Posts for Dessyreqt

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I'll let you guess where the APM peaks
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In this case it's known to crash on console, so it probably shouldn't be submission worthy anyway. I would imagine most usages of the Space-Time beam would fail to work on console.
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What's next? Write Tetris to memory and then TAS that? Of course, the Game Boy version of Tetris would take a little over 9 minutes to write, but it would be interesting nonetheless!
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I figured that was probably the case, but was looking at it from the approach of "equipping Spazer+Plasma is the glitch." That said, I did notice mention of triggering Zebes' explosion in the game resources page, but found no implementation details anywhere. Care to elaborate?
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Since Murder Beam has historically been a part of the any% run (granted this was back in 2004,) would this method of entering Tourian be valid in an any% looking to obsolete the current one? Or would it be relegated to the same category as X-Ray? (29:50 in the movie)
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It's not a matter of whether ice is better than speed; in console runs, they are treated as separate categories, so I would expect them to be treated the same here as well. That said, yeah, Saturn's ice run could do with a little bit of improvement.
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Cpadolf wrote:
Actually, it's a different glitch that allows him to do the second shinespark. If Draygon dies while you are in a shinespark, Samus state resets into standing position and she goes out of the shinespark, but the booster level, which isn't reset, maintains the max level as that's where it is during a shinespark, and when the booster level is maxed you can crouch to charge a new shinespark. So the first one (after the crystal flash) is pre-charged, and can be performed without crouching first, while the second one is the standard bluesuit glitch that allows you to charge a shinespark anywhere by crouching.
Well, I realized that the second spark was a bluesuit, but I didn't realize that the PB combo is what actually finished off Draygon, I had assumed that he just wanted the extra damage to finish off Draygon.
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Cpadolf wrote:
That's not what happened at Draygon though, because he doesn't have gravity suit and can therefore not charge up a shinespark by running at all. It is done by letting Draygon catch you while performing a Crystal Flash. While doing a crystal flash your shinespark timer oscilates between 5 and 1 (for whatever reason), and when it's finished it goes back to 0. Having Draygon catch you breaks the crystal flash unnaturally, so the spark timer never goes back to 0 but keeps oscillating until a shinespark has been performed (or, I assume, until you charge another one), this essentially gives you one free shinespark that can be preformed at any time without any charging up.
I'd just like to add that because he killed Draygon with the shinespark, he was able to maintain this odd property and get a second "free" shinespark which he used to escape the room outside of Draygon's.
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In order to do standup, you need at least 7 tanks, not 6. Also, since you have Varia, you only need 3 to survive Mother Brain. Collecting 4 extra tanks would cost more time in black boxes alone than standup glitch saves, never mind the additional pause you'd have to throw in to take off Varia. I don't see why you want to collect 6 tanks.
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Derakon: what you said is obvious to me. I'm saying that the ETs gotten should be the Crateria tank that's not in the gauntlet, Botwoon's tank, and one of (Hi-Jump, Ridley's, Kraid's) with that order of preference since Hi-Jump seems to be required. However, if it turns out that Hi-Jump is not required, then it should be the Crateria tank that's not in the gauntlet, Botwoon's tank, and one of (Ridley's, Kraid's) At no point did I suggest the blue Brinstar tank, by "obvious Crateria tank" I meant the one that's not located in the gauntlet, since as you said, there are two Crateria tanks. However, it wasn't until after I realized that hi-jump would probably be required for this route that I even considered the Hi-Jump tank as an option. Since Saturn ended up grabbing the High-Jump boots in his GT code TAS, I suspect there isn't a known method for doing the lava dive while missing both gravity and hi-jump.
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The lava dive can be done with Varia and two tanks on console, but high jump is required. Since it's required for this route, I would suggest getting the High Jump tank over Kraid's or Ridley's. EDIT: unless there's a TAS way of breaking into LN without both gravity and hi-jump!
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Along the lines of what Derakon said, since Gravity doesn't provide any reduction vs. Mother Brain's Hyper Beam, maybe it's not worth it to get 3 more tanks just to do the standup glitch. After all, it's not worth it in the current any% TAS, right? AFAIK standup only saves about 15 seconds of realtime, and you're talking about adding 21 seconds of itembox time just to do it, let alone travel time, etc. I would guess that the best tanks to get would be the obvious Crateria one, Kraid's, and Botwoon's. If you don't need Kraid's for extra energy on the way to Ridley, then Ridley's would be better.
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I consider the current RBO run to be the pinnacle of TASing, and you just beat it by almost a minute and a half. Unquestionable yes vote here. It's only too bad that the hardest form of Super Metroid, speed booster 14%, is too boring to be published here.
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Saturn posted this yesterday: It's a 1:24 improvement over the current RBO TAS, most notably from the exclusion of the grapple beam. The escape from Draygon is quite clever. Will he submit it? Let's hope. EDIT: Turns out he did, my RSS reader just didn't show it to me. Hooray!
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feos wrote:
Derakon wrote:
King of Demons could be interesting. There's a Let's Play of it which is how I found out about it. Appears to be a fairly standard platformer, but after beating some of the bosses you're given the opportunity to turn into one of three different demons with varying abilities -- and the transformation sticks until you pick a new one. Using each of the basic demons once gets you access to a super form for the last levels, or you can pick the same demon several times to power it up more.
I have just seen the stream contest of this game and can say that it is AWESOME! And it is almost unknown outside Japan. Here's another full gamplay video of it.
I'm actually working on a TAS of it at the moment, about halfway done. It's getting done in spurts, but it should be done sometime soon.
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jlun2 wrote:
grassini wrote:
im scared cuz of the submission text
The rerecord count concerns me more. :P
The fact that it's slower than this unassisted run by slightly over 10 minutes concerns me most.
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By the way, if you do end up going through pink Brinstar last, be careful: Link to video
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I know what you mean, and that was my initial trepidation with going that route, but when you think about it, you're only really adding 2 falls down the shaft, which is a few seconds a piece. I think some of the extra tricks you can do in pink could outweigh that time, but it should really be tested to find out for sure.
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To start off, I had a 100% file that I used space/time on so I could go wherever I needed to in order to setup recording. Then I'd go to the room before the segment I needed to record starts and change my equipment to match the point in the run that I'm measuring the rooms for. As an example, if I were doing blue Brinstar going up on the way to Wrecked Ship, I'd have enabled Charge, Wave, Spazer, Varia, Speed, High Jumps, Morph Ball, Bombs. In this case I'd probably leave Ice off, as it doesn't speed up anything and you may not have it at that point in the run. However, if I were doing blue Brinstar after having cleared lower Norfair, I'd just enable everything. I have a lua script that I originally developed to help me practice for SGDQ last year. Basically, the script will automatically save state at the beginning of a room, and then when I reach the end of the room, if this is the best iteration of the room measured so far, save a new state. Then load the state from the beginning of the room, output the best time and last time using both realtime and ingame frames. Only realtime frames are used for comparisons. When I'm done with a room, I can press a button and the script will load the state from the end of the best run through the room. Starting with just before the first room of the segment, I'll record the segment I need at 75% speed using the script I just described. The 75% does two things: one, it negates the input lag that I sometimes will notice while playing, and two, it accounts for certain deficiencies I may have as a player. For example, when I started the project I used to have a fairly slow walljump, but I've improved my speed since then. I record the whole room with the script, no savestates during the room. I use entire room increments because that makes it easy to measure, and easy to record. However, this is not a perfect method, as Reeve's recent investigation into the WS missile showed me. That said, I feel quite confident with the rest of my data, and the results generated. After I finish one room, I'll keep going into the next and so on until my desired segment is done. If I recognize that I'm about to do a room that I've already done in another movie with the same relevant equipment (a good example would be the power bomb area in pink brinstar; as long as I don't have spring ball, nothing changes about how I do that room,) I'll just reuse the room time from that previous movie. I have a spreadsheet which I use to keep track of all of the times per room. There is a realtime sheet and a gametime sheet. Room times that are reused are formulas that link to other cells and are marked blue so that I know which ones I don't need to reupdate if something changes. Certain segment times will change depending on where you come and where you go. As an example, all J segments will depend on if you still need to do the gauntlet or not. Thus if you've already done the gauntlet, J1 has a value of 11903, but if you haven't, it has a value of 11811. It is important to note that these values are practically meaningless on their own; it is only within the context of an entire route are the values actually meaningful. Anyway, after I did that for all the possibilities that I thought were worth exploring (My route tree is listed at the bottom of that link) I used a computer program to create valid routes from all the segments (only routes that actually got 100% and didn't, for example, visit green Brinstar twice, were looked at,) assign the proper value to each node based on the other nodes in the route, then sum it up, then append the route to a text file. I then used a text editor to sort the data, because I'm too lazy to store all routes in memory and sort them before outputting. What I linked was the raw output of the program, with my route tree at the bottom. I'm not a SM TASer; I enjoy watching the runs, and I enjoy creating theory TASes using console-type skills, but I only use TAS tools to slightly enhance my own capabilities and remove errors from my output. I'm not really interested in creating a "full TAS" of SM. So take the rest of this post with a grain of salt. For any%, the focus of the run is defeating the four bosses, and Phantoon->Ridley->Kraid->Draygon seems the most efficient route, grabbing whatever you need on the way to each boss, assuming you could find a way to pull it off with the items provided. Grabbing the Hi-Jump energy tank (and not Hi-Jump itself) would be a few seconds slower than grabbing Kraid's, but it may be something worth looking into if Kraid can be done a few seconds faster with Speed Booster. Like I said, I'm not the expert here. For 100%, I'd be even more lost. The only thing I could possibly suggest with any degree of seriousness is what Reeve just suggested: do blue Brinstar on the way down from Wrecked Ship, and do green Brinstar before going to Tourian. You wouldn't have charge until the end of the run, but the only things that appears to change are the Botwoon and Ridley fights; neither change is major. I'd think the gauntlet would be fine to place after Wrecked Ship, since a TAS can just short charge a spark into it, whereas a console runner needs to rely on having Plasma for the topside wraparound. I don't know for sure that switching blue and green is faster for TAS purposes, but it's worked really well for me on my console runs. Anyway, hope that answers your questions.
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Posts: 68 That's a list of the routes I ended up permuting. "fastest without springball" is the racing route I use nowadays because springball glitch is not a good race strat. Obviously inapplicable in a TAS setting. "my route" is the old racing route that I used to use and that some of the racers on SRL still use. It's basically the "m2k2 route" but without springball glitch. The score is the value in frames of the tested parts. The route tree is listed at the bottom. Here's the list for ingame time for those wondering: Anyway, it does seem that going down blue and up green is faster than the reverse. I've still yet to be able to quantify why exactly that is, but I've observed distinct improvements in my times, both realtime and ingame time, by switching the order of those two around. I agree that the result is counterintuitive, but my testing indicates that having springball, screw attack, and space jump for blue speeds it up less than it does speed up pink and the etecoon area.
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LTTP wrote:
Such an easy glitch to do to ge 75 of them there coins :| dam... Voted yes!
That isn't a glitch... rather it seems to be a debug code along the lines of the GT code in Super Metroid. I've watched the run, but I'll abstain from voting for now until I have a more considered opinion as to the impact of using the debug code.
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There are people who would be interested in seeing an improvement. Are you working on one now?
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I just finished watching the run. It's great stuff. Obvious accept. However it does bring light to the language policy. I won't go into too much depth here, but SRL has shown us that actual speed runners will choose the fastest version of a game (within a platform.) These versions may be in English because of glitches or enemy layouts (think DKC,) or they may be in Japanese for text speed (such as OoT.) Regardless, the fastest version is chosen because the objective is purely speed, and it is chosen irrespective to the runner's own native/spoken languages. Why wouldn't a TASer choose a version to run based on the same guidelines?
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I'm quite sad to hear that, your runs always had a very high amount of quality.
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Cpadolf wrote:
A question to anyone involved with the run. Did you *know* beforehand that the door at Crocomire could be opened with a wrap-around shot, and if so how (never quite got how and when that glitch works and not)?
I thought this was actually pretty well known in the SM community, I (and the others at SRL) have known about this for months now. All you do is stand in the corner below the E-tank and shot a charged shot diagonally up. I thought it required Plasma or Spazer, though. Glad to be wrong on this one!