Posts for DefEdge

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FDS is called the VS version. I can get a few screenshots of it, if I'm allowed.
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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Amazing! I was trying to remember the name of this game, and here you folks are talking about it. Someone must be reading my wavelength or something heh. Edit: So, are you going to do a 100% run (all scrolls, all crystal balls, etc) or are you going for one of the lesser endings?
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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Hmm... I think they are the same tracks, but the FDS version feels a lot more entertaining than the NES version.
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Post subject: Vs. Excitebike (FDS)
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I think this game is worthy of a possible speedrun, the game is actually different from the NES version. It's got music, a 2 player mode(!), and even bonus stages. Anyone want to try and take this game on?
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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Got it to work, ended up having to update my FCEU, which wasn't bad, I was using .12, and now I'm using .15. *thumbs up*
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Man do I wish I hadn't traded my ROB for some crappy games when I was a kid. Would be a center stage piece for a room of doom. Anyhow, you don't need the robot to play this game, just the second controller and 2 buttons on that controller. Goofing around with it got me to lvl 20 out of 40. Then I got bored with it (again). Something about that music though. And squishing the green critters (Smicks). And squishing the professors. Can't forget the turnips either. One of my favorite tricks was to set a turnip pixel perfect under a pillar, and have a smick come eat half of it (or less) and then bring the hammer down. It wouldn't smash the poor vegetable, but would turn that green death biter into something more manageable, like a pancake or a grease spot. Give this game a whirl, the only things that sucked was that you couldn't jump, and that if you tried to play it the right way, it could have a chance at inducing seizures...
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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I could pull a better game out of my... Hey hey kids! *Krusty Laugh* That's it for the game? Hmm... I think it only kept my attention for about 5 minutes... Anyhow, that was a great movie. And you really couldn't steal more? Huh, odd how they give you the option to do so, yet you fail a lot when you do. Yes, Jaleco was smoking something strong when they made this one.
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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Nobody has played this game? O_o Hmm...
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Heh, I viewed the too fast start-up. Dang bad programming. Anyhow, I'm having trouble trying to get the movie to remain synced. It dies around the time you beat the skeleton. Currently looking for those 2 files you posted in the forum according to the submission.
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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I've never attempted to do any speedruns, cause I was only good enough at the games to beat them quickly and move on. But I would like to see what someone can do when they can bend the game's rules to their will and pull some interesting stunts. I'd say give it a shot. It's something to do anyway.
Phear my uber gimpyness!
Post subject: Pinball Quest
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Another title that I enjoyed in the past and would like to see done. It's a pinball game done in a sorta RPG style, with purchasable items (which you can also try to steal from the shops). I never got that far, cause I kept falling off of the board's bottom...
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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I wonder if anyone has tried to make a TAS of this gem from way back then. It's a puzzle game that involved the robot. Most folks grew up on Mario, I grew up on this device and didn't play mario. Anyhow, if someone managed to get their hands on a version of the rom that was like the original (press A or B on the second controller to control the pillars instead of pressing start on the first controller, then pressing A or B to cause the screen to flash and make the pillars move) then I'd like to see someone run this sucker. Squish a few Smicks for me too. =)
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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At the speed he's going, there would actually be no way that he could stay on the road and go around the corners, the skill is definately in the pinball action he has shown here.
Phear my uber gimpyness!
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I say yes, this was an excellent run. Nice work how you would use the cars to pinball around the corners at high speeds, and interesting how the car accelerates so quickly yet reaches it's top speed at 255 (I understand, 8 bit tech). I did notice a few times how you would slow down just a tad to let a car keep up with you. Way to show Square how to beat the crud out of their game.
Phear my uber gimpyness!