Posts for DK64_MASTER

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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, I'd argue that Majora's Mask only seemed nonlinear because of all the sidequests you could do at various times. The sidequests were even more fun than the main quest sometimes.
I definitely agree. But why do you want to differentiate between side quests and the main adventure? They all make the game. And yes, the sidequests were a lot more fun than the main quest in some cases. When I bought LOZ: TP I was very disappointed with the lack of side-quests, and the fact that you couldn't explore very much. You had to follow a certain path in order to gain access to a new area, otherwise you were stuck in one single expansive, barren area. Without sidequests the main quest got very boring, and I still haven't completed the game.
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I didn't read most of the substance in that post, but I disagree with one thing. I've never heard Super Metroid being cited as "THE" nonlinear game. Sure it's a good example, but the best one I can think of is: The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask. That game was nonlinear in almost every way possible, and this makes it really interesting for route planning and sequence breaking. Even if you took the "recommended" route, there is still a huge element of nonlinearity to the game.
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Is Starcraft a sport in Korea then?
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Any ideas what caused this horrific fire that is affecting the atmosphere in most of the Bay Area, if not all of Northern California? I gotta admit, the sunrises are pretty spectacular, filtering through all this smoke. Maybe I'll take a picture, if I can get up early enough.
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Dear Upthorn, Are you a boobs or ass guy?
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Bisqwit, Do you think that SMB or Go will ever be solved in your lifetime?
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Confirmed. Also, one of the few that me and you agree on is Mariah Carey <3.
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Hey Bisqwit, I'm going to ask a very provactive question. It is well known that the two main admins (Radix and Nate) of are vocally anti-tas. This is understandable, and has no doubt been discussed many times over. My question is, what do you think of console speedruns and the speedrunning community? I've never seen you make a post on sda, or m2k2. Besides reading a short passage from an interview, I haven't heard your opinion on this topic.
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My dear Fabian, Do you believe/associate yourself in any specific religion? If not, explain why you you don't.
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Dearest Fabian, Do you think an 8 can signify a low 9, such as 92%?
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Fabian, tell me why Stockholm, Sweden is more awesome than Gothenburg, Sweden.
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jimsfriend wrote:
Vote no because JXQ told me to.
Add this to moozooh's list.
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Obviously "beauty" is a user-defined traited. I believe the main function of this feature is to provide a good sample of what the game has to offer. I guess it would give a user who was unfamiliar with the game a chance to see if he or she would enjoy the game before watching the tas. That being said, I agree that beauty is a bad word to use, hence Bisqwit's use of quotes when using the word. A better word (I can't think of one) would imply some sort of "usefulness" or "functionality" factor, something that is not mutually exclusive to the word "beauty." However, if you guys want to discuss how to interpret beauty from a somewhat technical perspective, I'm game for that. I just want to make clear that I think "beauty" is not the main goal of this feature (Bisqwit, correct me if I'm wrong).
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I think this goes off on a slight tangent, but is relevant to the current discussion. I would really like to see all votes (whether it would be yes, no, meh, w/e) justified. Perhaps some mandatory comment box (that can be edited) to go along with each person who votes might suffice. This may discourage voters, but that way, it seems we can get rid of a lot of people who don't take the poll very seriously (provide a poll still exists after this discussion has reached some sort of conclusion). Alternatively (or additionally), you could put in some sort of anonymous option, where no comment is necessary, and this could be indicated in the poll results.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
well, if you call THAT "working on"...
You know he has a baby girl, right?
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Hay guys, has anyone tried to BLJ through the DDD void using superspeed to get to the 2nd bowser? :3
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Soulrivers wrote:
DaShiznawz wrote:
Would it be a waste of my time to try Ocarina of Time again? I have been practicing all TAS tricks on multiple games. I am not sure how well I would do. I would make sure to post a WIP everytime I get something new done so that I get get feedback and fix the things that you guys tell me need fixing.
No, it sure wouldn't be a waste of time. Go for it if you feel like doing it.
Go for it, especially if you posts wips frequently, there will definitely be a lot of feedback. Hopefully you won't get too overwhelmed by it!
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I agree with Zurreco who agrees with Jimsfriend.
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fuck you :(.
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Hina98 wrote:
Whether or not the run is published, there's going to be an improvement published within a few months.
Then this can't be Guanobowl and Comicalflop's run. They'll take a bit longer than "just a few months" :(. So who are you refering to?
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compucomp wrote:
YautjaElder wrote:
Manocheese's speedrun will actually beat the current TAS's time, even if you were to count the introduction cutscene. A lot of the time saved comes from save-warping, though.
You're talking about Guanobowl's run, right? I remember the parts of a speedrun that was rejected from SDA popping up on youtube that completed OoT in 2:22 or so.
THe 2:22 speedrun (not sure if that was the time) was done by fluffy kitten and rejected (out of bounds glitch). Manocheese has apparently made a better one. I haven't seen it yet.
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Dacicus wrote:
If you would ignore the people who shouldn't have voted because they didn't know the game (which I think would be a logical rule to add)
Whoo boy. Aren't we trying to find runs that appeal to the casual viewer? I don't think casual viewer would know what SC2 is (more often than not). What is the point of publishing a run? I can see two things: 1) To showcase entertaining movies to the casual viewer. 2) To reward the movie maker. I believe 1 is the main goal, and 2 is just a side effect. Why restrict voting? You won't get an accurate sample size of data. Skewed statistics, my friend, skewed statistics.
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Dacicus wrote:
I don't see anywhere in the site rules where it says popular demand should be a factor in determining whether a movie gets accepted or not. If we would actually have followed the rules, the OoT run should have been rejected and the SC2 one accepted.
Uh, I'm confused. First you said that there are no rules saying popularity should be a factor. I think you would also find out that there are no rules prohibiting popularity from being a factor too. So what rules didn't we follow? Judging guidelines are decidedly loose. They can use their own judgement, the voting feedback, and whatever other factors they want to sway their decision. Of course, proper judges make reasonable decisions. Regardless if factoring popularity into a decision is reasonable or not, is up to your own code of judgement. I say it should be a factor. I remember Bisqwit himself once said "We need more N64 tases" when accepting a movie. If that's not using popularity to factor into a voting decision, I don't know what is. And if the site admin does it, why can't other judges do it too?
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