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Are there any possible heuristics to be discovered in the future to "solve" chess, or is it proven that it cannot be solved?
There are at least: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible board positions. and that's just for a 40 move game!
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I used to play Bughouse all the time.
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The first time I fell for one of these was with the classic "What's wrong with this picture?" flash movie. Never before had I been scared while observing a living room...
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How many times do I need to tell people, there is no S in "Brood War"!
I'm just glad nobody responded by saying, "hey, let's make StarCraft=Banned!"
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Post subject: Any Chess Grandmasters among you?
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I can get camtasia to run at near 60 fps on my pc. i could always record it for yu if you wanted me to.
It was recorded live so there's no zmv file to capture from. The actual Avi of my Light World run is currently unavailable for download. I'll post it up again if there's a demand for it.
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actually, you should include the limit signs in each step up until you substitute in the end otherwise they don't logically follow. And yes, I'm being overly pedantic. :P
lim           (x-2)/((x^2)-4) 
(x -> 2) 

= lim        (x-2)/(x+2)(x-2) 
   (x -> 2)  
= lim         1/(x+2)  
   (x -> 2)   

= 1/4
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I couldn't get camtasia to record smoothly at 30 fps, so I believe I had it record at 25 fps.
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It doesn't look like a pissed off post to me. I did this run some 6 months ago so I'm a little sketchy on the details, but I'll try my best. The rom was in fact NTSC, not PAL. I used Camtasia studio to record this run which was very difficult to do and took me a couple hours of messing with its framerate, recording setting etc. to finally get it to record something smoothly without lagging; maybe that had something to do with it. I couldn't use zmv files because they kept breaking after 5 minutes. On the whole though, I don't recall the game running noticeably faster while I was playing it through on zsnes.
Some of your stuff wasn't even as good as mine in terms of movements, yet you got faster on the early segments than a recent "best" run I did...
I don't doubt that your most recent run is better, in fact, it should be. I think I remember flagitious mentioning an improvement to the Light World route so my run is already outdated. I'm not sure what you mean by my movements being not as good as yours, perhaps you've found faster mini-routes through certain areas. What is your best time now by the way?
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Any clue why they did that? Hehe.. Pissing on Russia wasn't fun enough for them? Or they where affraid that a video game would start a war?
Although the Cold War wasn't over when this game was released, the name change most probably happened because Nintendo thought a Vodka drinking boxer would be inappropriate. So instead, on the console he drinks bottles of non-alcoholic pop instead, but for some reason he's still as drunk and incoherent as ever...
remember the flyer they used to distribute with their "pledge" never to release any game that might be innappropriate for children. Hence, once Mike Tyson was no longer a viable spokesperson for a children's product, they booted him and created the imaginary "Mr. Dream."
Also, with Tyson no longer being champion and his contract having expired, it would make little sense for Nintendo to renew their contract with him.
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if only snes9x had Virtuanes' Append Movie feature...
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I bet you'd stay calmer if a guy would submit it -- haven't you ever seen a girl being good at games before or something?
heh, just remember the comments people gave Morimoto.
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Miles Hardison's run of this game is already pretty close to as fast as possible; the clock stopping trick was only used on a handful of boxers, such as Soda Popinski and SMM.
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time units are just easier to compare. Traditionally, legit MTPO world records are of individual times against each fighter and not of complete runs of the whole game.
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the best video game based flash movie I've ever seen was "Rise of The Mushroom Kingdom" which comes in three parts and is found on
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there's already been two submissions for this game, check the workbench forum...
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It seems he kills some enemies in some places, for nothing. That's the main improvement.
I didn't notice that, can you give an example?
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regardless of how entertaining the run tries to be, this will be a time attack that only fans of the series could enjoy. With that in mind, I wouldn't mind it being a little fancy, but a straight forward strat getting a megaloplis quickly would be enough please me. After all, you're planning the design of a city, and not doing insane maneuvers over hoards of enemies.
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here it is:
TSA wrote:
Level 3 - left 1, up 2, left 2 - Red Darknuts: You could have done that faster. Cost you one more bomb overall, but it could have been done faster. You skip the 4...hmm...I also thought your sword swinging was slow at the start...but it could pretty fast for the last 2/3 of thebattle. Getting the key up 4 in Level 1 - You could have use getting "hit" to bounce "up" and move faster. Why did you shoot the Blue Lynel before the white sword? The hit would have moved you faster... I get why you don't get the HC...cuz you're worried about refill time? But in Level 5 - You got the fairy AND the HC was right there. Less than 1 was neglible. I didn't get that. In Level 8 - to me it seemd you used that last bomb on the first Blue Darknuts a little could have used it earlier. What was up in the 2nd Blue Darknut room up 2 screens, that fighting looked less than perfect. Wow...on your Level 6 fighting. Why do you AVOID the HC???? You lost time! You don't "pick it up"... Ok - In Level 7 - you get a key that you seriously could have gotten earlier - far easier. Level 3 - One up from the Red Darknut room - is OUT IN THE OPEN! Just touch it, go back. Wasted...a bomb...on a Wallmaster? Ok. Oh yes - before I forget - Whenever you Up+A you can kill two birds with one stone by switching items then, rather than when you re-appear. You got a clock on Level 9 in the Silver Arrow area...why didn't you use a BOMB there...too much time sword fighting. Also, in the room before - you used a bomb and it "hit" the Blue Wizzrobe - Finish it off real quick. Now you wased "damage" on it...
As for the key glitch, it works by entering the first dungeon, then exiting the dungeon, then re-entering the dungeon. By doing this, the locked door in the first room will become unlocked. It's not faster to use the key glitch, so I suggest you avoid it.
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It is not entirely impossible to approach those matters objectively. Philosophers such as Descartes and Hume greatly pursued objectivity when it came to questions of metaphysics and existence. Whether they did so successfully is another debate.
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be sure to check out TSA's suggestions for improving the current run (it's somewhere in this thread). It's been awhile, but I think slight improvements have been made to the route in the video so it is no longer the fastest possible route. I'll let Michael Fried or Sleepz elaborate on that.
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As a kid I read in a game magazine that if you managed to beat DKC under 1 hour and without dying old Grandpa Kong would surf!!
nope, nothing happens! The only way to change the ending is to get 101%, after which Cranky will give you a different comment at the end. No surfing at all though...
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Didn't the Star Wars kid end up sueing the people who put that video of him on the net?
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