Posts for CrazyTerabyte

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Damn, I used to play Zanac. I loved it! The music* is good, the action is intense AND proportional to your power (if you get very high-level weapons very soon, more enemies will appear at same time than if you did not - of course, some areas are always filled with enemies). I don't remember well, but maybe I got at most at level 8 or 10. Well, I remember I reached some level with space background, and I remember I died there some times. I have a question: would this "reset" thing work also on a real NES machine? My suggestion for new screenshot: one of the last frames, where it displays 35 lives; or one of the frames with tons of bullets * OverClocked ReMix has some very nice remixes of Zanac music (I can't say so about other games remixes). Believe me, the title music and first stage music are much better than the last level music.
Post subject: Extra challenge
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Just one idea... I think it would be more entertaining to make a full-rings, no-items, almost no-enemies killed (only those really needed to be killed should be killed, like some of them at Hidrocity), speedrun. That will add an extra challenge. Well, without lightning item it is not possible to get all rings in AIZ (very start of act 2), but it will be possible when using Tails (or tails to help sonic). What do you think? Would anyone want to do it? (no, I won't do it)
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Hum... I was trying another Sonic hack: Sonic 2 Delta (exact name: Sonic 2 Delta II V1.0a by Esrael (S2 Hack)). I found it very similar to Sonig 2 Long version, in some aspects. First, Hidden Palace zone is equal, or almost equal. Second, there are two zones (one winter/ice, another desert-like) with the same graphics of "Dust Hill". Many pieces of layout are similar too, but the overall layout is very different. The genocity city, here, is a modified Chemical Plant Zone. And both GCZ and CPZ, as well as Casino Night zone, use the Beta graphics. Two intersting things: It is possible to play as Sonic (& Tails), Tails, and Knuckles (& Tails). Also, it shows the number of remaining rings in level. Well, this is another nice hack. It features also some modified sounds (and I would prefer original sounds). It also has some Icecap graphics in its Winter zone. Who copied who? I don't know. Which one is better? I also don't know. There are a lot of versions of Sonic 2 Delta (I, II and III, plus sub-versions).
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I've just played it now [EDIT: played version 1.8]. I can say it is a very well done hack, there are not many bugs or glitches. Here are my comments: Wood Zone: SEGA created some of this level (it is available at Sonic 2 beta). This hack contains two acts fully playable, using only original SEGA graphics. There is also a Buzzer badnick from EHZ with modified colors. The graphics may look ugly, but that's because this level was not finished in S2beta, and the hacker did not include any new graphics. Conveyor belts, which were non-functional at beta, work now. The Boss is the same as Aquatic Ruin, but with modified totems, modified colors, and also some modification on level layout (there is a roof, so you can't jump high, and there is a hole at middle of ground). This zone has some glitches at some ramps or platforms. Also, for some reason, enemies do like to fall of platforms. Finally, I got confused when I passed by a post lamp there were already "passed", although I was fairly sure I did not pass it before. Dust Hill Zone: This zone features complete new graphics and a "good" and challenging layout. Part of the graphics were based on the only one magazine preview image (which is not a real screenshot, but a mock-up) that featured a deset level. It also features Desert/Ice transition, similar to S(3)&K Mushroom Hill Zone color (or season) transition. Sometimes this zone remembers me the Quartz Quadrant, from Sonic CD, because it has some "slower" areas that look like inside a cave, with lots of platforms. I think these graphics are great, and look as good as SEGA graphics. I can say this level is the most beautiful among new levels of this hack. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the level layout. I spent ten minutes in act 1, running around, and going nowhere. Then I got bored and tired and enabled the level select and debug mode (they are the same codes as original Sonic 2). The level layout has lots of springs pointing backwards, some traps, some non-obvious routes and some big buttons that supposedly open or close some passages (like in Sonic 3). I think this level could be a lot better with some arrow signs, like in Marble Garden Zone. The badnick position is not good. This level has only ground badnicks (triceratops, crocodile, snail), and all of them move similarly. Most of time when you are running, you will find a badnick in the way. If you are not using debug/slow motion/savestates, you won't have enough time to react, and you will bump on them and lose your rings. Some times, badnicks are at a higher platform off-screen, and you will bump on them just after using a spring. I feel most times badnicks will just get in the way, and you won't have time to see or react to them. The boss is... huh... I forgot. :) Genocide city zone: Completely new level. Since there are no screenshots or mock-ups or anything for this level beyond its name (talking about magazine previews and Sonic 2 Beta), everything here was created by the author of this hack. The level graphics are good and bad at same time. The background lightning is pretty "lame", and the background night is nice, but not impressive, and not really "sonic-style". The buildings (foreground) remembers me some Batman game. This zone is very short, and both acts are equal, except the second one has a boss (Chemical Plant Zone boss), while the first doesn't. The badnicks are also from Chemical Plant Zone. One bug: if you jump on first red spring, and then fall down, you will fall so fast that game engine will "skip" the floor, and you will die. For some reason, the bottom half of the level is filled with water, and the water level raises. And I don't know why this would happen to a city. Flood? Caused by what? Rain? But it is not raining. Or by the ocean (like a tsunami)? Ah, at some places, you can see a ghost. It is just a background graphic, probably intented to look like Sandopolis Zone ghosts in S(3)&K. Hidden Palace Zone: This level is present in Sonic 2 Beta, but only half-finished. In this hack, the level is fully playable, although the layout is not awesome (but also does not suck). The badnicks are from this level. The boss is from Mystic Cave zone, with changed colors (rocks and spikes that fall down look very ugly to me). It is interesting to note the first "tube" has an "auto-spinning" feature, while the others don't. In Sonic 2 Beta ROM, this feature was not yet implemented. In addition, the so-famous "Master Emerald" is present, and is breakable (as it was originally intended by developers, but yet unimplemented in "our" beta). For some reason, there is only one instance of it. Most of Beta design of this level is present almost unaltered. New places were added, only a few removed or modified. The "waterslide" is missing, as well as that big slope. The second act is very small, with very few rings (maybe less than 20). Death Egg Zone: This zone is just Chemical Plant acts 1 and 2 (with no boss), plus original Death Egg Zone as act 3. I see no point having to play CPZ again, I see no reason why it was included. Anyway, the obvious differences are the background change (the space background combines very well with the feeling of this zone) and the absence of water (fortunately, since it would make no sense to have a big part of the level sunken under water). Conclusons: Nice hack, very well done. Entertaining to play, specially with level select and debug mode (so you can skip those parts in Dust Hill Zone). Would a speedrun of this game be a good thing? Maybe. Most of it would be equal to Sonic 2 speedrun, so I see no point in redoing those levels, nor including them to speedrun. I think the best would be to skip original Sonic 2 levels, and do a speedrun only of new levels. Genocide city would be very easy to do. Hidden Palace would not be awesome, but won't be boring either. Wood zone is ugly, not sure if it would be cool. Finally, Dust Zone will be nice to see. (just one idea) Maybe would be nice to see some speedrun "new levels", aiming for "perfect" (full rings). There should be allowed to use level select to skip 5 zones, and the speedrun could stop before starting metropolis zone. Thanks for those who read all this. :) :P
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jman2050 wrote:
Actually, I believe Sonic 2 simply calculates the number of rings at the start of the level and decrements that counter for every non-item box ring you get. So all it does is check if that counter is 0 at the end of the level. That's what I gethered, I'm not entirely sure, though I'm confident that's the case.
That also explains why you don't get a perfect if you use debug mode to get tons of rings. Wait! If I use debug mode and "paste" the exact number of rings of some level, will it work?
Post subject: Re: Sonic - run for most rings
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4matsy wrote:
The high-value ring gumballs are a bug? o_O Interesting...I always thought they'd intentionally programmed them to be worth more as you went higher up in the bonus stage...
Well, I don't know if that's a bug or not. The "normal" behavior of ring item is to give you 10 rings. If it gives you more, I feel like it is a bug. /me digs up the S&K manual... Well, the manual says nothing about items in special stages. (I guess Sonic 3 manual says something, but I won't get it now) The "bubble gum machine" special stage gives you 10 rings per ring bubble, no matter how hard you are trying to keep it "up". That glowing balls stage is the only one different, so I think it is a bug. It could also be a feature, like you said.
4matsy wrote:
78000 points' worth of rings at the level's end, despite a time bonus of 0 for "Too Long". LOL =P
Yeah, nice. :) Sonic 3D blast was strange... Maybe the levels were too complicated and with little speed that they did not impose the 10-minute time limit.
Post subject: CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder
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Omega wrote:
Hmm... that site links to an illegal crack for Camtasia Studio.
CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder - Free and open source video recording tool
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Nice game. I got Score: 2740 Level: 13 (on my first try, at 2am) Request for features: - Add "moves" and "pushes" counters. - Make lives, moves, pushes, level and score always visible (even on those big messages, like time up or Beat the level). This way, I could see how good I did some level. - Implement some way to remember which levels I've already played, so I don't need to play them again. (like a level select screen showing all 50 levels, but only those I played + 1 will be available for playing). - If you want high-scores, maybe implement server-side scores. Note this will be very easy to submit fake scores. [EDIT: three more wishes] - Make better graphics for those "big messages". - Maybe, at those big messages, "space" should also work (in addition to "enter"). Add also a little notice: "Press enter to continue" below or above those messages. - Some documentation and description of that game would be welcome. (Help page) Anyway, as I said before, it is a nice game. I've bookmarked it.
Post subject: Sonic - run for most rings
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There are time attacks about maxing the score in Tetris and Tetris Attack. What about some time attacks to get most rings in Sonic games? In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I could get (and finish the zone) with more than 800 rings (no speedrunning, playing at real console or at emulator). This is easier to do at Marble Garden Zone, which has lots of rings, plus lots of big rings (once you got all emeralds, each one gives you 50 rings). In S3&K, it will be very easy to get tons of rings, by entering that "glowing balls" special stage. Due to some bug in programming, every time you grab a ring ball/item, you receive more and more rings. If someone could manipulate luck to get only ring items in that stage, that would be awesome, and would easily get more than 500 or 1000 rings. (I would like to see that...) I don't know how many rings can the HUD display. It would be also possible to enter that casino special stage and manipulate luck there, to get only jackpots (150 rings each). Of course, a lot more boring and less-action than previous special stage. I probably can also be done in S&K. In Sonic 3, it will be harder, since we don't have these stages. In Sonic 1 and 2, we can't get more rings than those available on level. (although all-rings speedrun could be interesting) However, as I read in another thread, in S2&K you don't lose rings after returning from special stage. This would allow someone to grab lots of rings, enter a special stage, return from it and grab more rings (if all ring objects are respawned when returning, like it happens with S2). For other Sonic games, I don't know, since I don't play them. But could also be a good idea.
Post subject: US or Japanese?
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Are you using US (Streets of Rage 3) or Japanese (Bare Knuckle 3) version? (I suppose the first) I own the Japanese cartridge, and when I played SoR3 at emulator, I felt very disappointed. There is a site that documents lots of things about SoR series. It also documents the differences between US and Japanese versions, and has also the translation of original Japanese text. If you speedrunners get interested enough, a Japanese version speedrun could also be made. Or, at least, cite the differences between those two versions, and cite why choose one over another.
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That hack might be nice, but that's not exactly what those "lost levels" would be. Reading Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta Page, found at LocalH's signature, we can know what are the facts, and what is speculation. (well, let's stop here, I don't want a flame war) What I am saying is the "new" levels of this hack had been programmed by the hacker. Nobody should ever thing they were SEGA levels cut from final game*. Of course, some parts of original levels (available on Sonic 2 Beta, but all are incomplete) were used. * I mean, SEGA did not program those levels that way, to then simply remove them from final game. SEGA had some of those levels planned, but did not finish them (or did not even start some of them) Don't get me wrong. I'm a Sonic fan, and I want to play this hack. It looks very good. I would download it, but the site mentioned has changed, and new address still has (almost) no content. [EDIT: Found versions 1.7b and 1.8 at my preferred ROMs site, which includes all ROMs recognized by GoodTools]
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bobxp wrote:
I thought that whole deal was old news. Oh well. So, do any of you think I should continue this...?
In my humble opinion, I think an all-rings speedrun would be a nice idea. It will also show most Sonic fans some less-known routes. Well, that's only my opinion, but I'm not sure if that would make an enjoyable/entertaining movie, since most time you need to go back and choose a second path. It might be boring. (and no doubt, difficult)
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4matsy wrote:
It's a shame, really. There is a new "really cool big bonus" in this game, but it takes forever to get: 100000 points for finishing the level at 9:59. >_<
Is there it??? Damn... Once, in a "normal" game (not tool-assisted, well, I never done any tool-assisted movie), I managed to finish a level in 9:58!!! I still have the screenshots here! I was playing with knuckles, and finished Launch Base Zone 1.
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Yes, it will work. (JUE) = Japanese + United States + Europe, meaning this ROM was released worldwide (instead of specific USA/Europe/Japanese versions some games have) (W) has the same meaning of (JUE), and was introduced (and, thus, replacing the JUE) in some new (or not so new) version of GoodGen.
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Of course, you can also get the Sonic 3 and S&K separate ROMs and hack yourself. I've read somewhere instructions about how to do it, and how the so-called lock-on feature works. (if you want to read, search for "Lock-on Technology Hacking Guide") But, like all others said, there is already a S3&K ROM available.
Post subject: Really, WTF?
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Really, WTF? Wtf is happening in this movie? wow! And wtf happened on level 4-2? Mario died and jumped up? What happened? And what happened on level 4-3 too?
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Highness wrote:
Would it be possible to sort of "bake" save states into the GMV for the possibility to rewind and fast forward? Well.. Fast forward is no problem since there is Frame skip. But say I wanna jump 20min into the movie and I don't have a save state like it works today, what could I do to jump 20min into the movie?
The only advantage of an AVI movie over GMV (or any other emulator movie) is the "seek" possibility. Would be REALLY good to have some "keyframes" (like mpeg movies), so we can rewind/forward to them. Savestates, however, are big, a lot of data must be saved. We need a way to solve this (compress all data in a save state before embedding in movie?). Maybe put all savestates together and compress them all in one (to archieve better compress rates).
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NrgSpoon wrote:
Wh... are you trying to turn the movies into choose your own adventure games?
Good idea! It may be the inspiration for another website: "nesadventures". :) :P However, a simple GUI for the new features could be useful. I'm not sure what should be in that "new GUI window", maybe shortcuts for different speeds (50%, 25%...), a couple of buttons for re-recording and a couple of savestate slots, for easy access. Just an idea...
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If you use ZSNES, you could write some "key combinations" to press more than one key at same time, and map that to any key on keyboard/joystick. It is more or less like "macros".
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Damn, it is fast!!!! I'm a bit dizzy after watching it... :-) It is so action-full and fast! Maybe this is as fast as the Sonic 3 movie, but harder to watch, because in Sonic movie we have only one character, and here we have three! I am afraid of what will be done now that newest GMV version has support for 3 players... (I don't know if I can handle more action than this... :-P ) Even after the 3-player edition of this timeattack be done, I think we should keep this 2-player edition.
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Truncated wrote:
- If you are changing the file format for this relase (which I guess is a given since the current one doesn't support 3 players), save 1) the sound frequency used in the file since it has caused desynchs in a number of games, 2) the ROM checksum, and 3) the country and fps setting for the benefit of the submission scripts.
In addition to ROM checksum, I would suggest you to add the ROM name. I think both ROM name and checksum should be suggested to the user when opening the movie file, but not forced to be the same. There could be some option like "auto-open <ROM name> when opening movie file", where ROM name stored inside movie file could be used. I don't remember which is current format, but I think the header should have: - File type number (let's say this format is number 2; if we need to add more features sotime in future, we could increment the file type number) - Header length (this way, even older versions of Gens could open newer movie files, skipping all "unknown" header info)
Truncated wrote:
BTW, I think some games, e.g Micro Machines, support 4 players. Are you taking this in consideration?
Another idea: add in header a field that describes the number of players stored in movie. This way, if we have only 1-player (or 2-player), we don't need to waste lots of space for input from unused players (like players 3 and 4). Maybe an improved version of this idea could be store which devices are connected to each input ports. So, we can have a 3-button joystick connect to player 2, while having 6-button connected for player 1. (just an example)
Truncated wrote:
- Also leaving a good portion of header unassigned for future improvements is an easy way to have forward compatibility.
I think the "Header length" field would solve this.
Truncated wrote:
Maybe some easy conversion tool for old->new, but that's asking a little too much, maybe.
I think this tool will be very useful, since this site has already a lot of movie files that should be converted easily to newer format (if needed). If newer Gens version will be backwards-compatible with older movie formats, then there is little need for conversion.
Post subject: Gens for Linux with OpenGL support
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Please look at this thread: Someone made an OpenGL-enabled version of Gens for Linux. I think would be good if people messing with Gens code would work together (the main source tree + OpenGL enhancements + GMV support). BTW, Gens for Windows works well under Wine under Linux, if you set 16bpp for X.
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SprintGod wrote:
It's slower. Jumping destroys your momentum.
Sure? Because that sliding at start of Ice Cap zone isn't a "normal move". If you already tried it, ok. And thanks for FAST answer! :)
Post subject: Start of Ice Cap Zone
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I've just found this site, and the first thing I looked for was a Sonic video. I found it. I downloaded it. I was really impressed with it. However, I think I know how you can save one or two seconds in Ice Cap Zone. Just at start of it (when Sonic is sliding and collecting rings), you can jump. If you jump correctly, you can get 50 rings (maybe more?). Also, you may skip that "S"-like path if you jump right before "entering" it. Ok, this may save you less than two seconds (maybe less than one second), but I registered this forum just to say this. :)