Posts for DK64_MASTER

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I bought them all. Every day at home, I take a whip, and beat the cartridges. Because... I AM THE DK64_MASTER!!!!
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The "swimming underground" glitch you are referring to is probably the "secret room" glitch, since it involves swimming under DK Isle. Well, I haven't done it for 4 or 5 years, so I probably won't give the best instructions. I don't have the game with me at the moment, and I'm also at work... But I'll try. You gotta find a Hunky Chunky barrel in the overworld. Near it, there should be some grass stairs. Become HC, face backwards (?) and do a backflip while flush against the step. You should fall through, end up in water. If you swim around for a bit, you'll end up in the room that contains the intro cutscenes, which is completely empty.
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One of the first forums I joined was DK64 Central (and hence, how I got my name), we used to glitch hunt this game up the wazoo. Literally. Back in 2001/2 we discovered the "secret room" in the middle of the overworld (you had to backflip over some stairs as hunky chunky, and fall through the island). We spent ages trying to find the rumored "lost world" which never existed (like the triforce hunt in OOT). Boy those were some good times. My DK64 knowledge has dwindled now, but refreshing some of my knowledge, I'm sure I can be a valid asset to this run. I'm not saying that I'm going to run this game, but I'll definitely help with strategy planning. Another glitch that we can perhaps make use of is in Fungi Forest. Become Hunky Chunky, and backflip behind some small troff n scoff door, and you can walk around anywhere as Hunky Chunky in Fungi Forest. (Discovered by me in 2001). Also another glitch that is well known is using Lanky's arms to enter wrinkly doors earlier. You can pretty much enter the cavern level (I'm tempted to call it Crystal Caverns) with very little bananas. It may lead to a different route for an any% run. I'll try to think of some more, there were definitely a lot of out of bounds glitches that we discovered, but could not exploit.
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I'd like to see you TAS it! Wouter goes bananas part 2!
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laughing_gas wrote:
This game is weird in that route planning would be simpler for the 101%, no need to nitpick which bananas you need. You don't need every small banana, only enough to get the required number of banana medals as well as to open the boss doors.
Uh, I think you contradicted yourself, or I misunderstood you. Are you saying that we don't need to collect every character banana, and this would make the game simpler? I would say route planning would be tougher because you would have to know which bananas to skip. Actually, it's probably a matter of perspective.
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How can you do anything BUT a 101% run? IIRC there is no real ending until you get all 101 bananas. Hey, look on the bright side, we can set some Donkey Kong (arcade game) and Jetpack TAS records. I wonder if the up+down glitch works on the game's port of Donkey Kong. It will get quite boring after a while. I don't remember, but you don't have to collect every single character banana, right?
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The Incredible Machine (any of its variants, "Even More Contraptions" is a good one).
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So I really have no excuse now, do I? Uhh I can't read Japanese ;)
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Post subject: comicalflop: respond now!
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Yeah, if you had seen my little post a while back here, and also in the pinned topic in SDA's forums, I recommended IRC@work. I also had another site in-case IRC@work was offline. I relayed this to Comicalflop, but unfortunately, forgot the site's name. It sounded like "toadhost" or something. Thanks for the third alternative. Also, is this really a proxy? IIRC, it also shows your IP and that you connect through IRC@work.
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comicalflop wrote:
I'd also say that overall, Jet Force Gemini has fantastic music.
Agreed too. I like the "Mine" music best. Too bad I never got to see you get that far >_<.
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LagDotCom wrote:
I think the OoT soundtrack is decidedly average, personally. Though some of the ocarina songs are not so bad.
Yeah, the soundtrack is great because it "modernized" familiar Zelda tunes and added a few new good ones. I particularly enjoy Gerudo Valley. Why it is not present in any other Zelda game (it's not in MM, right?) is beyond me.
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Soulrivers wrote:
Ocarina of Time. No biased shit here, this is handsdown the best that has been created.
Funny how a lot of its soundtrack comes from older Zelda games :).
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Donkey Kong Country 2. I regularly listen to the Kong in Concert album from OCRemix, which contains some amazing remixes of classic tunes.
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Not to mention that the cleansweeps and nimbuses brooms are far inferior to the firebolt.
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upthorn wrote:
I agree with the sentiment, that there should be an unpublication process, but I don't think the suggested method is necessarily a good way to go about it.
I still firmly believe that a run that has been legitimately accepted should not be unpublished (double negative). It might create tension with the author, and fans of the game. I hate to open a can of worms, but for example, what would happen if we unpublish "tribes?" (which is one of the few games off the top of my head that would be up for the "unpublished debate" even though I haven't even watched the movie, or know what it the game is about). What games do you think should be unpublished without a newer run to replace it? SMB2 princess only?
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This is a terrible idea. What if the faster version is less entertaining by an extreme amount (i.e. doing a repetitive glitch to beat the game) but not glitchy enough for it to warrant a different category. Despite the movie being significantly faster I would not want this hypothetical movie to instantly obsolete a movie that's already published. You can't generalize these things. Also, "unpublishing a run" before the new run has been watched/accepted spells disaster. I think the system we have now is fine. What made you think we have to make a change?
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wazkatango wrote:
Yes, only left click. If you know where these "direct downloads" are, give me a link or something. Everytime I click the link, it does not download. It plays.
Hey, people are being so rude to this guy. Sure, his email request is completely bogus, and even laughable, but I propose a solution to his problem.
wazkatango wrote:
Please help me. I am 100% sure there is nothing else I could do.
I actually asked this a while back in the #nesvideos IRC channel, getting similar responses, I went to the #sda irc channel, and molotov, enhasa, and a few other HELPFUL members solved my problem. I was using IE at the time, and I assume you are, since FF has a download manager. What you need to do is edit the file type associations in windows explorer. This works in windows xp, I'm not sure about vista, or other operating systems. 1) Open up any window in explorer (not iexplorer), and go to "tools, folder options, and click the file-type tab" 2) Select the avi file type (I assume you want to stop this "play behavior" on avis, and maybe mpegs) 3) Click advanced 4) Click select "open" (it should NOT be bolded). Then say "set as default". 5)The "open" option should now be bolded. This should make the default behavior of clicking any dynamically linked avi to open the avi (with a little dialog box, asking if you want to save, or play) instead of play. If this doesn't work, I'm fresh out of ideas. I would suggest using firefox. Or buying a new mouse.
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LagDotCom wrote:
It is a book for children (despite the somewhat darker themes later on). Of course there will be obvious errors upon analysis. It's not meant to be believable, it's meant to be fun.
This is what irks me. I was under the impression that JK hated the series being referred as "for children." How come all the recent movies are pg13? I think that while the book initially was meant to be for the children of that time, these people have grown up (it's been 10 years, after all) and the series grows up with them. It's not quite adult, but it's definitely not a "Children's" book. Although, I rolled my eyes when the phrase "effing" came along.
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Yeah, I was trying to catch lag's attention on #sda yesterday, but he's a Brit, and sucks at time zones. Oh yeah, MIPS is fairly simple to understand (I believe that is it one of the easiest assembly instruction sets to learn, being taught in wide array of institutional places) Perhaps someone will realize the correlation between MIPS the rabbit, and MIPS the assembly language. I took a quick glance at the code, and I really couldn't glean much, other than a fishy looking register (AT). My assembly is rusty, anyways.
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comicalflop wrote:
I believe that rendition of Chamale is highly accurate. Only jimsfriend could do a better job.
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theenglishman wrote:
Nach wrote:
A bunch of obvious questions.
I'd love to go through all of these and explain each and every one of them to you, but I'll do that when I have more time. Even better, go read the books.
That's the second time you've said that. Maybe you forgot you've said that? It's not like repetition is going to help us understand what is going on through your head.
I could waste my time clearing up plot holes and such, but why bother? Most of it will be slammed anyway as the ramblings of an idiotic Potter fan (though I don't blame them).
You haven't even tried. Perhaps you can't take criticism? What idiotic potter fan? What makes them idiotic? That they don't understand the book? You should then help the idiot understand it, rather than insult them while offering no reason to for insulting them. Please; put up, or shut up.
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Nach wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Moody could see Harry too... Which means the cloak isn't really *that* special.
It means that Moody had a special eye, other than that, no idea. The cloak didn't protect against non human eyes either.
If the cloak really is one of the Deathly Hallows, like Dumbledore suspected, shouldn't the cloak be "constant and impenetrable concealment, no matter what spells are cast at it?" Perhaps Xenophilius's story was exaggerated? Or perhaps Dumbledore/Moody/Crouch (using Moody's eye) was able to sense him in a different manner (sound, occulmency).
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How could Albus know Harry was around if he was wearing his cloak?
IIRC, Moody could see Harry too... Which means the cloak isn't really *that* special.
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
Yes, it was one of my stunningly hilarious jokes.
The better thing is that I was taking bets on who would take the "bait" first. Let's just say that I didn't win or lose, because everyone for voted Chamale.
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theenglishman wrote:
3) The Shield Charm (Protego), as shown in DH, can deflect physical objects as well as spells and hexes. So anyone who bears down on a wizard with an AK-47 wouldn't be able to get a single bullet on them. Also, if they were Hagrid, they'd probably twist the gun into a knot and throw it away before they could act. Oh yeah, and wizards can Apparate all over the place, making them an impossible target. 4) Spells move VERY fast. The one time a wizard/witch has the ability to dodge them is when their opponent is screaming the incantation, which is why the ability to conjure spells non-verbally is such an advantage in battle.
Uh, I think a trained mercenary would be able to shoot someone faster than they could utter a spell. I mean, even sniping. You just have Juno there with that sniper rifle, and Voldemort's head is toast. The exit wound is like 6 inches in radius. Sure you can't "kill" Voldemort, but you could jack his wand after shooting him in the face. I gotta admit, that you'd have to be aiming to kill, because trained wizards have pretty good healing capabilities. For those who think that the best wizard is much "physically" stronnger than the average human, why don't we take Fred as an example. He is definitely not a below average wizard (him being in the order was proof of at least average ability) an he was crushed by a collasping building. Kind of anti-climatic. He wasn't killed directly by a spell. This leads me to believe that a wizard is weak physically, if he is attacked unsuspectedly. Stab Lucius Malfoy in the face (with a chainsaw)... Napalm Bellatrix... Shotgun Dumbledore in the face... Wayne Brady kills Dumbledore, bitches!
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~