Posts for BadPotato

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hey your round is very nice! do you still have the .pxm? i would like to see how you can "block the ennemy like marioRPG(and other)" you just press X on right time? I dint even know how to do that.. i made a an another video part (part1 and 2 together) ==> Now i tryed some setting with virtualdub... and looks like that i craped the sound near the middle. And i'm still trying to fix the unsynchronised stuff at the end. So... this can be very borring Anyway, as you can see some improvement are made... the firewall chest is very usefull for the mistboss and i decide to wait to get victor and flick to colect beat rune and a celadon urn, to get lepant... far later. Actually, this run should be something like this now: - Aim for fastest time - Best Ending (so i have to get 108 character) - Manipulate luck (any TAS using savestate have this kind of option, right?) - Do not abuse programming error in the game (i'm not interresed now to learn how to decode the binairy file in ram... to make some great exploits on right time and other thing) Actually i wont use any kindness rune and matilda border trick... I'll keep motivate to make this run as long, you see these glitch as programming errors. Thanks, Next part: meet nanami, get the medium pots in Ryu house, defeat some highlander, maybe buy some Winged boots at shop... im still unsure about this, get back to Mercenary Camp, scrolling some text, recruit people and maybe visit pilika
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BadPotato wrote:
edit: ok i tried this night the whole thing... and the playback(from cmd) have defenitly some synchronisation problem and it crash after ~15minutes of replay
fixed, i mistake lot of thing... the synchronisation problem was from my computer... sorry about this wrong issue
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Joined: 1/26/2009
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hi, finally i have start to test some speedruns... (108 characther and do not abuse error) ==> (at the 10sec of the end, it dint load the correct savestate) I'm still a noob to encode video, but next one should be better So, next part... get the flour, evade with jowy, meet people, go to sparrow pass and try to get some "double beat" rune and maybe a celadon urn, defeat mist boss. Go to kyaro town, get mukumuku, nanami, etc
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Joined: 1/26/2009
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i just downloaded source and saw a linux folder without script like the original pcsx. Look like that make cant do anything. .. so, i suppose there is no way to compile it on linux, yet Also does there are any kkapture-like to work on linux that work on linux? -- Oh and I tested on my windows partition boot with your pcsx-test4 with suikoden2 and it definitly work and rocks for most thing (but it crash when i try "Start playback" in file>movie menu) edit: ok i tried this night the whole thing... and the playback(from cmd) have defenitly some synchronisation problem and it crash after ~15minutes of replay
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Joined: 1/26/2009
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Location: Canada - Québec
oh ok.. thanks i get it, the name is the kindness rune .. and if your using the matilda trick you even go to lakewest and get this rune, just before giving your argreement to tai ho for the boat travel. (the kobold side from 2river should is open.) Note: dont keep humphrey or futch in your party, just before talking to tai ho for travel... else the will crash, i already tested ;-D ) -- i also find out a bug, while testing the maltda trick(i'm still unsure, it still posible that i did something else wrong), some month ago. In fact if i'm using matilda trick, then some new recruit(like hoi, georg, L.C. Chan, persmergea, mazus, and maybe other) will already get the 99level, when they join us....
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symbolic X wrote:
And that is why I said "Recruits: 100%" :-P
ok, are you including optionnal character.. like the mukumuku familly (in fact i think, it's the only optionnal, if you aim to get the 108 "star")
LagDotCom wrote:
I did a test TAS thingy up to the Mist Monster (yeah, that far huh). Honestly because the Friendship/whateveritiscalled Rune bug is so important unless you level/sharpen like hell, not much other strategy needs to be considered, except up until the point you can get the rune. Which is unfortunate.
oh yeah, you get a lot attack bonus by recruit you get... if i remember.. should be a good one. To get easy money, i remember that we could make a lot with the trading post.. i remember that we could get the ancient text from kobold village and sell them in forest village.. and we win something like 20 000 potch by item or something... there is probably some better item to sell tought.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/26/2009
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Location: Canada - Québec
ah yeah, sorry!! I mean get a good time and all 108 character. You have right, impossible to aim for speed :D
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/26/2009
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if you get all the 108 characther before liberation of mathilda.. and you choose something like "Nanami!!" (you have few second to choose it correctly).. then Nanami wont die :) Then to get the good ending... just kill jowy and refuse to steal his rune... and lekneat will appear.After you get the good end and Shu will talk you about Nanami, etc.. The glitch about matilda border is really badass.. if you get there you can get levelup one characther at 70-99 level with this technic: I was also wondering about to do my own tas suikoden game.. but I wont be able with my time schedule, now.. I was aiming for something like that: -Aiming for faster time -Get all 108 charathers -Do not abuse of error game(and of course no matilda trick) -Manipulate luck But i was wondering if it could be possible to manipulate luck for never get any critical hit... So start over from previous savestate for every battle run(and tactical war) to avoid using a critical hit!?(or enemy missing you) Just to get a TAS RPG "realistic" !!???? As Kles said... this game could be done terribly quickly with abusing error and other and as Fan of suikoden series, im not sure to want see a video made from 80% text scrolling; 15% travel and 5% battle ;-)
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