Posts for Blublu

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DrJones wrote:
Blublu wrote:
I like this game. It seems like you need some kind of an analog stick input device, though, in order to get further than stage 2 or so without dying (on normal). It's really hard to dodge bullets with the keyboard because it's so imprecise.
These games tend to include a key that while pressed allows for more smooth movement.
Yeah, it's the Shift key, but it doesn't start slowing you down immediately, which makes it hard to use. Of course I'm really bad at these games anyway, so it could just be that.
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I like this game. It seems like you need some kind of an analog stick input device, though, in order to get further than stage 2 or so without dying (on normal). It's really hard to dodge bullets with the keyboard because it's so imprecise.
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I never liked the inconsistencies in the magic stuff in Harry Potter, although I read all the books and finished the last one a few days ago. Like Nach said, elf teleporting, stuff like that. I also really hated the fact that nobody ever asked the most obvious question, what the hell is magic, where does it come from and why do you need to utter these specific words, etc. Also, why didn't Voldemort and the Death Eaters use bombs, guns and other Muggle weapons? Because they are retarded, that's why. Actually, why didn't anyone use guns at all? A machine gun would outperform a wand in killing stuff any day. You can't dodge bullets like you can the apparently super-slow-moving killing spells, which I get the feeling is almost impossible to hit anything with. Yeah, the wizarding community is supposed to be seperate from the muggle community, but there were wizards that knew everything about muggles, so they could have provided them with guns and stuff. Also, they probably could have bewitched a machine gun to have infinite bullets without requiring reloading and wouldn't break down. That would have been a much more effective weapon than a stupid wand. Wizards are retarded. I also have the perfect defense against "Expelliarmus", just tie a string tightly around the wand and tie the other end to your wrist. Ta-Da! Now you can't be disarmed anymore. Too bad everyone was too stupid to think of such a simple trick. Although the spell wasn't used very much, maybe it would be too much of a hassle anyway. Oh well. If the expelliarmus spell would snap the string, use a magical string instead of a regular one. The action scenes always felt a bit silly to me, especially the final battle at Hogwarts where I got the feeling they were fighting each other with firecrackers and matchsticks instead of deadly force. So I guess, I like the books, but am bothered by a few things like these. (by the way, you might want to put a spoiler tag at the top, just in case) Edit: Oh, and I also want to say that Harry Potter is a stupid git for not keeping the Elder Wand at the end. He doesn't have to flaunt it, so no one would know. They would just think he was a really good wizard. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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Seems to me like this will be one of the most confusing games ever made.
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I got to level 21, then I decided to do something else for a while. I might continue later. I like this game.
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I can't understand this fetish with impossible hacks. What happened to creating levels that are actually fun?
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Even if the game is not rigged (which I doubt), I would imagine the use of such a computer would result in you not getting any prize.
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I was just barely able to survive normal mode with like 2 lives left. Hard mode is really hard, I haven't gotten very far in that.
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After figuring out that everything except plasma towers is useless, I managed to beat levels 2-5 on my first try. However, I lost on wave 72 of level 6. That level is stupid hard, actually, it's probably impossible to beat unless you have infinite money (as demonstrated by Bisqwit). Edit: Here's my base before I lost, it's very simple but effective, not effective enough, of course. :P
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Sheeis. I can't even beat level 2. The towers simply don't do enough damage.
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You can't walljump from the back-end of the screen, can you? No, you can't. Because if you could, it *might* be possible to scroll the screen as far forwards as possible, then gain the necessary height that way. No, nevermind. That would never work.
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Warp wrote:
Bob A wrote:
saying that its "free software" strongly implies that its free software
Yes, that's correct. Saying that it's free obviously implies that it's free. That is, you don't have to pay to use it. (Just because some FSF or such organization wants to redefine the word "free" to mean something completely different doesn't mean they are right. Free means free: You don't have to pay. Period.)
What? "Free" can without any redefinition, mean many different things. For example, it can mean free from confinement, relieve from, dislodge. Etc. For more meanings, see this page: No one is "redefining" anything. It's just too bad that there aren't two different English words for free (cost nothing) and free (not constrained).
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Okay fine, you asked for it. Warning: It is extremely large (2944 x 1200) and absolutely not interesting to look at at all.
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pitch 1.95 Hz (didn't really concentrate much, I could do better) tone 94.4 % (really a short term memory test, also I accidentally clicked "different" when I meant to click "same" once) rhythm 72.0% However, I will say that I'm exhausted and a little ill at the moment. Those tests are also super boring, I tried to do them quickly. I might repeat the pitch one later since that one is fast.
Bisqwit wrote:
In Tone test, I don't know what to answer in question 13 because the melody is the same but the rhythm is different...
You know you can see all the answers at the end. Just click on the > arrow thing when you get your results, and you can see a list of all the answers and what you answered with.
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Gah. I hate those dumb embedded videos, why won't they just let me download the stupid file? Edit: oh wait, there is a download link. Of course it isn't a direct link to the file. Apart from that, cooooooooool. Once I get that, and Megaman ZX, I think I won't need any more DS games since I'll just be playing those over and over.
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If a TAS is made, and in fact if another speedrun is made, here is what weapons will be collected: Regular gun Fireball Machine Gun Ninja Sword All of these are required to complete the game except Machine Gun, which is primarily used (at lv3) to fly. And that's it! Missles and super missles are worthless since rapid-fire sword (get really close and dangerous) does much more damage much faster. Fireball can be useful on slopes and some bosses before sword, but after that is kinda obsolete. The Nemesis has a good damage output, but it takes forever to get and lv1 sword is more than adequate anyway. Most boss fights last between 3 - 7 seconds (guess) with sword.
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If you don't already have wireless in your house, I say go for the LAN adapter. In my experience, nothing can beat the robustness and stability of cables.
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I will be the first do do a TAS on Cave Story one day, but until TAS-able version is made, a "legit" speedrun will have to suffice. I have been working on one for a little while now, but since Grasstown has been very uncooperative it has been slowed down by an undetermined amount. I don't promise I will finish it though, so please don't bug me about that. There's already a super crappy speedrun out there anyway.
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FODA wrote:
Frenom wrote:
If you press B and START at the title screen you can select HARDEST difficulty instead of normal. Otherwise was it a great run. Great job Foda. :)
damn I swear I tried to do that, searched the web, but since I didn't find anything I assumed it was my memory failing again. oh well :)
Did everyone miss this? Isn't every run supposed to be played on the hardest possible difficulty? If so, and this movie played on a difficulty less than the highest possible, then the discussion is already over, right? I didn't watch the movie, but I did fast-forward to the "omg teh buttsecks" scene and well, it is exaggerated way out of proportion in this discussion. Also, there are MUCH worse unintended sex scenes in other games. I say if this movie gets published, there should be no kind of warning whatsoever, because the ONLY thing such a warning would do is get more people to watch based on that. If you want people to forget something, don't remind them of it constantly. :P
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Bisqwit wrote:
This reminds me, I wonder if anyone has ever drawn a comic strip showing Mario's _real_ reactions to when Princess says (lalala)
That precise thing has not happened on vgcats, but these things have:
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This is pretty much the most silly/trippy video ever made:
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AngerFist wrote:
You know I was just kidding about the dumb quote right? :)
Yes and I do hope you know I was kidding with that whole dumb post. :) Yes, had heard something about Terminator 4, but nothing can beat the extreme coolness of T2.
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I am very sorry, I can not resist doing this.
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
I know you are but what am I?
I honestly don't know how to answer that.
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
didn't they already make a dumb "Thundercats" movie?.
Ok. There was a thunder-something movie, though.
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
He-Man? Are you serious?
Most definitely.
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
Honestly, who cares?
A lot of people. And a lot of people dont.
Who cares about those who care? :P
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
Also, the first movie was enough.
At its time yes. But now you see with the current technology, you can achieve great things. Skies the limit thanks to CGI.
All the CGI in the world can't fix a dumb premise.
AngerFist wrote:
Blublu wrote:
I don't think I ever want to see a naked man dance around with a sword again.
No dancing, and nudity involved.
Boy, this could sure be mis-interpreted.
AngerFist wrote:
Also, Joel Silver stated in a brief interview that the future Masters of The Universe movie will be pretty similar to Lord of The Rings. Meaning, you can expect fantastic environment and whatnot which is a very important feature in a Masters of The Universe movie. Lets dismiss it after when its done, provided it will be bad. I remember when they announced for the first time that Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg would make Transformers the movie. As time went by, I witnessed a lot of crybaby fanboys whining that the movie will not live up to the expectations. Nowadays, everytime when I go to the movies and when the Transformers trailer shows up, people immediately start mumbling how they are very excited and cannot wait for the world premier of the movie.
No way, it's much more fun to dismiss a movie if you haven't seen it. What if the movie turns out to be good? Nevermind that, what if it turns out to be awesome?
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didn't they already make a dumb "Thundercats" movie? It was thunder something I'm sure. He-man? Are you serious? Honestly, who cares? He-man is way old. Also, the first movie was enough. I don't think I ever want to see a naked man dance around with a sword again.
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Tub wrote:
where I live, it's illegal to murder someone for creating stupid threads. I hate that law.
Where I live, it's illegal to murder someone period. I guess that makes sense, though, so it doesn't count.