Posts for Blaise

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Let's just pretend this game doesn't exist.
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dunna dunna dunna dah dah dunna, dunna dunna dunna dah dah dunna, no vote for that song being stuck in my head the rest of the day.
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A year ago I promised you a yes vote and after watching this submission all the way through on 1x speed I gotta say, you deserved it. I'm actually a little inspired to start my BoF3 speedrun now. Great job Janus, congrats on your first submission, and good luck TASing BoF1
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If there's a flaw in that plan, I can't see it. Sounds perfect.
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That... was the most pathetic final boss... ive ever seen. Despite knowing nothing about this game I was hooked into watching the whole thing just after a few seconds, great job.
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Well isn't that lovely. Great work Gocha, easy yes vote
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Using a continue gave him enough lives to deathwarp the icy slope.
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I'd love to see a super powered low level Katt. It'd remind me of the Tifa from the FF7 speedruns.
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Who woulda thought bombs were basically a star you can hop on without a wall to bounce it off of
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Yeah skip em, as long as you got a lil bomb and (silver) arrow icon on top of your screen next to the rupees I consider that item done.
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Perfect rules. The "warpless" rule kinda reminds me of other mario runs. Even though you intended to do every level, warpless isn't a new or arbitrary rule as far as mario games go.
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Works for me. Glad you're so decisive, "what counts as 100%?" debates can last for an eternity. Best of luck.
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I have faith your patience will be rewarded and you'll be lucky enough to have everything you need this time.... if not then whelp, you know the routine.
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Bah you guys had me worried over nothing. I expected the ceiling bouncing to be 50x worse from the way yall were talking. Yes vote.
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omelette du fromage
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I've probably seen more speedruns of UMK3 than any other game. I can say without a doubt this is the best one.
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scwizard wrote:
I vote for option 3. I'm against 1/1ing because it makes it very hard on the TASer, which would make us less likely to see the final movie. Also I'm against any option that can't be called "as fast as possible", so #2 is out of the question. TAS stands for tool assisted speedrun. Never mind. I can't really pick between #3 and #2 until I understand what the "extra stuff" consists of.
TAS stands for Tool Assisted Superplay
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What cruel sick son of a bitch shoots missiles wrapped in lighting? Thanks for the vid
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That certainly was a speedrun. No vote though
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janus wrote:
i had to restart. I miscalculated my wise Bls. I need 36, not 34....
You poor soul =(
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IST wrote:
Nice run. Never could beat that fucking stage because of that damn snowboard. Seriously, Capcom, go fuck yourself. >:( This is the first time I've seen a game that HQ3X didn't butcher. Looks very nice for a change. :D
You gotta jump jump and slide slide man. Nice test run, Megaman 8 isn't a game I'm extremely interested in but I loved watching that.
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I think you cut that quote a little early there buddy.
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Janus = run revision god. I've been curious for months to know precisely what the final time will be.
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I'm going to have to vote no, the movie was uneventful and boring. Also this version isn't too pretty to look at or listen to. The "blood and gore" is just 4 little red blobs so I coulda lived without it.
Experienced Forum User
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Nice job, its great seeing a fighting game run that's quick and to the point. Those beatdowns were just plain hilarious.
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