Posts for Booda

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I have Poopie, the outtakes video, and there's one clip where there's a black Crow. His eyes, his body, everything is just black. But the clip is just a short outtake, and it doesn't explain what the black Crow is doing there or what episode it's from.
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Yes, the music was awesome. Somehow, I think the aesthetics in the game surpass anything else done later. The comic book style was unique, and it told the story well. Abandoning it took a lot of the flavor away. They should just make a PS2 port of this game. Screw that Black trash. They should port it but add the TM1 characters.
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I disagree with almost all the rules! First, defining the collision as "boxes" would mean 3D fighting games aren't fighting games. Plus, nothing about that first rule is specific to fighting games. Diablo could be described by what rule #1 states. That throws #2 right out the window. As for #3, you can turn off the life bars in the home version of Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Does the game cease to be a fighting game at that point? That rule does not define anything about fighting games. The fourth and fifth rule seem to just be based off of Street Fighter 2, which had blocking and multiple characters to choose from. However, this does not define the gameplay of a fighting game. It's just a precedent set by Street Fighter 2 that most people follow. The last rule is the only one I can't say anything against because it'd be pretty impossible to make a fighting game with only one move.
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Yeah, AI is something nobody ever seems to want to fix.
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kotetsu213 wrote:
This prompted me to write the 6 general rules for fighting games. Anyone wanna see them?
Generalizations aren't always beneficial. What a lot of people seem to forget is that there were fighting games before Street Fighter 2. SF2 spawned so many clones, that it became the new standard for fighting games. So if something plays a little too differently from SF2, you're going to get people questioning whether it's a fighting game. So how is SSB different from SF2? Special moves require just a button press and sometimes a direction like up or down but no quarter-circle motions. You can have up to four people playing instead of two. You can use the environment to your advantage. Items and weapons randomly appear which you can use. You KO people by knocking them far enough off screen instead of depleting a stamina meter. I don't see anything in those differences that says it can't be a fighting game. The only thing you need to do is differentiate from games like Double Dragon and Final Fight. In those games, the concept was that you are progressing through a level, similar to how Mario does. Except, instead of jumping on enemy's heads, you punch and kick them. The difference lies in level progression. In a beat-'em-up, you're progressing through the level like a platform or shooter game. In a fighting game, you don't have to progress anywhere; you just have to fight the opponent(s) and that's all a "level" is. There is also definitely no player vs. player in a beat-'em-up, where fighting games are partially defined by it.
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I thought I did give basic game info :4P Okay, take a basic driving game, then give the cars weapons. Pretty basic. Twisted Metal was unique in its themes and that each car not only handled differently but it also had a unique weapon. Controls: Forward/Square = accelerate Down = decelerate, back up Left/Right = turn Triangle = turbo X = brake? L1, R1 = select weapon R2 = fire machine guns (might have that backwards) L2 = fire selected weapon Twisted Metal 1 had some cool cars, but the weapons were pretty lame. Most of them were just like normal missiles but may have done different damage. The only really unique weapons were Outlaw's, Thumper's, Warthog's, Spectre's, and Hammerhead's. Although, Darkside was awesome at just ramming people. Ramming did sick damage in that game. Twisted Metal 2 was some real creativity. Mr. Slamm? Yeah, a modified front-end loader that has a big claw in front used to pick up cars, slam them up and down, and throw them. How about Axel? Just a guy on a platform attached to two giant wheels who uses a shockwave as a special attack. What kind of weapon do you give to a formula 1 car? How about it spins around and catches people in a tornado? Sweet Tooth is by far my favorite character. I just see that clown head on top of his truck and hear that laugh as I'm destroying people and I can't help but laugh with it. I also like Mr. Grimm and Roadkill. I've got a thing for long-range attacks that deal large chunks of damage.
Post subject: Twisted Metal 2
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If you're like me, and I know I am, you like Twisted Metal 2 more than any other game bearing the "Twisted Metal" title. Here's how I break it down: Twisted Metal - An interesting concept, but poorly carried off. They had a lot of ideas, but just didn't refine them. Twisted Metal 2 - A refined version of the previous game. Cars are fun, levels are well-lit so you can see what's going on, and there's comic-book-esque story sequences that give the game a unique feel. Twisted Metal 3 - I hope everyone who has ever worked at 989 Studios dies. They CG'ed the characters... HORRIBLY. They tried to make things "cooler" by making items 3D and having Rob Zombie music, but there's a huge negligence for gameplay. The levels are dumb and feel smaller. The weapons seem impressive, except their killing power seems to be missing. So you have a lot of explosions but not much actually going on. Twisted Metal 4 - Never played this one. For reasons, see above. Twisted Metal Black - I had high hopes for this title, but apparently the designers got too infatuated with their "black" ideas that they forgot what made Twisted Metal 2 so much fun. They got too hung up on this idea of "skill" weapons, which totally ruin the run-and-gun feel of the game. Pretty much everything reminiscent of Twisted Metal 1 and 2 in the game are just homages. They didn't think, "how can we make this play like Twisted Metal 2, only better?" In Twisted Metal 2, getting hit was a big problem, so the strategy was to keep moving so you don't get hit so often. Meanwhile, you put out as much firepower as you could to increase the chances of you hitting someone else. Even if you don't hit something, the fact that they're forced to dodge your fire detracts from their ability to fire back. My favorite trick is most commonly used in Hong Kong. I developed this when my friend kept hiding at intersections, waiting for me to pass so he shoot at me or get behind me. There's a "turnaround" move you can do by pressing left or right and down. Each car reacts differently to this move; Sweet Tooth can spin around up to three time. So, playing as Sweet Tooth, I developed my timing so that I could be driving up to the intersection where my friend was waiting, go into the spin, fire a missle right when I was facing him, then continue the spin and keep going in the original direction I was driving.
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Bleah. Shameless self-promo I've been told I'm better than Bob and George... when I remember to update.
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In the Legend of Zelda run, he's fighting the three-headed dragon (I think, level 4 right?) and he only has one heart, and he gets hit by something. He flashes and recoils, but he doesn't seem to take any damage. Then when the dragon dies, it drops a fairy, refilling Link's health so he doesn't have to wait for the Triforce to fill it up. So what happened? Is there a part of the dragon where if you hit him you don't take a full point of damage? Similar to how if you have the blue ring and get hit by something that normally does half a heart of damage it'll do a fourth of a heart but won't show anything.
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They mention Monster A-Go-Go in the Manos episode. The bots are breaking down and crying and Joel says: "Come on guys, stay frosty. We survived Monster A-Go-Go, we can survive this." However, I think the Manos episode is funnier than Monster A-Go-Go. They make more funny comments, and the film is laughable itself. "I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the master is away." Ah Torgo. You have to see the movie just for Torgo.
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And the show has a rich history. Joel originally did the show with friends Josh Weinstein and Trace Beaulieu and broadcast only on a local channel in Minnesota. I've seen parts of these episodes, and not only do the robots and sets look a lot more crude, but Joel has hair like a hippie and Dr. Forrester is missing his trademark mustache. Man, Gypsy looked freaky back then. Then they got an actual show on Comedy Central. I believe this was a result of Joel and his "inventions" winning a stand-up comedy competition. It starred Josh Weinstein as both Tom Servo and Dr. Larry Erhardt and Trace Beaulieu as both Crow and Dr. Clayton Forrester. There weren't as many quips in the early episodes, so a lot of times you were just sitting there suffering through a horrible movie. The following season, Josh bid farewell to the show and in came Frank Conniff and Kevin Murphy. A popular misconception made is that Frank continued the tradition of playing both one of the mads and one of the robots, but this isn't true. Frank only played Frank, and Kevin Murphy played Tom Servo. Kevin and Mike Nelson (head writer, later star of the show) also appeared during the little skits they do between movie segments as various characters. In the episode Mitchell, Joel gets sent back to Earth. Needing a new person to experiment on, Frank and Dr. Forrester send Mike Nelson to the Satellite of love. Mainly because Mike happened to be auditing them. The show continued with this line up for a while with guest roles played by Mary Jo Pehl. Then some shennangins went on that I'm not sure of the details. Frank leaves and Mary Jo Pehl comes in as Dr. Forrester's mother and together they take on the task of torturing Mike. Later, there's some kind of weird time warp thing where Mike and Tom Servo are sent to the future (Crow is still around, but he didn't travel through time) and the world has been conquered by Dr. Forrester (long dead) and consequently the world is ruled by apes with Pearl Forrester as the Lawgiver. From there, people should be familiar with the show. Interesting notes: while watching some episodes of America's Funniest Videos (the new ones, sans Bob Saget), I spied Trace Beaulieu's and Josh Weinstein's names. Listening again to some of the comments the host makes about the videos, I could tell there was some of Trace's humor in there. Also, Frank Conniff went on to be one of the head writers for Invader ZIM! For more info, try out TV Tome EDIT: If you haven't seen "Manos" The Hands of Fate, you haven't seen MST3K.
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It really is a more noble activity than it is given credit. There was no malevolence intended when these things got started. They just started getting scape-goated and harassed for reasons that are kinder if not spoken. I remember when I first found these movies. I was searching for the keyword "Rockman" because I was trying to find the elusive Rockman OAV series. Instead, I got a video by a guy named Morimoto. I was impressed. So I searched for other games, and I believe it was the Castlevania run where I saw a link for Bisqwit's website. I've been hooked since. Even after learning that "tools" were used for the movies, I was still impressed because I knew it still took a lot of work and it was entertaining to watch. These videos have partially replaced television for me.
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I taint myself by becoming involved with this conversation. I would've loved to rebuttal him in his own forums. Alas, registerations just-so-happens to be disabled. Now no one will be able to bring new ideas into the forum. Ideas which would challenge his poor, dying self-esteem. The part that disgusts me is that he spews off his opinions left and right and tells you that they're the truth; as if no one is competent enough to judge the truth for themselves. That's the whole thing wrong with his arguments. Rather than state the facts and let people judge for themselves, he just says "I'm right, you're wrong."
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Phil wrote:
Anyway I prefer to see an animated character than a waiting the ball to appear character.
I'm a fan of the Castlevania arm-raised-in-victory pose.
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Yeah, all that slamming back and forth is probably more time consuming than it needs to be. Also kind of repetitive. I don't envy the job of having to resave on every wave of enemies just to make sure you took them out fast enough.
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Well I hope it makes it through. You don't want those SNES guys to show you up. :4)
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Over half a minute improvement? *applause*
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But you don't have to avoid being fancy to just to be fast. Some of the movies seem so focused on being fast, that they don't pull any stunts, even though they could.
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Would we want to include fighting games? Single player isn't the most exciting mode to play, but you could still exhibit some neat tricks. Although, I think the SF2 run might just be redizzy combos. Were they in the SNES version?
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Deviance wrote:
the speedrunners who utterly despise time attacks are in the minority.
Ever notice it's the minority that complains the loudest?
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How about that fly swatter game in Mario Paint? How long is King Arthur's World?
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Wow, hard to come up with something not on the list. Final Fight Super SmashTV (aw yeah) Gradius III X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse Castlevania 4 Equinox And I still want to see Super Metroid. I love that game so much. I've tried to be sick of it. I really have. Can't quite do it.
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No, because a few games on that list really suck.
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I think I need to accuse Famitsu's readership of bias.
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Yes, Hydro Storm is VERY overpowered. So overpowered, to do a timeattack without it would be very time consuming.