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Wow, not at all what I'd expect.
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Cyborg implants? So, basically, he's saying it's not cheating unless you get caught. The roller skate and running shoe scenario is about perspective. To people who see it as okay, emulators are running shoes. They give you an advantage that does not come from yourself, but it is an acceptable tool. Those who object see emulators as roller skates, which allows the person wearing them to win without really trying. It's just sour grapes I think. "I had to start from the beginning each time I messed up, so you have to." No, we don't actually. There's no official Olympic-video-game-playing rules that everyone must adhere to. You know what they should do? They should label their "non-tool-assisted" runs as "barefoot" runs. That way, when people ask what the hell "barefoot" means (that is, if they give a damn) they can point out the difference.
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Let's use a footrace as a metaphor. Suppose you go into a footrace with rollerskates. Well, obviously, you are cheating. You're using artificial apparatus to boost your performance. A good racer shouldn't need any kind of artificial enhancement. Therefore, racers should run barefoot. But they don't. Instead, they have special shoes that are flexible and give a better grip on the ground to enhance the runner's performance. The difference between running shoes and roller skates is that running shoes enhance your ability to run while roller skates let you bypass running. Relating this to time attacks, as long as the player isn't completely bypassing the challenge of the game, it should be okay to use a tool to help his performance. The player is still running; not roller skating.
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You are awesome for even conceiving this idea.
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I looked, and it does do this, but there's another anomaly just before it; the weapon decreases by 1 each time it is used, except one time it decreases by 2. Right after it decreases by 2, it goes up by 1.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Any disclaimer longer than 1 second is too much for me to handle.
The first time attack I found was actually on Kazaa, and the way I found Bisqwit's site was (are you ready for this technical mumbo jumbo?) to stop the movie at the screen where the information is given so I could read it. Yes, imagine that. I took it upon myself and put forth the effort to find information that I deemed of importance. If other people can't do this, then the information must not be that important to them.
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WARNING: May contain unsuitable content and definitely has links to unsuitable content, but it's funny and relevant.
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Illegitimate hoax? Isn't that like a double-negative?
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That's Blizzard Man. Weird to go through such trouble to get the exact second of an anomaly but not pick up on a much simpler detail.
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Well when you get back, you can read that the new site is awesome. The categories were a great idea.
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I think Metal Man dies to one or two hits from his own weapon. Wood Man dies to two fully charged "Fire Wheel" shots. Even in Mega Man 3, I think some people die with 3 or 4 shots. I know for sure that in Mega Man 5, they made it so the appropriate weapon always deals 4 damage. The point is, not using the pause glitch will not make the movie any more exciting.
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The only bosses where the pause trick makes it excessively easier are also the most tedious portions of the game. Sure, it's impressive to see Morimoto dodge Yellow Devil the first time he comes onto the screen, but if it went on two or three more times, you'd know that he's not going to get hit. So why bother? In the end, it just makes the movie more repititious. Besides, there's only maybe five bosses that aren't trivialized simply by using the correct weapon. 1) Whichever boss you fight first. 2) Yellow Devil 3) Cut Man in Dr. Wily's castle 4) Mega Man clone 5) Dr. Wily Everyone else dies too easily to the appropriate weapon, so the fight isn't going to be impressive anyway.
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Dark Mana wrote:
i'm also thinking of working on a ghouls and ghosts run tonight. if i decide to, i'll post about it
That is the best one of the series.
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Yeah, whatever happened to good gameplay instead of story continuity? I tell ya, it's true that gamers are a minority these days.
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First, a professional isn't just somebody who gets paid to do what they do. Another definition is that a professional is an expert on a subject matter. Second, it is disrespectful, or at least poor etiquette, for a stranger to come into a community and imply that he is in some way better than everyone else.
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Zelda, just because it's cool to see Link blitz like a whirlwind through rooms where you need to kill all enemies. But I watch the Metroid one a lot too. It's just generally fun to watch or leave running while I do work.
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Technically, you could make some modifications to an NES controller to allow right and left to be held simultaneously. I don't know if the augmentation of controllers is permitted, but if controllers with autofire are permitted, then I don't see the problem.
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Yeah, I'm having a similar problem. I've tried re-downloading once already. I'll give it another shot.
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Ah, that explains it.
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But it's a relatively average length movie.
Post subject: "urgh," Battletoads
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The Battletoads timeattack has "urgh" next to it. I'm just curious what, if anything, went wrong.
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The story begins with me moving to Washington to go to a school called DigiPen, which advertises itself as a video game school (this is only partially true; the main emphasis is on computer science, not games). The curriculum includes a "game" class where students are put into groups and have to work together to create a game. For my first game class, the professor was one Chris Erhardt (no, not the obscure sidekick from MST3K). In a lecture one day, he explained that he had created a game called Chiller, which involved all kinds of torture and general gore because he was going through a young phase where that type of thing was cool. The game was said to be ported to the NES. Outside of that, I know nothing about the game.
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My perspective: These websites use house rules. If you'd be willing to agree to use the Free Parking jackpot in Monopoly, which isn't actually a rule in the game, then it should not be beyond imagination to agree to the techniques used in time attacks. Also, look at how many variations of poker there are and you'll also see that people like to change the rules a bit to make things more fun for themselves. It keeps things interesting. If you disagree with them, that's fine. Insisting that they conform to your rules is not fine. Remember, they're games. Not the foundation of a religion. Christ won't come down and punish anyone for doing things a little differently.
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I browsed through some NES titles to see which ones I liked, but I'm not sure how entertaining a time attack would be. I've heard a lot mentioned, but I'm not sure how many might be pending. Fester's Quest 8 Eyes Metal Storm Mighty Final Fight Strider Smash TV If I repeated some games from other threads (and I know I did) think of it as additional demand.
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