Posts for DK64_MASTER

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The new plugin just shows a blank screen for me :(. Maybe it's my graphics card.
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evilchen wrote:
that gif is stupid sorry you sould remove it
Stupid, yes. Should it be removed? Maybe. Does it reek of Nazi propaganda? YES!
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JXQ wrote:
Strange, I'm seeding right now, just no one is downloading from me. I think HG is also seeding.
So HG already got some of the file from you? HG, if you've gotten the whole thing already, can you upload it to a file-sharing service? Well, I've always had trouble with bittorrent and port forwarding, but I almost always can see the peer list. I'm using the official client, that may be part of the problem too.
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JXQ wrote:
Hopefully I've done this right. Here is a link to a torrent which I'm currently seeding of this avi file with commentary. I'd like to thank Bisqwit for letting me use his tracker for this file. I'll seed it as much as I can, but my upload is quite slow, and I turn my computer off sometimes. But this should work better than other ideas. (Filefront still gives me the zero-byte file error, even when I tried to put this 27k torrent on there (which, when zipped, becomes 28k, lol).)
It's not working for me. Is anyone seeding? You could always file-split the whole thing with winrar, and then upload each segment to rapidshare.
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jimsfriend wrote:
thegreginator, I don't think you understand. Red means dead.
Is it possible to push different items through the wall, and maybe fill up that hole, and push the key out? Or can you somehow go from underneath, ala Fabian. Or even above...
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skamastaG wrote:
I think tubular is impossible without out a p-balloon.
I dunno about that, we have a lot of turtle shells to play with, plus some footballs, and a POW! Chocolate Battle Arena looks to be impossible too. If only there was something you could take with you like a turtle shell.
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Great job doing spiral mountain! The only place that looks a bit fishy to me is the bottles text skip at the top of the mountain. It looks strange, as I can't really see what was going on, but even if it wasn't optimal, you probably won't save much if it you corrected it. I remember the nightmares on swimming in this game. The swimming controls were worse than Mario64, if that's even possible. What's worse was that the controls invert themselves whenever Banjo is facing the screen. Rusty Bucket Bay might not be fun.
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I'm just at a loss for words. I'm not sure if you got my idiomatic pun (Beating a dead horse), or if you guys are thinking of something else.
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jimsfriend wrote:
Actually, I think it was the old lady who died, not the horse.
err, [insert witty comeback here].
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JXQ wrote:
Regardless of whether or I consider a switch palace a power-up or not, I just think that it's a lot more entertaining to watch Mario shell bop or walljump his way to a far-off platform than to jump on existing, stationary platforms.
Is the horse dead yet?
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thegreginator wrote:
Hahaha. Cheese Bridge Area. But I liked your ideas much better. ;)
Thank you. So we are having trouble getting the secret exit? No koopa shells to help us either... We jump from the rope, but we don't get enough height. Is there any way to go OVER the gate?
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thegreginator wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Case closed.
Phew. Now, lets move on to CBA, shall we? :)
Despite knowing SMW quite well, I have no idea what CBA stands for. The first thing that comes to mind is "chocolate battle arena" or "chinese basketball association". Please help.
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jimsfriend wrote:
Yeah, I bet that's awkward.
thegreginator wrote:
Okay here is what I suggest for a goal descption. They are in order of importance, so the first condition has presedence over the second if the two contradict each other. 1. Does not collect any powerups. 2. Completes every level possible. Now the definition of "powerup" can be manipulated to fit the needs of this run. The question of "is a switch a powerup?" doesnt really matter since it can be argued either way. The question that matters is "do we want a switch be consider a powerup?", since no matter the answer it couild be justified. This should take the semantics of what is and isnt a powerup out of this discussion. I feel that the "officiality" of the run (and to a lesser extent speed, although that is alread compromised by Rule 1 anyway) is what is driving the pro-switch argument. Added entertainment is what is driving the anti-switch argument. I'm starting to think that entertainment is in fact more important than officiality.
No, that's awkward. I'm just playing with you. I understand what you are saying. We can encompass the reason behind not including the switch palaces because they can be "considered" as a power up. I guess that works for people who like semantics. But you win on a technicality ;). Case closed (until BOMF shows up).
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HiddenGamer wrote:
Acryte wrote:
Negative. That can't be done. You could try to get sword glitch and use the slingshot and hover to get high enough to feed him one... that is a viable option for a TAS but it's still probably slower. AND you need to have bombs if you want to do Ganon's Tower Early (Hover Superslide) which means you have to get them if you want to do the Light Arrow B thing since you don't have a sword for bomb hover, and you don't have the medallions to make the cutscene appear for the bridge.
looks like he will have to get the bomb bag then but I remember him saying something on irc where he said he was going to skip the slingshot.
Hover superslide can be done with Mr. Megaton hammer? Or would that seriously fuck up our route, and waste an incredible amount of time?
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JXQ wrote:
DK64_Master wrote:
So you really think a goal of "completes every possible goal as small mario except for switch palaces" will fly around this site (I'm not saying it won't)? Can you say "akward"?
Why bother splitting hairs with semantics, or worrying about what "flies" on this site? Make an entertaining enough movie, and the community will demand its publication.
I hope that's the case then. Irregardless of if you include switch palaces or not, I will be voting with the fact that chosen goal is to provide entertainment, rather to cause confusion. And I realize how much of a dumbass I look how because I can't spell "awkward" correctly.
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JXQ wrote:
Are you kidding me? What on Earth will completing four more switch palaces do for this run? Add four levels that bring nothing extra to the run, and make other levels potentially less entertaining. If you don't have crazy antics like SW4 and SW5, this run is not worth watching. Watch the regular run instead. You can't say that the term "speedrun" matters when you are already putting such a game-changing restriction is being placed. Your selling point is that you are doing things in a different way. Do it fast, yes, but don't give up your meat and potatoes to do so.
So you really think a goal of "completes every possible goal as small mario except for switch palaces" will fly around this site (I'm not saying it won't)? Can you say "akward"? Edit: I'm mainly concern on how the run is going to be described in the movie description. I'm sure we'll get a lot of confusion and maybe a lot of non-enthusiastic voters because of this somewhat obscurely described goal. But then again, the voting system only plays a "part" in if the run gets published or not. Find a better way to describe it, and I'll agree with JXQ, JF, and Fabian (not sure about Skank's stance on this, as I haven't read the topic too closely).
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I meant the former for sure. Although "walking on them" got me thinking... Would using them at all (even touching them) be an improvement to a character ability? I don't think so, but they do make a difference in SW4. If I say "don't even touch them", we would have to make special effort to avoid them in SW4 too. Heh, this is pretty complex.
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thegreginator wrote:
Yes thats true. So I guess SW4 wouldnt be quite as entertaining, but it is a tool-assisted speedrun. I think the timesaver by getting the switches there is big enough to justify the short lack of entertainment it would cause. Plus 4 more exits, not pointlessly restricting the run, yada yada yada.
Hmm, it would be interesting if we could put up a poll, and see what the general community wants, but that's probably not going to happen. Also this debate is treading closely to speed vs entertainment, which is another grey area. My personal opinion is that... I still want to stick to a blurb description, and follow that to a T. Let's say our blurb is "never collects a powerup" Wiki defines power up as "an object that instantly benefit or add extra abilities to the game character." And although Wiki isn't the best of sources, it MAY represent a large percent of the community who CARES what a power up is. Using this definition (which I believe comes from the majority) we can conclude that a power-up does not include switch palace activation. Activation provides power ups, as your character ability is the same after activation. So include the switch palaces, just don't use them. Edit: I am well aware than I sound like Nate. ;)
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JXQ wrote:
The entertainment in a small-only run would lie in the crazy circumstances that still allow level completion. Like skamastaG said, switch palaces would ruin Star World 4. Yoshi would ruin a level like CI3 (I think). We've all seen levels beat with switch palaces, or yoshis, or capes. TASes are supposed to produce entertainment, which is often done by doing the unexpected.
Yeah, yeah, we all know that's what the run should be like, but the question is how do you put that into a short, succint blurb, like Fabian was trying to do (e.g. "never gets a powerup")? If you can't put it into a blurb, the chances are that the definition is going to be "loose" and generate some discussion/controversy.
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Fabian wrote:
I agree very much with greginator on this. "Our run is 100% which means we have to beat every level that small mario is capable of beating." This pretty much ends the discussion as far as I'm concerned.
So you can get Yoshi? And the switch palaces?
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skamastaG wrote:
On the other hand, Jimsfriend skips the switch palaces because his run is minimalist and he is aiming for the least amount of levels as possible. Our run is 100% which means we have to beat every level that small mario is capable of beating. I think the goals would be: Beats every level possible Never gets a powerup These sort of contradict eachother because getting the 4 switch palaces acts as powerups for other levels.
Forgive my sudden intrusion, as I have been ignoring a lot of SMW talk this summer, but wouldn't a better goal be to beat the whole game, and not get a powerup unless it's absolutely necessary, and use them for the shortest amount of time possible? It just doesn't seem right to exclude levels just because they are impossible to beat small.
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bkDJ wrote:
Also I'd like to believe this is the most time spent on the first 20 playable seconds of any game in the history of tasvideos.
GB spent close to 10 days doing the bean skip in his OOT run, which he eventually abandoned.
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JXQ wrote:
It doesn't need to be, but it is handy to have it all in one program, especially with the sync issues. In the avi I have, I was able to line just about everything up. Another thing I noticed with watching them seperately is that if I did something on the computer such as maximize a window, my video would delay while the audio would not. Anyway, if someone has an idea of how to host such a large file, or how to set up a bittorrent for it, let me know.
For now, can't you use rapidshare/filefront/megaupload? Then someone with experience with bittorrent (not me) can set up a torrent. Has anyone tried making subs for the movie? That might be easier to distribute.
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YautjaElder wrote:
Sami wrote:
Still can't do it..... :( YautjaElder, can you do it for me :P
If I had any knowledge whatsoever on how to use Mupen properly, I would. Sadly, that is not the case. :(
What do you particularly need help on? Getting mupen to run, or to use frame-advance, and how to re-record?
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Great Guano! Looking forward to comparing the test run with this run to see how many frames you can shave off. It's a pity that the pause glitch still exists. Also, off topic, but any news on the camera hack? Was development in progress, or was it just brainstorming.
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