Posts for Cmuxmt

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Blast away the wall blew me away. Congrats.
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Good one. Yes. Love the jumping in the rotating rooms.
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Tailz wrote:
. Cmuxmt: Did you get the right file? I uploaded the wrong file the first time (the 16:46) one. Make sure the file you have is from the 19:06 run.
Yeah, I got the updated one. First I got the 16 one, then saw that it ends at the start of 6-1, so I thought I got the files mixed up. I went here again, and got the 19:06 version. My problem occured in the 17th minute. I think it might have been a write error, this drive has a history of them... I will redownload and watch later. Thanks for trying to help. :)
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I seem to be cursed. It played fine untill level 6-1. There it played for about 20 seconds, the hero died, and the movie ended. Must be a problem on my end. Cannot vote because of not seeing it to the end. EDIT I agree with baxter. It could have been used more in the part that I saw.
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*sigh* Tailz, you owe me 16 minutes and 46 seconds. And I am off to see the full version of the run.
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Using luck manipulation one can catch anything anyway. Any poke ball can act as master ball. I might be wrong though.
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Woah. This is amazing. Love the camera work in the caged island star. Really impressive jumping. The run might become stuff of the legends if it does not slow down.
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I think that there should be also subtitles for the emulator. "Director's commentary." Could be interesting.
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I am quite impressed by this. Excellent work. Throughly enjoyable. FODA, thank you for your hard work on this. If the rest of the run is as good as this, I will vote yes.
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Maybe if we somehow keep track of all users we would be able to autoban from posting everyone who has not read the FAQ yet... Easier said than done.
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Wandering Road wrote:
Maybe we can have a compromise? Why not just link to this .smv from the main Chrono Trigger TAS, rather than publishing it by itself?
Yeah, that is an idea. I agree. I wonder if it will get published even in that form though. There are a lot of "No." votes already...
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While I liked the run, I think that giving it a star is a bit too much. If I understand right, a starred movie is supposed to be a great show. To me this game feels too boring, especially the autoscroller part at the end. While the fact that no damage was taken might be highly impressive to someone who has played the game and knows how fiendishly hard it is, a newbie might have no such knowledge. Variety is needed to keep up the interest, especially at the end part of the run. And here we get an autoscroller, which feels endless. The music there gives me nausea. Not quite "Sitting on the edge of the seat" material. Stars are not to be given away lightly. As far as I remember the pool of stars is constant. When one thing gets a star a different one has to lose it. Maybe when suggesting a run for a star we also should suggest a run that should lose it. I have seen most of them, and while I dislike a few of them, I cannot find a run that is bad enough to lose it's star to Ecco. When watching the Rockman 1 run, I kept thinking "What is he going to zip through again? What will he do?". Ecco did not inspire such a reaction. I just wished for it to be over. If I could, I would vote yes. Not that it matters anymore, the movie is published. Bugs exploited, speedy playing and perfect reactions. This is good. The problem of repetition was unavoidable. The author did a good job, but I find the autoscroller parts not entertaining in the least. A nice run, but not star material. But then again, I might be wrong.
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I will probably get flamed for this, but... Now that we have a "Hacked games / concept demos" category, I think it would be a good idea to put this in there. As a demonstration of what not to do. Or maybe I am just stupid. Please do not kill me.
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W O A H. Another game broken. I already see star potential here. I think we will have to look into luck manipulation, refills might be needed.
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I think this topic should be locked. The submission's fate is decided, the user banned. There is nothing more to be done. Further replies might encourage further trolling. Speaking from experience here, but I might be wrong.
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Resolution To finally start selling my photography. Earn money. Be kind to things alive and not alive. I wish you all a peaceful year.
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I can see that trolling has reached this site as well. Well, a pity. Let us just hope it never gets as bad as some usenet groups are.
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finalfighter wrote:
it's fast. However, there might be a faster method.
I must admit: I have severly underestimated it. My apologies. It will be useful.
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AnotherGamer wrote:
Neat run, but how exactly did you get Lavos to spam Laser Beams and lose his defense before the arms are killed, due to allies being dead or what? Also I haven't seen that white-triangles-with-red-explosions attack before, when does he do that? I thought his attack order was mostly scripted...
Are you talking about the last battle or the second to last? While I do not know the answer either way, but I think that you might mean the second to last, and the replies were talking about the final battle. Just a hunch, I might be very wrong. One is the battle with Lavos with two big hands. Here the laser attack occurs, and something that fits the description of the triangles-and-explosions attack. The other is the battle with Lavos in three parts: One body and two bits, which are not connected to the body. Time warping and dreamless (which happens in the future period, I think.) occurs here.
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I am not so enthusiastic about this shuttertech thing. It looks like it takes a lot of time to execute... It seems to advance just one screen too. I think that in some places it will be a gain, but I do not expect it to be of a great significance. Of course I can be wrong. Maybe I am. Feel free to shoot me if that is so. Congrats to the inventor, a really nice trick.
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Dune... While I like the game itself, I wonder if it is any good for a TAS. I see no opportunities nor use for tool assistance. It would look like a normal human game, just faster. We have to ask ourselves Is faster better when it comes to adventure games? Is frame perfect dialogue manipulation exciting? Of course I might be wrong, it was ages since I last played it. Hmm... Now that I think of it... Luck manipulation. Maybe there is a use for tools after all.
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I am still watching it, but I already have something to say. It is pretty good. I am quite entertained, even when not fast forwarding, and I have played the game quite a few times. Question During the big Masamune fight, would it cost a frame to move the grey frame to the top of the screen?? I somehow feel like I have missed some action. It is covered by the character statistics. Of course maybe it is just me confusing games, but I think by pressing a button one could change the position of all those indicators.
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The slowest paced TAS since Frontline? This is tool assisted waiting. I was quite bored, even when I sped it up. Maybe I am missing something, but... Seems like this is a baaad game to TAS.
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Ahhh... Reminds me of the short zelda movie. ) Love it.