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Awesome. Im excited! :)
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Why doesnt someone just try: 1. Deplete Deku Stick Supply to 0 2. Get fish in bottle 3. Steal the rod 4. Go back towards ToT 5. In hyrule field (Not in lake hylia) Pause and unpause (puts deku stick on B [DON'T PRESS B]) 6. Empty bottled fish and catch it again 7. Do backflip and then press bottle button and then B before you hit the ground. (puts bottle on B) 8. Go to ToT 9. Put fish on c-right and make sure deku nuts aren't equipped (not sure but to be safe). 10. Become adult (light arrows are now on B) And see if it works? Idk, seems logical to me.
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Nice, good to see you will be working on the run again. Im happy :). Also, GL in the Guitar Hero 2 tourny.
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No, its called "Chunks of Flesh". Its basically a very thinned out latex that is great to use for gore scenes like that.
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There were some big reasons behind the exessive gorey ending to it. We had gotten some effects artists to do a chest mold of a chest (which is what they are tearing open and taking the guts and gore out of). We wanted to keep alot of that footage just for the reason that it got to show off how well it worked. Another reason is that the director is completely insane and loves gorey scenes. I mean, we are called Reel Splatter, so you have to assume some sort of bloody gorey stuff has to be in there somewhere. I'm not a super fan of the horror movies and things like the director is; all i do is do the video editing. Plus, i was Skyler Phalanges. :-P
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We just finished editing our new short film by ReelSplatter. Check it out at: 32 MB download Comments widely accepted. Warning: Contains Mature Language and Exessive Violence. Parental disgression is advised.
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Its probably just something that looks like a chest, but without functioning like a chest. There would have been no reason for the programmers to keep the functionality of an upsidedown chest.
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I'm very happy to see progress on this again. The deku tree was great looking. It definitly looks like a genuine TAS now. Totally crazy fast, glitches exploited, plus lots of perfection. Gj.
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I like how after all this time, noone still has totally confirmed the trigger for the guards... just spend like an hour trying crazy different things, and someone figure it out. "I have far too much money to be expected to do it myself." - Quote from Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. :)
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Is Guano still using the same video plugin? It sort of sucks compared to the one he used before, and it doesnt seem to reduce the amount of desyncs either. For my mupen, the gln64 just looks like its missing some layers and such when i play games, but the Jabo's Direct one looks just like the game on n64. I dont know how it looks for other people. About the guards, i think that its a great idea to have someone just test when they are there or not. Someone should get that tested before he restarts this again. Also, there is no way in hell im going to read that flamewar. I just totally skipped over all of that. :-P (but i do think there is absolutely no point in turning the camera)
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
As expected, Guanobowl... your file is corrupt. Time for some nice hex editing (unlikely) or re-record it starting from the owl meeting.
What are you talking about? The file he just uploaded played just fine for me. He got into the guard area, but they were still there. I think that the wolf howl sound just didnt play because he was crawling into the area when it should have. If he could skip the other Owl's text, then i think he could make it in in time. Someone should be trying that.
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Umm, its called segmenting a run. And you can easily do it with mupen. Did you see the Zelda 64 run? Theres no way that was all done in a single segment.
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Great job! Now, i think its time to do a rerun of it, with all the new tricks that various people have found out :-P.
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Thanks alot Xebra. Im trying it from the savestate at Death Moutain area and ill see if it desync's from there. Anyway, i cant wait to see the new sliding technique being implemented. Awesome run so far Guano. Edit: Desynced from that point. It only doesnt desync from the current most savestate. Looks like he'll have to redo it :(.
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Sorry if this is noobish, but how do you play the demo from a savestate? I cant seem to figure it out for some reason. Ive always just played it from the start and fast fowarded it, or wrote down what the last frame i stopped at was, and tell it to play until it would stop at that frame. I cant seem to find a 'resume from savestate' or anything of the like as an option. Im quite sorry if this is offtopic. Ive been lurking here since like it was in the 30's or so in page amounts. Keep up the good work, and i hope you can get the Dante run fixed up.
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I played it from the beginning and got no desync. He gets into the fishing hut and stops.
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I was looking over the TAS/Speedrun Wiki thing of what you guys are generally going by for the run. Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but why dont i see the Water Temple on there? Do you not need to get anything from it for the 'rainbow bridge' to work?
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Ah right. Lol. I sort of forgot that he only need TIME oriented seconds and not just general seconds shaved off. Well, ive seen the run, and its going to be hard to shave off a few seconds from just backwalking in most of those time areas... any ideas?
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I say, to get that amount of time back, youll have to go way back and redo parts youve done already with Acryte's suggestions and other people's suggestions. I heard like a page ago or so that on one of the bosses you could save a few seconds. You probably can save a bunch more seconds than that if you would redo those other parts. Remember, this is just a TEST RUN, so redoing parts and fixing other things is needed alot of the time. Thats just my thoughts on it.
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Guano, you line the edge of the steam up with the edge of the B button circle (the one with the sword in it). That edge is exactly in the middle of the screen. Its usually how people seamwalk easiest.
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I dont know what you mean by 'can be purchased by text message', but here is a good looking one that works for all 3 systems (PS2, xbox, and gamecube).
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It totally has something to do with the game/owl area. It seems like there maybe a random possiblility of the owl doing something different which, in theory, makes a demo of this not possible to be the same? A demo only records what you input, right? So, if the game randomly desides to change it course of action, then you doing the same input for that would result differently. Idk, something is definitly messed up, though. I get the non-death result, but i will keep replaying and speeding up to get to that part to see what happens when the owl flys away.
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That seems to be a different save than the one used for the demo. It didnt make any sense when it was used with that demo.
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You need the state save with it (.st). We can't play the demo otherwise.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
Atma: its no cheating. Its a legal glitch. you would need megatonhammer for ganon
DemonStrate wrote:
Hey, i just found this out the other day. I dont know if it was discovered already, but im just throwing it out there. When you walk backwards with sword, talk to an npc. When you sheath your sword, you stumble backwards into who you are talking to. I have a demo of this for me going into Mido. Lol. You guys think there is a way to exploit this? I got an idea just now i think im going to try.
mupen says I need a snapshot for this
There you go, sir. :-P. Edit: Also, can someone explain to me how to ground jump? I cant understand how to do it. From the vids ive seen on doing it, you have to sheath the sword while Z targeting while holding the shield out, which isnt possible... Can someone explain? Edit2: Oh, i see. The 'grab' command overrides the sword... ah, i guess you have to do it with an object in front of you then. What button do you press to 'jump' then while z-targeting afterwards? Edit3: Ah, okay, you press back and a then. I got it now. :)
"I think we can put our differences behind us... for science, you monster."
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