Posts for DK64_MASTER

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GuanoBowl wrote:
Can you get past the 1st owl text with the deku stick/slingshot swap?
I was talking to Pirate, and he says "Arr"!
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nitsuja wrote:
Or they could read what Jweb Guru said 8 posts above about how to bypass the registration.
For the win! Bugmenot is the solution.
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Tub wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
I just hope it's not because we have 2 spiritual stones that we can't meet Zelda...
I don't know who, but someone posted that you can still talk to her with all three stones.
That is incorrect. If you get all 3 spiritual stones, the Ganondorf cutscene will play, and Zelda will through her Ocarina. Zelda will not be at her castle after the Ganondorf cutscene. You haven't learned the Lullabye, so basically you are stuck, if I understand everything correctly.
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Terrible, the game thinks it's night, yet the wolve hasn't howled. I just hope it's not because we have 2 spiritual stones that we can't meet Zelda... GB said he needs to arrive 3 seconds earlier. I doubt 3 seconds can be improved. Time does not move in the dungeons, nor when you talk to owls (time does fly when the owl flys away, though).
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FODA wrote:
how many weeks do you think it took him to make the speedrun? the testrun uses 6500 re-records.
It took him a good 3-6 months, I'd say. Quite a display of determination, I'd say. I'm not sure how many attempts he made either.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Okay, so...getting to Princess Zelda is not going to work, I get inside the Castle Courtyard and find out that its still daylight with guards standing there. hmmm
How much time was there till night? Is it possible to get there a bit earlier? Maybe superslide somewhere?
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A week is a long time. How many re-records did you take?
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comicalflop wrote:
I watched the SDA run, and it is really great but FODA's work is far superior
Wow. Just wow. The fact that a >2hr. single segment speedrun beats a TAS testrun (that took a long time to make). Speaks volumes for the quality of the speedrun. (but of course, FODA's WIP is great, but you really can't compare the two types of runs...) Although at this point, I am speechless. Dragorn is amazing.
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Swedishmartin wrote:
I got one (It's not really a problem but more of a question that I want an answer to): Why is it that x^2-1=(x+1)*(x-1) ?
Because (x+1)*(x-1) = X^2 + 1*x - 1*x + (-1*1) = X^2-1 You could also explain it visually: (x-a)(x+a) = x^2-a^2. Basically, take a square that is length x by x, and subtract an arbitrary length, and add the same arbitrary length to each side (x-a) and (x+a) repectively. Compare the two areas (x^2 and (x-a)(x+a), and you'll see that x^2 is larger than (x-a)(x+a) by an amount of a^2. Edit: I made an image
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skamastaG wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Feb 7th, here. I guess Randil is closest :)
February 7th over here. I'd say I am closer than Randil. Looks like we are birthday buddies:)
Birthday Buddy!!! :D
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Feb 7th, here. I guess Randil is closest :)
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Well, then atleast you'll have some hightly optimized jump off point to work on your small only TAS when you complete the 16 exit run. :)
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Greg, I say go for it. If anything, it should give you practice for your "small only run", and vice versa. Are you going to remain small until DP1? Which means you already have finished the first world, right? Unless you have to adjust for fadeout lag...
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Wow, those glitches are cool. They will definitely help, I think :).
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If you tab to the enter button, you can hold down the enter button and max out the counter. In 300 seconds, I got 28.25 clicks/sec.
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I'm pretty sure that some of the physics are different, or the layout is different. There was a post where it mentioned someone couldn't keep P-Speed in SMA, but could in SMB3...
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Tompa wrote:
The ring is ALWAYS in the chest in the hidden room in dungeon 1. You did, however, say that there was a Power Ring lvl 2 in a chest in Oracle of Seasons dungeon 1, which happens to be a discovery ring...
Oh, that's right. Sorry, it's been a while, and I don't have my players guide near me. I agree, getting the power ring is worth it. Actually, if your main goal is speed, one should enter a password that gives your the L3 ring, and pegasus ring. But then you could make that argument that if you enter a ring password, you might as well enter in a linked game password, and a bunch of other stuff. Maybe 2 separate runs, I guess.
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I like to give credit/recognition when it is due.
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Tompa wrote:
In my Speedrun, and also the testrun, I am taking the Power Ring lvl 1 from dungeon 1.
I believe I brought this up initially in the SDA walkthrough. My players guide claimed that the L1 Power ring was in that chest. seemed like getting the L1 Power ring was random. Does that mean you have to restart the speedrun each time you don't get it? I guess if the run is segmented, it can't be too bad :).
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comicalflop wrote:
ah. Though I did just recently watch someone on youtube do the run without the goron tunic, and if he used the arrows more effectively (which can be done in TAS) and grabbed onto the ledge to avoid the rocks, it's doable. and grabbing the fairy in the bottle was not too much of a time waster, since it was on the way to the boss door in the first place. It takes 6-8 seconds for the fairy to heal you, much less than getting the tunic itself. Plus there were some nice shortcuts using the hover boots, bomb ground jumps and there's probably room for some bombhover glitching as well.
That someone is Kazooie, from SDA (although FluffyKitten uploaded the run). He's going for a single segment all medallions run, I think (to compete with TSA's <5 hour run, although it will be PAL). The run is VERY impressive considering it was a portion of a failed single segment attempt. Although I expect nothing more from Kazooie :).
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bkDJ wrote:
I can run the game from the beginning but I have 0 problems until dodongo. and like I used the same plugins as angerfist, and same deal. when I use jabo, I can get past the downward ramp, but no matter what he doesn't get on top of the armos platform.
I just got the exact same results. I tried using the normal plugin (D64), on my friends computer. It played fine until the downward ramp... And of course, playing from the save-state with Jabo's gets me up to the armos, like I mentioned before. Desync problems :(. I thought we'd seen the last of them.
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It seems like it would take a few more frames to set up. So it's probably not desirable to do it in a TAS...
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Has anyone been able to play the run from the beginning and not experience a desync?
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I was able to play the WIP from the save-state using Jabo's 1.6 plugin, until the armos room, but that's beside the point. AKA, did you have raw data unchecked? AKA, AngerFist, did you play from the save-state, or from the very start?
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That WIP was awesome! I loved the last few rooms, and how you completely annihilated all the enemies. The boss fight was jaw dropping, and I loved the damage boosts! I'm looking extremely forward to the finished run! :D
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