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Lil_Gecko wrote:
Last question, from now on, before starting Disc 2 how can I check that it will not have the same problem ? I'm not sure what checksum is, but how can I know it's a good one ?
If you get the other discs from the same source as disc 1, it should be fine. Maybe you can tell me in PM so I can check as well. edit: All of disc 1 encode (still processing right now) Link to video edit again: something's wrong with the sound. Youtube probably won't process it correctly, so I'm redumping the video. (Sound file broke when my hard disk ran out of space during capturing.) edit again: now uploading new one. Video tag has been replaced with the corrected version.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Dada wrote:
...but let's all try to take some time out of our busy schedules of buying mostly unnecessary things for each other to acknowledge that we're all idiots, and that our idiocy is what makes us human. And watch out with fireworks.
Fireworks on X-mas? Whoa.
That's my holiday greeting, not specifically my x-mas greeting. :) Alternative answer: why not?
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Bobo the King wrote:
Skeptics are never defensive.
"Skeptic" is just a nice label that anyone can choose to describe themselves with. It doesn't actually much because even complete shills and charlatans proclaim to be one as a way of making themselves appear pensive and intelligent. I've met plenty of people who spout the most bizarre nonsense about all sorts of stuff and then follow up with the excuse that they're "just skeptics", and that I'm "against skepticism" or even that I know I'm wrong and just don't want to hear it. Not that there's anything wrong with healthy skepticism, of course, but as a word it's abused all the time by people who don't have a serious interest in rational thought. edit: oh, this is supposed to be a season greetings topic. I may be an atheist with no particular attachment to any end-of-year holiday, but let's all try to take some time out of our busy schedules of buying mostly unnecessary things for each other to acknowledge that we're all idiots, and that our idiocy is what makes us human. And watch out with fireworks.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Rule 74, Part 2. That is all.
I don't mind rule 73 either: Dutch Multilingual Constant: 41.3 % of all multilingual forum-users that are fluently bilingual and capable of rudimentary conversation in two more languages is Dutch.
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Bisqwit wrote:
No, for the purpose of shortening URLs one should create a shortened URL scheme, spefically linking "this corresponds to this".
Not to knock specifically shortened URLs, but what I mean is that URLs should never be too long, even when you've got plenty of room. This tends to occur in particular with blogs that put the entire title in simplified form in the URL: they're just really long and difficult to read. It's hard to make nice and succinct URLs, though. If we were to use your example (/TAS/SMB1byKlmz) we'd have to simplify/abbreviate the titles of the games, manually make sure we're using consistent abbreviations, and it might be confusing if someone's nickname starts with a lowercase character. But besides, even if we ever radically change the database, we could always just copy the ID column and rename it "unique ID", then use that for lookups rather than the actual primary key.
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Tub wrote:
Dada wrote:
We should also really officially discourage ripping a CD yourself.
officially encouraging getting pirated versions is obviously a no-go.
Given that the server is hosted in the US, you're right. But it's frustrating, particularly since downloading a game you own isn't illegal everywhere. It's legal where I live, probably in other European countries too. But it should be made clear that you can only minimize the chance of discrepancies by using the exact same ISO as everybody else, and that people should keep that in mind when obtaining their copy. The same should apply for people making new versions of existing runs.
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I wouldn't worry too much about it. You should just use whatever works with your ISO, and we should worry about getting the same version as you. I sent you a PM about that, by the way.
Tub wrote:
If it's just a different version it's acceptable to keep it. If it's a bad dump, you should try to switch if possible.
It's the same version, but different rips can have these minor differences. As I recall, psxjin doesn't actually use a checksum, just the version number. Maybe that ought to be changed in the future. We should also really officially discourage ripping a CD yourself.
Post subject: Re: desync2
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antd wrote:
desyncs for me too, btw perhaps near the same place
For me, it desyncs exactly at the moment Vivi's Shopping time event begins. The first sign is that the window doesn't close on time. When does it occur for you?
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Bisqwit wrote:
There is a general development principle that database-internal numbers should not be exposed in public interface.
There are some advantages to doing it, though. It simplifies URLs, for one thing. The Internet Archive's URLs can be pretty messy and long. And of course it's much easier to look something up in a database when you have some ID to refer to. In our case it probably wouldn't matter too much, performance wise, because we have only thousands of entries (and not millions of entries, like comments on Reddit for example), but it helps.
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I think the reason people do this is to thank others for taking the time to carefully read their post despite the fact it's probably hard to read through. It's not a bad thing to do. Personally, I'd read the post even if it didn't contain an apology, but some other people might disagree. The internet is not known to always be a very friendly place.
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Cool, I'll give this a try soon.
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Wish I could read Swedish, I'd love to try out your writing style. Have you ever written any short stories in English?
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SnUfFiLmZ wrote:
Dada wrote:
This is one of those epiphany moments for the history books. Great job. If I weren't so tired right now (it's past 3 AM) I'd capture this trick to AVI. If nobody else does it, I'll do that tomorrow.
Thanks! Hope you don't mind that I put it up on Youtube: Link to video
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This is one of those epiphany moments for the history books. Great job. If I weren't so tired right now (it's past 3 AM) I'd capture this trick to AVI. If nobody else does it, I'll do that tomorrow.
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We've gone full circle. House M.D. makes a Pokémon reference. Link to video edit: there are four states of matter though, if you include plasma.
Post subject: WIP encode #3
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
Mmh, that's strange. I don't know if that could help : Savestate 1 : Before BW2 Savestate 2 : Before Vivi's Shopping Savestate 3 : After Vivi's Shopping
I'm able to continue normally after using save state 2. Thanks, I'll try capturing the run this way. It's very strange. The timing is just slightly off, maybe by as little as one frame, but that one frame difference means the "active time event" window isn't closed on time. If the desync continues, I'll simply record until the desync and then use your save state to record a separate movie, and splice them together. edit: encode from the Vivi's Shopping active time event. Link to video Still processing right now...
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Hmm, I can't seem to record an AVI of this update. It keeps desyncing at the Vivi's Shopping event. Tried doing it twice. I'll try just playing it back without recording, maybe that'll work.
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Whatever you think I should encode. It doesn't matter much to me whether I encode one or two hours of content. I'd personally go with 2, so the new WIP contains the whole, up-to-date run. If people don't want to see the trip to Lindblum again they can just skip over that part. Right now I'm capturing it from that part.
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Could you provide a save state close to the start of the new part? Just so I don't have to fast forward through the parts I already put up on Youtube. Actually, by the time you read this I've probably already captured the new part of the run, but in the future it would be useful.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
EDIT : Limit Glove done. Time to do some testing. Would diging 10K+ Gils and gysahl greens in Chocobo Hot and Cold be longer than getting off tracks to pick them from different treasures ? (With the odds of digging 10k Gils being an astounishing 0,012% :D) EDIT 2 : mmh. Between 1:05 and 1:10 to take 10K Gils and the Gyshal Greens. Not Sure it's worth it.
Why exactly do you need so much Gil again? It would certainly look impressive to find it through the Chocobo sidequest, though. But I'm pretty sure you can easily get that from various random chests throughout the game, as long as you don't need it right away... What about synthesis? If you use Wrists/Steepled Hats to synth a Cotton Robe, you can sell that at a profit.
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I was thinking much more low-fi. When the run is done we simply watch it and chat about it on IRC or something, you explain everything that's going on (with a cheat sheet I presume) and then when it's done I'll grab the text + timecodes and convert that to a subtitles file. :)
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You ought to write commentary for this run when it's done, so people can read along with what it is you're buying in the store, and why you do certain things. Would be very interesting in particular for this run due to the fact it's mostly planning. I'd be willing to help you make it if you're interested.
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The whole trip from Dali to Lindblum is basically one gigantic cutscene/FMV during which you're allowed to buy some things and have two battles. Here's the encode, it starts where the earlier video left off: Link to video (still processing at this time, it'll be up soon)
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I'm assuming that you haven't redone anything, so I'll make an encode of the new part.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
- Everybody seems to get a Silk Shirt but I really don't see the point. I'm probably missing something so... Anyone ?
Don't know. It reduces thunder damage by 50% and teaches cure and thunder, but that's it (as far as I remember, anyway). I don't know if those things are very useful.