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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
Bigbass wrote:
I'm interested in knowing why FCEUX has these 2 frames and bizhawk doesn't.
Spikestuff wrote:
- Free frame cause Hawk (which we don't talk about).
That doesn't explain anything. Plus I talked with Spike on discord after my post. He thought it was related to some kind of extra polling done by FCEUX, once on startup, and once again after the reset. However, as far as I can tell from the console, there aren't any extraneous input polls at those points; plus FCEUX reports those frames as lag frames. While I don't have a FF cartridge, so I can't test the first frame after boot, I have verified other TASes on real carts from boot, from FCEUX. Extra input frames not seen by the emulator would very likely cause desyncs on console. However, I can see from resets that there's no apparent extra inputs. FCEUX may interpret something as an extra lag frame, but even if that's the case, perhaps that is actually the more accurate emulation. I don't know. Edit: Transcript from Discord:
Spikestaff: @Bigbass FCEUX takes an extra frame to poll. Spikestaff: And then since there's a reset, a secondary frame. Bigbass: But they are lag frames, there's no input polling happening. Spikestaff: oh that's how I understood it. Spikestaff: Cause it was always on boot. Spikestaff: And a reset just did a second frame to it. Spikestaff: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Spikestaff: (And before anyone asks I have it listed as a 3 way on my end; since this is entirely Umi's input which then has the improvements I made on character naming, which then the bus was picked up and moved around by DJ.) Bigbass: I could probably check the console to see what's happening, but as far as the emulator is concerned at least the first 10 frames are lag frames (I don't remember the exact number). And I don't think the reset that happens a few frames into the movie, is related at all. The two extra frames FCEUX has are before the soft reset, not after. Spikestaff: Oh Spikestaff: cause wait need to double check. Spikestaff: Nope nevermind. Spikestaff: When I've done a TAS (which never got released) I actually just removed a frame and it'd poll correctly, so the 2nd frame is weird to me. Bigbass: Ok so I checked the console polling. The soft reset makes this a little more confusing to explain but here's what I've found. Even though the soft reset occurs during a lag frame (in the emulator) it still needs to be accounted for on console. In this case, the first "input" the replay device needs to perform, is the soft reset. Thus, the reset will occur on the first input poll. This is a bit weird because from the TAS editor perspective, the first poll should be the 'A' press. Nonetheless, it still works out anyways. After the reset, the console polls again, and now we give it the first 'A' press. Then a blank frame, then another 'A', and so on. And just to note, other TASes, including for other games, that contain resets, have been verified using the same dump script. Bigbass: In other words, what I said above is true: The two frames that bizhawk doesn't have, but FCEUX does, are not input polls. I'm unable to tell you from this data however, which emulator is more accurate regarding these two lag frames. I am able to count lag frames between input polls, but not between power-on/reset and the first poll. Someone with NES assembly experience could probably go through FCEUX's debugger and check that way.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Edit: DJ moved the bus. It's now 5798 frames. (Also spent the time cleaning the FCEUX -> Hawk since the addition of lag frame input)
While I know the framecount of a movie is based on the movie as played back in emulator, I did want to mention something. To console verify a TAS, the inputs of all non-lag frames must be dumped from the movie. This is done using a Lua script that runs while playing back the movie in the emulator. I dumped the converted movie from spikestuff, and the original from DJ, and they produce identical dumps. So, as far as the real console is concerned, these movies are identical. Looking at the movies, it is clear that the 2 frame difference is just that bizhawk has 2 less frames at the very beginning of the TAS. I'm interested in knowing why FCEUX has these 2 frames and bizhawk doesn't.
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The updated movie from Spikestuff verifies on console: Link to video
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I've re-verified this using the updated movie (can never be sure even small changes won't cause problems): Link to video
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I'd like to give a couple updates/discoveries regarding the NES. The first doesn't exactly affect verification, so far as I've seen, but I still feel it's important to write here. The Everdrive N8 (idk if this applies to the Pro version), appears to have a bug of some kind where if all 8 buttons are pressed for any given frame, the execution of the game will pause for approx 12-13 frames. The time period is consistent down to only +/- 0.002ms, however it's hard to tell where in the frame the pause starts. The pause causes the screen to render a solid color (so far I've only seen either black or white), while also producing zero controller latches/clock pulses, and stopping the audio. The pause will only occur on frames where the previous frame's input is anything except all 8 buttons. So any successive 8-button inputs do not cause successive pauses. As far as I can tell, this is not a save state issue as that feature is disabled. Most importantly though, TASes will still consistently verify despite the pauses (though this perhaps may not apply to all games). It's something to be aware of while verifying TASes. I first discovered this from the Mega Man 2 zipless movie where the author had some fun extra inputs during transition screens (you can see here at about 10:03 what it looks like). The issue has been repeated using test movies on multiple other games. However, when the same test is run on a physical cartridge, the issue doesn't exist; indicating that the flash cart is at fault. Just in case, I also tested without the input display powered (even though it runs on an entirely separate power supply); which didn't change any results. ----- The second thing is FCEUX. The newest version, 2.3.0, has a new feature that has helped me to better understand why many TASes will inconsistently desync, beyond just an educated guess. It allows you to randomize the initial system RAM each time you load a ROM (or re-load the same ROM). Testing a movie with this setting is a bit tricky but possible. With this feature, some movies that would normally sync consistently, now desync inconsistently. One obvious example is Mickey Mousecapade, where the enemies spawn in different locations. Before this, we had to just guess, based on repeating playback attempts alone, whether RNG was the cause for desyncs or not. With this, we can tell with a lot more certainty, whether uninitialized RAM and RNG play a factor in verifying any TAS made with FCEUX. In order to use the feature with existing movies, you cannot load movies how you normally would; as it will reset the initial RAM setting to static default instead of random. This is similar to how the Old vs New PPU mode works when loading movies, whether through the File menu or TAS Editor. First, set the RAM mode: Config > RAM Init > Random. Then open the ROM you want to test. I suggest opening the Hex Editor from the Debug menu at this point just to help identify RAM values. At this point you can see the random values if you pause emulation (NES > Emulation Speed > Pause), and re-open the same ROM over and over. You should see different initial values in the hex editor each time. There are three ways to play a movie. The normal way is to use the File > Movie menu, but this will reset the RAM Init option, and reinitialize RAM with the default static value. Instead, open the TAS Editor from the Tools menu. From here there's two ways. First is to use File > Open, and while this works, it will still reset the RAM Init option, but it won't reinitialize RAM. The safer way is to instead use File > Import Input. This imports only the input of the movie and doesn't touch emulator options at all. From here you can play the movie normally and see if it syncs or not. In order to reinitialize RAM again to new values, you need to close TAS Editor, and re-open the ROM. For whatever reason, you can't open the same or different ROM while the Editor is open. Again, check the Hex Editor to make sure the values have changed and redo the Import Input process.
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Post subject: Re: at least let me try to explain my stuff...
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Mazzin wrote:
it's not that easy... maybe at first glance it looks like a good option, but delaying [...]
Nice, thanks for the detailed explanation. :D This is the kind of information that would have been a great addition to the submission notes. As a side note, I'm not a judge. While I'm sure they don't have bias against you, I certainly don't either. That said, I do share some of the same concerns that have been brought up, such as that eyeball question. And concerns about whether this is just a laggier version of the other game, or if there are distinct gameplay differences. If the gameplay is too identical between the two games, then they might as well be considered the same game. As Nach pointed out earlier, there are differences in color and performance quality. If the gameplay really is identical, and there are no significant glitches that make this version unique from the other, then this is effectively an inferior version of the same game. I guess one question that may help answer this simply is: Why did you want to TAS this particular version of the game? If there was no specific reason, then in terms of lag reduction, it makes sense to use the game version with the least lag. I'm sorry that you feel like you're being attacked. I do not believe that is the intention of anyone on this forum. Sometimes, like in this case, the judges simply need more information about the TAS or the intent of the TAS, before deciding whether it should be published or not, while following the rules of the site. It's not about trying to hurt you or reject your hard work.
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Acumenium wrote:
Ordinarily no, TASes are not supposed to relate to RTAs. But this isn't even a TAS. It's an arbitary player-enforced goal.
Minimum time is a player-enforced goal just the same as minimum A presses. And this most certainly qualifies as a TAS. I'm honestly not sure how this couldn't be a TAS. It is first a superplay, and second a speedrun, and it is tool-assisted. By definition and by convention this is a TAS.
Acumenium wrote:
I also can't see how this differs very much from a normal non-ABC run of Super Mario Bros. other than it being painfully slow. - The same levels as the warps run are used. - No new screens are visited. - New techniques are shown that immediately proceed minutes of waiting in the floor. - It is a TAS of a challenge that is supposed to be player relatable and yet none of the new tricks used to get stuck in the floors repeatedly and so on are actually possible in real time.
It differs by focusing on an entirely different primary goal than the other TASes: Minimum A presses. (with fastest completion and maximum entertainment being secondary and tertiary goals). So what if it's the same levels as warps? That doesn't detract from the entertainment of the run, and if anything, speeds up the TAS by skipping levels, which is what you seem to want. Reviewing the run, I don't see any instances of "minutes of waiting", whether they proceeded a new technique or not. There's one instance at the beginning of 8-4, where the player waits about 30 seconds at most, and even so they are still moving around. Unless I missed something, there's nothing in the submission notes that say it was "supposed to be player relatable." And again, it's a TAS, so there's no reason it should have to be completable by a human.
Acumenium wrote:
It didn't lead to an interesting movie at all. Play the normal TAS at 0.5x speed, it'll still go faster and be more interesting than watching an enemy waddle across the ground for minutes at a time.
54 people thought it was an entertaining movie, so it must be fairly interesting. Playing the encode back at a faster speed wouldn't change the number of frames needed to complete the game with the least number of A presses. And it's not possible to playback the TAS on hardware at a non-hardware speed.
Acumenium wrote:
This fails at being entertaining to anyone wishing to watch the challenge for the minimal A Button aspect due to not being possible to imitate
There are no rules against a TAS being impossible for a human to imitate; again, that is the point of making TASes. To create the perfect run, according to certain goals.
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Mazzin wrote:
if you are serious about that, then you are clearly missing the point of this entire game, because the main goal of any speedrun in this game is almost completely based on lag reduction. that is also why i don't really understand why anyone is still defending the KC version since there is less lag that can be reduced... (meaning he whole objective is just more limited, but whatever).
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the issue here is that this game appears to have identical gameplay compared to the other version, except with significantly more lag. If there's no distinct difference(s) besides lag, it doesn't matter how much lag reduction you did as the resulting time is slower than the published TAS. As TiKevin83 explained:
TiKevin83 wrote:
TASVideos doesn't attempt to serve as a recordkeeping site for every version of a game, so while I 100% agree with you that it's worth TASing and setting TAS records in this GB release separate from the GBC collection release, it's an entirely different question whether that record fits the qualifications for TASVideos publication
Mazzin wrote:
or it's just another one of numerous sections in the game that i performed way cleaner in my new run now, even in my old. (because this strategy would be a hell lot slower in the original version)
How is it a cleaner run by not despawning the eyeball? Would despawning it result in a slower time?
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Acumenium wrote:
Per Oxford and Merriam-Webster, both sourced there, the words are indeed a bit different and minimal refers to something that is almost at the lowest point, but not quite.
Comparing a definition of a word from one dictionary, to another word in a different dictionary is not a fair comparison. Per Oxford, minimal is the adjective form of minimum; even the definition of minimal uses the word minimum to define it. Per Merriam-Webster, the top definition of minimal is "the least possible". Where as the top definition of minimum is "the least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible".
Acumenium wrote:
Speed is an arbitrary goal if there's no end point.
But there is an endpoint, regardless if you focus on speed or minimum A presses, the endpoint remains the same.
Acumenium wrote:
This isn't a speedrun though. It is tool-assisted, but it's not a speedrun.
Even though I'd still consider this a speedrun, with a different primary goal than usual, it doesn't have to be a speedrun to be acceptable on this site.
Acumenium wrote:
I also hesitate to say that anyone can compete, these glitches are 100% tool-assisted. No one is doing these in real-time.
No one has to be able to compete in real-time. Many, if not most, TASes are beyond human ability. That's the whole point of a TAS. It's a speedrun (or superplay) that is tool-assisted, which typically means it is beyond what a human could normally do. However, it is still possible for people to compete at a TASing level (faster completion with same number of A presses, and/or less A presses).
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Acumenium wrote:
So this is a minimal A button challenge, not minimum.
Minimal and minimum, mean the exact same thing. minimal is just minimum + al. Where -al is just changing the word from a noun into an adjective. Regardless, how is the least amount of time, different from the least number of button presses? Both are equally arbitrary, it's just that time is more often chosen as the primary goal.
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Just as with the last submission, this TAS also verifies on console. Link to video
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Happy to report this verifies on console! Link to video
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Console verification: Link to video
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EZGames69 wrote:
Acumenium wrote:
Or Mario 64?
I like how you linked a TAS that’s not even possible without hacks or some game modification
Actually, according to many of the comments, that's a spliced video.
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Hey no worries. You had an idea, and you shared it, nothing wrong with that. You can still make TASes for brand new categories that you come up with; it's just that this site has certain rules regarding how new categories are to be accepted. In fact, I know of a Super Mario Bros TAS that uses a specific game genie code to change the dynamics of the game. It won't be accepted on this site, but it's still entertaining and people still watch it (especially as it's been optimized over time by multiple people).
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xxezrabxxx wrote:
Kosmic already console-verified it
That's great! I thought I heard that on Discord, but couldn't find any video of it. However, after some more searching today, I see that it was done via a twitch stream, with a title that doesn't indicate verification. Why wasn't this included in the submission? Additionally, requires a youtube video anyways. If Kosmic wishes to export to youtube, we can use that as the primary video and mine will just be noted as an additional verification; otherwise a link to the twitch highlight will be included in the notes (including that he was the first to verify it).
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Console verified! Link to video
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Post subject: Re: New Category Ideas?
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WarHippy wrote:
redatchyon2098 wrote:
Hello, I am making this topic because I personally would love it if there were more TASing categories since it gives even beginner TASers a chance to be able to submit a run that would actually be accepted. Any thoughts about this (positive or negative) will be appreciated. Thank you.
It wouldn't really matter what categories there were since many beginner TASes get rejected for sub-optimal gameplay
Agreed; making more categories doesn't lower the bar for what is considered an optimal TAS (and thus doesn't make it easier for submissions to be accepted). With that in mind though, I think it's definitely possible for beginners to submit highly optimal TASes. Depends on many factors including how knowledgeable they are with the game, and how much scrutiny they put on themselves to save as many frames as possible.
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Console Verified! Link to video Also I really liked how you changed what normally would be ordinary movement during certain parts, into movement with sound effects that meshed well with the music. Quite enjoyable TAS. Definitely a yes vote from me!
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Thanks for maintaining verification status on the publications, Samsara! Got another one for ya :D [2699] NES Hydlide by dunnius in 05:11.62
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This TAS has been console verified! :D Link to video
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Seeing this extremely RNG heavy game being cut down to sub 5 minutes is really exciting to see. Extra cool how you were able to get multiple outs and a run at the same time. Yes vote!
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