Posts for BiroZombie

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nifboy wrote:
Funny, I never have any desync problems in Gens (at least, after v.6 or so was released) that aren't my own fault (i.e. loading a far back save, then loading a near-back save).
I know about that, and I don't even do that, either, yet, it still happens. I'm using Gens 9a.
Post subject: Can there ever be a way to fix the desyncing of frames?
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I'm growing tried of seeing my movies desync. It doesn't happen all too often in Famtasia, but it happens quite a bit in Gens. All that I really want to do is record, while using save states and slow motion, and not having stop recording at a certain point just to make sure that the movie didn't desync, then I could just watch my creation. I know that a couple of causes for desyncing are pausing while recording, and frame skiping, but I just hope that, one day, someone can modify the emulators so that, 99% of the time, the movie that you're creating, will almost never desync.
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All right. That answers my first question, but if there's more to it than that, feel free to answer. As for my second, which I had said, I hope that there's an answer for it. I'd said, "What do 'Vsync' and 'Perfect Synchro (SLOW)' do on Gens Movie Test9? I haven't noticed their capabilities." So, has anyone noticed their capabilities?
Post subject: A few questions about desyncing
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I'd been making a perfection/speed video for the game "Lethal Enforcers", using the Gens Movie Test9. I'd made it to the boss that'd shoot the rockets from the chemical truck, and had killed him very quickly, since I'd, obviously, slowed down the speed of the game...and using save states, obviously. I had then gone on to watch the video, up to that point, and it had desync'd while I was shooting him, so, I'll need to start from my last save state, which was not too far behind the problem. My stupid questions (which I don't know that answer to, at all, and the rest of you seem to) are: why does desyncing even happen? It's happened to me with other videos, as well everyone else's, and it's a pain in the butt to do a scene over again. I'd always wanted to think of it like recording on a video camera. Nothing desyncs, as if it'd skipped. Is it just because it records (as what it says) your keyboard strokes, and the game had done something at random, so that the enemy had moved his position? Is it something that I'd done wrong? Sometimes, I pause the recording video to grab something to eat, then I unpause it, and resume my recording. Another question of mine is: What do "Vsync" and "Perfect Synchro (SLOW)" do on Gens Movie Test9? I haven't noticed their capabilities.
Post subject: How do I make 32X and Sega CD ROMs work on Gens Movie Test9?
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They can, supposedly, work, but how?
Post subject: I have a question about re-recording
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I'd been creating a speed/perfection video for the game Mortal Kombat with the blood code on, without receiving damage, and on the hardest skill level. Well, I'm Sub-Zero, fighting against Raiden, and I'd done a quick save, after attacking him, but he then attacked me, obviously, causing damage to myself, and there's no way out of it. So, what I'd done (which I'd thought was possible) was to play the movie back, and had saved it from the time before I'd attacked him, so that I could use a different attack. Unfortunately, when I'd loaded that save point in the movie, it wouldn't re-record, as it would have in the NES emulator Famtasia 5.1. Is there a way to have it work like Famtasia 5.1? Obviously, as of now, if there's no way to re-record a movie if you'd screwed up on the save point, or if you'd want to finish the movie during the next day, then you'd have to play through the whole thing, and just pause it for lunch breaks or before you go to bed, which is quite pathetic. I am using the Genesis emulator Gens 9.0 Test.
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Yes, I'd read about autofire being used and have seen it being used in videos, but I don't know how to use it. Can someone give me exact instructions about how to use it. I've read that when "Max Speed" is used, it can autofire up to 30 times its original speed, so when I use max speed, I die, because the game is too fast. How in the world do you use this cool feature?