalfusion.mkv. [mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC), -vid 0 [mkv] Track ID 2: audio (A_AAC), -aid 0, -alang und [mkv] Will play video track 1. Matroska file format detected. VIDEO: [avc1] 320x240 24bpp 30.000 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s) ========================================================================== Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264) ========================================================================== ========================================================================== Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding) FAAD: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s! AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400) Selected audio codec: [faad] afm: faad (FAAD AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio)) ========================================================================== AO: [dsound] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample) Starting playback... Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale... Opening video filter: [scale] Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect. [swscaler @ 011634F4]using unscaled yuv420p -> bgra special converter VO: [directx] 320x240 => 320x240 BGRA A: 6.5 V: 6.5 A-V: -0.038 ct: 0.045 0/ 0 1% 1% 1.1% 1 0 A: 23.2 V: 23.3 A-V: -0.092 ct: -0.136 0/ 0 1% 0% 1.3% 0 0 Exiting... (Quit)
hmm, maybe I miss something..?
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This is almost a shame that I didn't use the Eternal SPU plugin... but at the beggining I was just looking for something like an audible sound. Good job man on this. Do you know if there less desynch now, than the previous pcsxrr version? In fact, he only thing that I'm worried about is why 30fps for the non-streaming videos!? mine was 60fps(with blur effect)....
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mz wrote:
Maybe you've redeclared "input"?
Exactly, now I understand what was my problem... First I run a script with this in it:
input = -- input is loaded with the table
then I stop the script and I run this:
emu = pcsx
function testInput()
	local test = input.get() -- .get won't work because input was remplaced
		if(test.leftclick == nil) then
			gui.text(10,  30, "input"  .. ": " .. "nil")
		elseif(test.leftclick == true) then
			gui.text(10,  40, "input"  .. ": " .. "true")

while true do
Thanks, everything work fine. Just need to restart pcsxrr.
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LuaEngine.cpp wrote:
// input.get() // takes no input, returns a lua table of entries representing the current input state, // independent of the joypad buttons the emulated game thinks are pressed // for example: // if the user is holding the W key and the left mouse button // and has the mouse at the bottom-right corner of the game screen, // then this would return {W=true, leftclick=true, xmouse=255, ymouse=223}
I keep getting an error with:
local test = input.get()
and this poping up... Did I do something wrong??
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sgrunt wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Also, wouldn't video tutorials with audio commentary be a good idea? Personally, I have an easier time watching someone do something than just reading how it is done.
. It would be a good idea; leaving people with nothing in the absence of such a tutorial is not desirable, however.
Must peoples that keep over looking the "getting started" section are'nt necessary familiar with english, but if there a way to have embedded substile support in japan/deutch/spanish with user-friendly interface for switching between languages... this should be a neat idea. Just need translator I suppose.
ZeXr0 wrote:
I guess someone could make a small Super Mario Bros 1 TAS that doesn't need to be fully optimised, but should show some trick, and some neat technique.
This is the tricky part. If your talking about trick like pass thought wall/brick, double jump on regular wall or the flag glitch, this is going to impress the viewer for sure but after he might been unable to repeat this himself, since it require to have quite a good knowledge about how the memory viewer works. I feel like simply slowing down the emulator at 25, 10%, 5% without frame-by-frame is enough for a beginner that just want to play around and have some quick action and fun. Of course, after there might be some intermediate-level Tuto-TAS videos explaining about important concepts like memory search and basic glitch from classical game..etc. Now talking about it, how basic does the tutorial should be? An ambiguous step-by-step from scratch with someone downloading the emulator, downloading closed-source plugins/games from different sites, then doing the minimal configuration sound rather bad must time. Althought this is *the place* where must new comer are getting stuck.
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Must other good/ok game are also avaible on other platform... hmm After a little searching... maybe S.T.U.N. Runner might worth a try, since it should be better than the arcade version.
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I like this screenshot with the minimap... definitly a nice way to optimize your space on the screen. All the matches calculation are done with matlab as well? Moving the cursor while manipulate luck would be nice if you make it happen more often, thought..... just a way to disctract.
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If you guys want translation so bad, add a checkbox or something in the reply formulary that will add a google translation at end of our post.(anyway, I keep seeing some ugly gold d**k in must post, so innacurate translation in non-english thread isn't that bad right? ) Whatever, please continue the discussion in an another thread. This is a noob forums. -------------------
timy93 wrote:
merci beaucoup. je vais essayer. badpotato, j'aimerais NO ROM REQUESTS s'il te plaît. en fait, la mienne m'affiche les éritures à l'envers. (du genre ! a la place de i)
Voici le mieux que je peux faire pour toi ;) : NO ROM REQUESTS (demande google si t'as besoin de plus d'info!) À part ça, j'ai aucune idée de quel sorte d'écriture à l'envers que t'es en train de parler...? Mais as-tu le .m64 contenant "l'input", si oui dit nous où tu l'a pris... le mieux serait que tu nous poste l'addresse exacte où tu l'as eu (comme dis plus haut, ça n'a pas du tout rapport avec un quelconque type de fichier d'encodage vidéo). Ceci dit, je suis pas certain à 100% de savoir comment pouvoir visionné l'input des angle directement sur le fenêtre du plugin d'inputs... mais je suis certain qu'il y a d'autres français sur ce forum qui peuvent t'aider. Insert a translation here edith: ==> mupen-rerecording
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Mupen est un des émulateur les plus difficile à configurer au début... car tu dois télécharger séparément la bonne rom, le bon émulateur et les bons plugins!!! Pour faire simple, dit nous quel jeu tu veux voir avec un lien vers le fameux fichier d'input ;-)
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What is the MD5 sum of your (J) rom?
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I'm just happy that you guys didn't use the pegasus boots instant wraping glitch to make way thought any screen. The run is just too good. Yes vote.
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I get a logitech usb psx-like controller and it work with the nrage plugin, but pcsx-rr crash once you go in the second controller tab. Thought, I have one question... how can use use frame advance with controller? You need to use the keyboard anyway for this, right? ..despite using a script.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
all in all there are three big boos in BBH. The first in the lobby after killing the smaller ghosts, second in the merry-go-round in the basement, again after killing all the ghosts in there and finnaly the third big boo, as you said, on top of the roof ;)
!! Thanks, now I fully remember ^_^
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bzb95 wrote:
-BBH- Go on a Ghost Hunt 52'8 criticism would be much appreciated.
Hm, I din't play this game since a long time, but as far as I remember the big boo boss was on the top/outside of the mansion. Weird... Now, I'm just curious about what game version your actually playing... I got mine right with the nintendo64 in 1996, but back to the day I found weird that the game case had a different picture than my game.
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What about doing some king of "post-nomination" while the publication process(choose what award categorie might fit)? Then next year, nobody will be out of idea for what game fit in the poll... etc
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Marcokarty wrote:
I loaded the "normalSpeed.lua" and it works. But with a constant speed of around 32 fps with just small oscilations. I'm doing something wrong?
You mean this is too slow? Then I'm not an expert in timing but you can try an inferior value here(should be time in second between each frame rendering...):
I guess that some game/particuliar moment require more time for complete rendering than other one.
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Marcokarty wrote:
Whelkman wrote:
Have you tried manually setting the FPS limit to 60?
Yes, and it shows the "in game" FPS display like it: 60.00 with just small oscilations. It's ok in game menus, but when the match starts, the speed goes very fast. I can't understand.
I made a little script that stick the fps at 60/sec ==> Thought, you need to unzip this file in the same pcsx.exe folder. Actually, that may sound a bit awkward to use the socket library... but I couldn't have any good result from the proposed one, since os.execute("anySleepingScriptOrProgram") always open a CMD windows for 0,1sec.
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damn 7 day for nomination?... anyway, somewhat sad that the Dr.Mario run wasn't proposed.
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Oops... yeah, right on it. Thanks, now that's making more sense :P The new ram search windows looks like a very usefull feature, nice job... just need a new hotkey later :)
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