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just meant for changes in path. Like, are there any things TSA avoids because they rely too much on luck
the gambling game is one.
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now that we've seen the legit run, it's time to continue work on the tool-assisted version. Is anyone willing to take on this project? A collective effort would work too provided there are enough people interested.
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20 seconds counts for less than 0.5% of a 1:44:45 minute run. Someone can't beat TSA by just avoiding the blue mail, they'll also have to match him in all other parts of the game. Easier said than done.
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I'd like to see the blue mail skipped
I suppose it's a matter of confidence too, having the blue mail makes you play in a more relaxed state and could make up for minor mistakes made due to fatigue. It's sort of like getting the magical sword earlier than necessary in a LoZ speedrun.
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best was the use of the running into walls trick to get over gaps. Cane of Somaria in the third dungeon looked very useful. Getting the Blue Mail wasn't necessary, but considering the close calls in this run, it helped keep you alive. Playing with half a heart left really did make it exciting to watch, do it again next time :p. No major complaints here, it looks tough to beat.
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The run is up, go download now!
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I'm on it. Found a new trick too that saves time.
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already two more people voted, so that's four more to go!
do you really want random people who might spam, flame, and do other bad stuff coming here?
The members of the DKC board don't seem that bad, but it's probably not worth the chance.
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so far three people's lives depend on this now. Nine votes total. Now give me more votes! I refuse to move until I see at least 15 votes total, that's six more votes, enough to motivate me to work on this the next coming weeks! Also, Michael cleverly worded the choices so that saying no to this run would be pretty much the same as saying no to every run that exists, in which case, why would you be here in the first place? :p
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second movie was the best. First one was pretty dark (to hide costume errors?). I've seen all three in the theatre and I remember bits and pieces from the third, and I can tell you it isn't anything spectacular. I was a huge TMNT fan as a kid, come to think of it I still have a Pizza Hut coupon on the back of my TMNT2 nes game. I wonder if they'd care that it's a decade expired...
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taking a break from this game was actually a good thing. Since I don't remember everything, I started to play the levels slightly different which has so far resulted in two new tricks. If I do this run, I'm sure it will be one of the best looking speedruns out there.
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half-notes in the shape of a pyramid, interesting. :P
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My point is, I dont see why people get upset.
Human nature. It could be that many people assume they are truly great at video games and watching tool-assisted runs destroys that for them; hence, they "refuse to believe". Their reaction is sort of like skeptical people who watch magic tricks and persist on proving how it is all a "trick" instead of enjoying themselves.
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are you primarily perfectionists or entertainers? The answer to that question decides whether this movie should be published. Also, don't forget the highly competed game called Kung Fu, where time units took precedence over entertainment.
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I don't see why it shoulden't be allowed. So for my input, YES - Reset is OK
soft reset should be allowed because it is in the instruction manual, and yes, getting heart containers, armor like the blue mail, and extra items in a real run is useless because you won't need them. The items you get in a real run are interesting items anyway.
you never know if there is an even bigger desyncing problem later in the game. So this can be considered a test.
sounds good to me.
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before letting a user register we should make them take a multiple choice test on the FAQ and forum rules. :P
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how come you have patience enough to explore that, but not patience enough to go on and make a real time attack?
I wouldn't recommend that anyone try a perfect run of this game without planning virtually everything in advance. One of us should pick up on a time attack of this game during the holidays. It would take the same team effort as in LoZ and DKC to get this one done but I think we can do it. Dysync would still be the greatest enemy.
To me it's very sad how you just waste that newly discovered trick to get around the desync without pulling of this with glance!
maybe instead he could make small smvs demonstrating each trick instead of an entire run of the game?
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"the last edited by" only appears when you edit your post after someone has already replied to it. Say if no posts come after this one, I can edit this 100 times without it ever showing up.
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welcome to the Philosophy of Gaming 101. I've typed hundreds of words debating this topic over the past months so I'm not going to get into it again. As I expected, tool-assisted runs have become more accepted and more importantly, understood over time. By the way, if you go back to when this forum was first created you'll notice that hardly anyone called the nes runs "tool-assisted" or TAS runs, instead they were most called "time attacks" whereas now that term is used with caution. As long as there is competition there will always be legit speed running, and no tool can take that away.
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can you improve upon the current dark world route in this thread? If not I'd still be interested in seeing how it would play out, what routes you'd use in the dungeons, how you'd utilize your weapons etc. It'll give an estimate of how long this route would take approximately. Will probably be a pain to make though; only do it if you're not prone to stress-induced heart attacks.
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at the moment, a time attack even remotely close to perfect of this game would be incredibly difficult, and for a few very good reasons. The route we planned out is decent, but it only scratches the surface because we haven't discussed dungeon routes nor explored any possible shortcut tricks within them. There's the complex drop system which the player needs to try to control, and the issue of what glitches to use. This on top of the fact that this game is quite long and to make matters worse, can dysync at any time. If you can make a complete run of this game without any dysyncs, that would be impressive on its own. But since you're not aiming for speed or perfection in your run, I'm not sure what criticisms I can offer.
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if you have any maps or plans, i would greatly appreciate them, cause i am going off my mind and the help of a walkthrough, and frankly, its quite hard since i don't remember all the events in the game or where every little thing is located, so i am rerecording alot.
check the early posts in this thread for maps and route.
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there are pros and cons to voting that is anonymous. On the plus side, people may vote more honestly. For example, it would be hard to say "no" to a run if 9 people had already voted "yes" before you. Some people might feel pressured to conform to everyone else's opinion knowing that their name will be revealed. The negative side to anonymous voting is that some users may purposely vote "no" to a run just to sabotage the author's chances at getting the run published. But these votes are in the minority, and keeping in mind that voting isn't the main factor in getting a run published, I don't think it's a big problem. I'd stick with keeping it anonymous for the reasons just mentioned.
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he's done over 200 runs over a period of months, so you can bet it won't be something rushed.
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