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Potato Stomper wrote:
Isn't a lower subpixel value better?
No, the higher the X subpixel value, the closer you are to being at the next pixel = further ahead.
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
In 1-1 (and other levels I believe) an extra right input can be added on the frame after the jump+L+R to get a subpixel value of 96 instead of 80... doesn't save any frames but I like to get the subpixel maxed :P
After testing, I can say that with the correct subspeed value as well as the added right input, the subpixel value can be increased to 112. Which still doesn't save a frame, but another subpixel might (or should, depending on.) For the flagpole glitch to work, many things need to correct. After testing, this is the new list that I believe to be correct: Pixel Sub-Pixel X-Speed Y-Speed X-Sub-Speed Trajectory of jump I will work on getting a list of what these values need to be in order for the flagpole glitch to work with the correct input.
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Marx wrote:
prove -12 = 12
Fake Proof: a = b a^2 = ab 2a^2 = a^2+ab 2a^2-2ab = a^2+ab-2ab 2a^2-2ab = a^2-ab 2(a^2-ab) = 1(a^2-ab) => 4(a^2-ab) = 2(a^2-ab) => 1(a^2-ab) = -(a^2-ab) => 12(a^2-ab) = -12(a^2-ab) => 12 = -12 Fake proof by dividing by zero.
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TASeditor wrote:
The thing you're looking for is called Debugger. Another choice would be the Trace logger.
Thanks. I guess when I ran them I just failed to recognise them as what they were xD
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Post subject: 6502 ASM Output from FCEUX
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I'm not sure if I'm missing anything incredibly obvious, or if something just isn't working for me, but I can't find a place in FCEUX to view the direct input of 6502 ASM code to reverse engineer on the NES. By this, I mean view the commands sent to the registers from the game. As a simple example: LDA #57 Is there a way to do this kind of thing in FCEUX, and if so, how do I get to it? EDIT: On second thoughts, this would most likely have been better off in the FCEUX or general subforums.
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Would this also count as any%? (rather than glitched or 11 exits)
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Warepire wrote:
Demand console verification.
Get me a cart and I'll do it.
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I would like to suggest a screenshot: Frame 1337
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
This. If they'd just give me the fucking recognition I'd deserve in this case :@
But you did nothing.
I helped manipulate the RNG for the "yes votes". That hardly counts as nothing.
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jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
This. If they'd just give me the fucking recognition I'd deserve in this case :@
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I had the idea to submit it on april fools just in case by whatever reason it got rejected so we could call it an april fools joke to avoid embarrassment? surely that was me?
No, me. For quite some time now, I discussed it with Coojay.
How can you ignore the yes vote RNG manipulation???!?!?!?!?!???
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I uh... had the idea to turn on the console? I'm sure the run would've desynced without that.
That was Moth who did that.
Oh yes, I remember now. uh... I had the idea to submit it on april fools just in case by whatever reason it got rejected so we could call it an april fools joke to avoid embarrassment? surely that was me? And I also helped influence the yes vote RNG, surely that was a useful part of the run, no?
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I uh... had the idea to turn on the console? I'm sure the run would've desynced without that.
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Patashu wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
do you fucks know where this TAS would be if I didn't find fuckin wrong warp from BIOS to press start screen? exactly, you're fucking welcom fuckers
I would call that a 'right warp'
I added the left input there, it was CLEARLY a left warp.
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I remember suggesting to press start on the game menu, could you add me on the authors list please?
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I don't know if you have, but have you tested all the positions on the flagpole to see which is the fastest?
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In 1-1 (and other levels I believe) an extra right input can be added on the frame after the jump+L+R to get a subpixel value of 96 instead of 80... doesn't save any frames but I like to get the subpixel maxed :P
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If they are valid RAM states, why shouldn't we, and why wouldn't we allow them? Voted yes.
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sorry for double posting, but after looking for an improvement in 1-1, I am almost entirely certain there isn't one. I managed to squeeze an extra subpixel out of the flagpole (be a subpixel ahead after the flagpole glitch) but it doesn't save a frame. I will have to check if it's possible to get another one out of it, but I pretty much certain that it isn't possible.
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Voted no on the basis of it being slower than the current unassisted world record.
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Give me another decimal single figure number. I'm waiting... Ok, you get my point.
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Everyone makes mistakes. But those mistakes don't matter at all. What does matter is how fast you can press your loadstate button.
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feos wrote:
If no one cares about toads branching I will apply my own decision.
I care. I would be fine with having all of them as seperate branches. (e.g. glitched, 2 player warps, 2 player warpless) because they are all different enough IMO. I also dislike warpless obsoleting warps (why not in other games like SMB if you're going to do it in battletoads?) and I'm not that fond of having 2 player obsoleting 1 player, because you have to game over in 2 player, which doesn't look good. For entertainment purposes, 1 player looks better, because there is no glitch stopping you from beating the game without getting a game over. The problem is, 2 player is almost 2 minutes faster. This tells me that 2 player and 1 player should be split as well. 1 player looks more optimised (to casual watchers), but 2 player is faster.
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I'm fairly certain that the level 3 "level beaten" object can be spawned using just one player, I think I saw it being done on console.
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RGamma wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked, but is a limit of enemies/sprites known? I think there are only 4 enemies that can be on screen at a time, and I have know idea how many sprites can be loaded at one time, so want to check.
oh... I don't know how many times I've read through that page (not recently), but I didn't remember seeing anything. Thanks
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010